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Hi! I don't know why I'm putting myself in trouble with another story going, but I cam't stand the block I have with my other two running stories right now. So this will be third. 

Now, here's a question for you before I'll say a few words from myself. What are you thinking about plot for the start? Here is from me. It is a story different from my others published and the ones that are not yet. You will quickly notice that... I wonder if you will like it anyway as the action here is ready to start really quickly. That's all from me now, I don't want to spoiler the fun. See you soon;)

There was five of them. Just like ten years ago when they had been also five firefighters in this fire station. Why was it always five, and not, for example, seven as in larger cities?

Nobody knew the answer to this question. Even Chief Fire Officer Boyce, who, despite his advanced age, still looked after his district. And that was the purpose of his visit to Pontypandy. In one hand he held five folders with five names of young and talented candidates whom he would like to see here at the fire station. But first he needed someone to lead them. Someone who had known the workings of Pontypandy all his life.

However, this had an impact on the entire team, which had not cooperated for ten years. Chief Fire Officer Boyce didn't ask Norris Steele what really happened, but he didn't enjoy finding new firefighters to fill those positions. Every six months or so he had to change one of the five. Only two people remained from the old squad. Elvis Cridlington and Sam Jones. But while the first one was still the same clumsy but good firefighter, the second one has changed a lot.

And this was the biggest puzzle for Boyce. A dozen or so years ago, when he first came to Pontypandy on an official visit, he made the mistake of offering Sam a job as captain in the rapid response unit he wanted to set up in Newtown. However, the situation showed that Sam was too committed to serving in Pontypandy. Today, Chief Fire Officer Boyce hoped he could convince him that he should stay.

When he entered the Pontypandy fire station, he saw a black-haired firefighter painting the door of a large fire engine standing in the garage with red paint.

"We still care about Jupiter, I see, don't we?" He asked, surprising the firefighter from behind.

"Chief Fire Officer Boyce," Elvis exclaimed in surprise and absentmindedly raised his hand with a paintbrush to his forehead in a salute.

"Calm down, Cridlington," Chief Fire Officer Boyce ordered. "Where can I find Sam?" He asked mysteriously. Elvis pointed towards the office, to which Chief Fire Officer Boyce nodded and left, crossing his fingers that his plan would work. Cridlington had submitted a transfer request a few days ago, and the rest of the fire station staff wouldn't even be fit to work in Wales' quietest town. His only hope was to believe that Sam would accept his offer. Otherwise, he would be forced to seek help from old Steele, which would mean failing and admitting his mistake.

And that wasn't in Horacio Boyce's style. So he took a deep breath, adjusted his hat and knocked on the office door. After a short wait, he heard the invitation. Chief Fire Officer Boyce opened the door to his office, where nothing had changed for ten years. And the one he wanted to see his old enthusiasm now sat hunched behind his desk, his head bent over his reports. His red hair had faded and his eyes had dimmed, but it was still Sam Jones.

"I was hoping to find you," Chief Fire Officer Boyce began as he approached the desk. "As you may be aware, Firefighter Cridlington has submitted a transfer request and I have no basis not to grant him the request," Sam merely looked up but did not object, so Chief Fire Officer Boyce took this as permission to proceed. "Pontypandy have no legal commanding officer since Station Officer Steele retired, so I am your direct superior," he stated the situation.

"I don't understand what you're getting at, Chief Fire Officer Boyce" Sam asked, confused.

"In this case, I have two options. Either I have to find a new team member, or I will be forced to disband the entire team and create it from scratch," explained Chief Fire Officer Boyce.

"But would that mean?" He hesitated himself.

"That I would need a captain. Someone who has known this city since childhood. And I see you in that role" seeing the surprised face of the younger firefighter, Chief Fire Officer Boyce gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder and placed the files on the desk. "See what you choose from. I'll wait for the answer until the evening."

Sam sighed in defeat. For ten years, it had been painful for him to function every day, and now he was offered to become a Station Officer? He knew that nothing would fix what had happened, but maybe this was a chance for him to break the surface. If Elvis left, Sam had no idea how Pontypandy would take it. The firefighters' crew was completely unprepared for what was happening here, because someone was constantly coming and going.

So he looked at the stack of files lying in front of his nose. He raised his eyebrows in curiosity as he read the results and opinions of the five young firefighters who had just graduated from the Newtown Fire Academy. One girl and three boys. The last folder was unsigned, but it was not empty inside. The young cadet, half a year older than the other four, graduated from Cardiff Fire Academy with distinction.

"A squad like this could make a difference" Sam smiled involuntarily to himself. He didn't know why these five reminded him of his old friends.

Sam opened the door and looked around the hall, but there was no one there. So he went down to the garage.

"Hi, Elvis," he greeted his friend. "Didn't Chief Fire Officer Boyce come through here?"

"He was passing by, it's true. He was looking for you," Elvis quickly explained.

"And now you haven't seen him, have you?" Sam managed to ask before they heard a shout coming from upstairs.

"Jacobs! What's going on here?"

When Sam and Elvis ran upstairs, Chief Fire Officer Boyce had already realized the situation himself, but he was clearly surprised.

"Things are much worse in Pontypandy than I suspected. We need immediate change," he said in a serious voice before he turned around and saw the only two firefighters in the entire station whose work he couldn't fault. "Oh, Sam," he rejoiced, leading Sam slightly aside. "So, have you thought my offer through?"

"Yes, Chief. I'm willing," Sam announced, showing the completed form to Chief Fire Officer Boyce.

"Excellent," Chief Fire Officer Boyce rubbed his hands in satisfaction. "The cadets will arrive tomorrow. Just, Sam," he stopped mid-step. "Don't let me down," he warned before leaving Pontypandy fire station.

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