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Hi! I know it is pretty late, but I promised this one will be out today. So I hope you'll find some time soon to catch up with this chapter, but don't be mad at me as it is pretty boring. Turns out Liam is the most main character from whole story🙈

But, besides from that, I want to dedicated this chapter to @FreeThoughts271. You gave me this idea and I hope I reached your expectations;-)

Liam's phone woke him up from a nap. He must have fallen asleep after he came back from his shift and, now, the sun was already shining high over the horizon. 

"Hello" he spoke to the speaker. 

"Liam? Where are you? You're going to be late?" He heard Sarah's voice on the other end. 

"Late for what?" Liam asked, as he rubbed the sleepness away from his eyes. 

"You for your shift and I for my bus" Sarah snorted a little annoyedly. "Come on, I'm in the park".

Liam quickly gathered his things and noticed that indeed he could have been late if Sarah hadn't called him. He closed the door after himself as he ate a sandwich he had made last evening on his way to the park. 

"What took you so long?" Liam heard how a blonde girl asked him teasing even before he turned around to face her. 

"I had to eat something, didn't I?" Liam answered, pointing to the last piece left from his sandwich, he was still chewing. 

"As far as I know you could eat something at the firestation" Sarah muttered offendedly. 

"Not when Eddie does the shopping" Liam snorted, wrinkling his nose in disguist. "Believe me, half of the refrigator should end in a box with things not to even be producted".

"What is so bad about it?" Sarah asked, bursting into laughter. 

"You imagine that someone invented a butter that tastes just like a burned fish" Liam shook himself in even bigger disguist. "And the only sweets that are in the firestation is vanilia fudge". 

"I remembered I was the only one that used to like them" Sarah reminded herself. "I always got a whole bag of this from Norman Price at Halloween".

"I can bring you them after every shift for you if you want me to" Liam proposed shyly. 

"I don't know. Won't you get it trouble if it starts disappearing?" Sarah asked anxiously. 

"From my friends?" Liam looked at her perplexed. "No one pays much attention to it after all, so I guess I'm safe on that ground". 

"Are you in danger on any other? Except that you're a firefighter, of course" Sarah interjacted jokingly. 

"You can say so, considering that our station officer is pretty..." he hesitated. "Moody". 

"What?" She looked at him confused. 

"I didn't want to offend your uncle" Liam immediately apologised. "And my chief. And.. it is too complicated" he shook his head helplessly. 

"Liam, calm down" Sarah grabbed his upper arm to make him look up in her eyes. "You didn't offend me" she managed to calm him down. "I agree that my uncle can be grumpy, but I don't understand what danger he is to you?" She named it as they continued walking again. 

"You can't understand what he talks, it seems like every single thing has the other end" Liam explained. "Besides now that we have this thing going on" he meaningfully pointed to them both "I don't know how he would react. After all, you're his niece and he is my superior". 

"Good thing is that he is not my father, isn't it?" Sarah teased, gently nudging her elbow in Liam's arm. 

"You're just look alike. You've got the same eyes, have someone told you that ready?" He gladly joined in. 

"Only you keeps repeating it" she teased him. 

"How was your uncle before?" Liam asked without thinking. Feeling Sarah's confused gaze laying once again on him, he explained quickly. "Except of that he was a hero next door. How he was without uniform put on?" He tried in vain to control over his nervous voice. 

"Uncle Sam was mine and my brother's model figure. We loved to play with him and had always a lot of fun" Sarah replied openly, smiling sheepishly at the memory of good old times. "That's funny. You remind me of him" Sarah added. 

"What?" Liam looked at her startled, stoping in one place abruptly.

"You're nice and helpful, but most of all you make it easy to just be around" Sarah explained in soft voice. 

"Wow" Liam was left speechless after Sarah's confession. 

"What?" She looked at him with raised eyebrows. 

"And what about your uncle and Penny?" Liam asked when he cooled his head enough to do so, trying not to sound too interested, while he faced the same confused face of Sarah. "We heard some stories..." 

"Unfortunately, I can't help you much with this. But, to be honest, as I walked through the old articles me and Mandy wrote for Pontypandy Planet, I began to notice something interesting about the two of them. As the rumors where true" Sarah explained. "But you'll have to ask my dad or someone from the old team to make sure".

"That's exactly a problem. We've already talked with two of them and they both told us the same thing. That everyone kept seeing something more between them but they just as stubbornly kept denying" Liam admitted, just when they reached the bus stop.

"By the way, how did last meeting go?" Sarah asked changing the topic as she checked bus schedule.

"We found out who was the victim in that fire ten years ago, but after all nothing new" Liam cut the long story short. "Except that we got to know Chris from totally other side" he chimmed in in a joking tone. 

"It must have been funny" Sarah agreed. "And who was the victim?" She asked curiously, sitting on the bench. 

"According to Ellie, it was Penny's brother" Liam confessed. 

"I didn't know she had a brother. He was never seen around in Pontypandy back then" Sarah spoke confused. 

"You see, we're still learning" Liam enlightened. "Speaking of which, how your preparations are going?" He asked, loosing again in Sarah's blue eyes. 

"I show the work today to my teacher and we'll see what else awaits me" she explained, sighing softly. 

"It will be great" Liam sent her an encouraging smile. 

They sat in silence for a longer moment before they heard the bus arriving. Sarah grabbed her bag and Liam immediately followed her, standing up. But to his surprise she turned around to him and climbed on her toes to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Good luck for you too" she whispered and Liam felt her warm breath brushing his skin softly. "Take care of yourself" she patted his shoulder and, smiling, walked to the bus. 

Liam was so surprised that he just stood on the bus stop waving his hand even long after the bus left. He couldn't believe she had really kissed him. He was as excited as a little child, before he reminded himself that he was standing there, but time didn't stop. 

As soon as this thought hit him he looked up and instantly froze because he just recognized a person who was standing in the window. He noticed the silhouette when he and Sarah reached the bus stop but he didn't paid much attention to it at that moment. But he felt like someone was watching them the whole time and it must have been that person. If he thought that news were bad, that he didn't have much privacy on the deserted street while his first kiss, but there were also worse news than that. It was the window of Station Officer Jones' house.

The shock took over him as he watched how that person stormed out of his possition in front of the window. He was only brought back to reality when he heard siren close to him. 

"Liam! Hurry up! We got a call" Julia shouted  from Jupiter as she opened the door for Liam. 

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