Do i want normal?

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A man with blue and green essence surrounds him. He stares at us with anger.

"Look, we can do this the easy way or the way we always go with you villains." Miguel says. Pavitr swings back to the top of the building, slightly settling my nerves.

Something doesn't seem right. I scan the area as they watch the man move slowly. "Where's the other one?" I ask. Everyone shoots their heads towards me. I freeze, feeling something around my neck, something sharp.

My eyes avert to Miguels frame. If only I could read what he feel. It almost makes me forget I'm about to die. The others are hesitant weather to move or not.

"My brother." The man holding me asks for in a growl. His hand goes up to motion his brother over to which he obliges. I follow the other twin with my eyes, feeling my breath stuck in my throat.

"Just let her go, Mate. We just want to bring ya home." Hobie says cautiously. The twins dark laugh was a dangerous song playing in our ears.

"Guys, just do whatever you need to get them home for good. Even if that means kill-"

"Fuck that." Miguel shoots his web, wrapping it around the twin who hold a blade to my neck. Miraculously, he is able to pull his hand away enough for my to escape. Without hesitation, Miguel pull the man towards him and kicks him into another building.

"Miguel!" I bark at in a harsh tone. The others start to guide the other brother away. Punching and kicking at thin air as he teleports to different direction. "Are you stupid?" He stomps towards me.

"I just saved you! Your Welcome!"

"You just ruined yet another building. We can't fixed the damage we made in other dimensions." The more inconvince we make on other dimenions is the more inconvience at home.

"Why can't you just be grateful."

"Why can't you just be considerate." Something hurt in my heart. Almost a feeling on longing and sadness all mixed together. My face softened under my mask, happy he couldn't see my pain. "You left Miguel, why do you get to come back and tell us how to do things? Why do you get to pretend everyone would understand or that everyone was okay without you? Because the truth is, I wasn't."

I watch his shoulder slump slightly. As he was about to say something, Peter is thrown or direction. He falls to the floor in pain. "Guys, we could really use you."

Without another word, I glance at Miguel who remains looking my way. Feeling slightly better about sharing my feelings, I run fully devoted into winning the fight. The twins both found themselves together yet again. They stand surround around the others, on guard of any move coming their way. This should be an easy war, how have we not sent them back to their dimension yet?

"Never judge a book by its cover." Pavitr whispers next to me, almost like he read my mind. I look at him with wide eyes, wondering if that was his hidden power. He chuckles at my shock and says, "I could read it on your face."

"Can we stop bickering and get this over with." Peter says, slightly limping over to us with Miguel right behind.

"you weak little spiders." One of the twin announces. Brining even more tension in the air.

"Alright, enough talking. Lets play." I run up to one and shoot a web to his stomach. He pulls it with his hand and brings me to him. I send a punch his way and hit I'm directly in the face before pushing his with my off the building. The others continue to fight the other twin as I struggle to stay in control. He pushes me off and hits be in the face. We fall at a rapid speed, getting closer and closer to the ground. I shoot my webs on each side of me, connecting them to, two different building before bringing my feet down to kick him into the ground.

The ground around us breaks, making me feel guilty for ruining their road. Huffing due to adrenaline, I look down to see nothing but blue smoke under me. "No." I whisper to myself as people are me scream and honk their horns.

Moving my body in all different directions, a force sends me into a car. A large indent is left on the side of the car as I struggle to hop off. Luckily the person abandoned the car before meeting their end.

"That wasn't very nice." I chuckle, looking up at the pissed off twin.

"says you."

"What do you even want the money for? Not like your gonna buy yourself enough plastic surgery to fix that face. It's more expensive here than in your dimension." I lie as I hop off the pain in my leg. He sends a low growl my way, glaring into my soul. I shiver at the feeling and smile. "Sorry, I bit much?"

Without answering (which I think is quite rude), he lunges towards me. I move out of the way and feel him teleport in front of me. A sharp pain hits my jaw and ribs. Before I could even process the pain, I use my webs to pull away his arms and tape them to a car so I could catch my breath. "rude." I cough out.

He's gone...yet again. I groan in pain and anger. People push by me as they flood away from the scene. Two high shriek screams catch my attention. I turn my head to see two girls falling from the sky. "Oh shit!" As I begin to run towards them, my feet are swiped from under me. The man holds me to the ground by my head. I turn my head to breath slightly better, only for it to be taken away by the view of the two girls falling

Using every piece of my strength, I push up and kick away the twin before swinging as fast as I can to the others. But, its too late. I could never get there in time, not matter how hard I try.

"No!" I yell, feeling my heart drop as they get closer and closer to the ground. That when something catches my eyes. Miguels large frame catches the two girls and pulls them to the ground safely. My eyes widen in shock, feeling relief fill me.

The girls are too shocked to thank him as he swings towards me. My eyes never leave his as becomes inches from me. Tilting his head he begins to talk. "What's up with you?"

      "N-nothing." I say, snapping out of my trance.

      "Well, where is the other one?"

      I turn to see a missing twin. My heart sinks, "he appears to be missing." I chuckle nervously.

      Miguel pinches his nose, saying something in Spanish I have yet to understand. "Alright alright, find him and keep him as far away from his brother as possible."

     "Why?" I ask.

     "luring them away from each other makes them lose their power."

      I chuckle, "Who would've guessed." Almost sensing his eye roll, he turns around and begins to leave.

      "Good luck kid, don't die." Once he leaves, I feel my heart quicken. Is he trying to act normal around me?

     Do I want normal?

(Miguel O'Hara x Reader) MJ or not I still love youWhere stories live. Discover now