Are you okay?

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    The mall towers over us, shading the blaze sun that runs through the streets.

    The slider doors open for us to enter in which we do. Inside are two escalators on opposite of each other. The bottom floor contains multiple shops that spread in a line.

    People huddle on the escalators with their bags.

   The cold breeze from the inside feels refreshing. Looking at Peter- his sweat drops from his neck and down to his burgundy colored shirt. He stares up to the second floor and points towards a section.

    "Up there, they should still have a few copies of my volume." At a fast pace, we scurry to the escalator and wait for people to get off.

    Looking towards Peter who stands next to me, I watch him shake in excitement and impatience. His head bobs back and forth to see over the person in front of us.

     "Are you worried they won't have the volume you want?" I asked him as we get off and speed walk towards a mini comic shop.

     "I'm not worried they will definitely have it." He gives me a smile. My pace is not as fast as his making it hard to keep up with him. I bump shoulders with a few people before making it to the finish line.

    "Not worried huh?" I whisper to myself as I take a moment to steady myself back on the ground.
      Peter is already inside searching the area. I jog towards him. His eyes scan the old comics while I look at him in confusion.

     "What exactly did you want from here?"

    "It's the eight volume of Detective Dane." His eyes don't leave the table of comics. I on the other hand, explore the area.

     "Never heard of it." It would make sense since I'm not the biggest fan of comic. I read them here and there.

     "Not many do, it's not all that popular but I read online they sent a whole box of volumes today and it's my favorite comic."

    I turn to face him from over a shelf full of action figures. "I don't remember you saying anything about Detective Dan. I got you that whole DC flash guy because you said he was your favorite." Knowing he is busted, he shrugs his shoulder and chuckles.

    "Whoops, I meant...Detective Dane." I roll my eyes which catches a sight of something. A comic book sits sideways on back shelf of store.


    Is the only word I can see from where I stand. Zooming across the room to make sure I grab it before anyone else- not that I think anyone will, I grasp it in my hands.

    It was just as I assumed. Detective Dane and to give it a bonus. It was volume eight. A smile creeps on my face as I turn around with my hands behind my back.

    Walking towards him like a child, I tap his shoulder to face me. His eyes meet mine, skeptical of what I was thinking.

    "What?" He asks.

    "You know what." A slight giggle escapes my lips. His eyes widen in excitement as he takes in a deep breath.

    "No." He says in disbelief.

    "Yes." I laugh, handing him the comic. Thrill fills him as he takes it in his hands. "Volume eight, just like you wanted! Finally! Thank you so much. I've waited years for this." My heart warms up and I feel my legs give out. He truly makes me happy.

    After he purchases it, we walk around the store for the rest of the time. Never a moment of time went by of him not holding the comic. It's funny how something little can mean so much to someone. Like my necklace.

(Miguel O'Hara x Reader) MJ or not I still love youWhere stories live. Discover now