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Hi! I now it's been a little while, but even though the next chapter doesn't have even a word written down yet, I have to publish this one to make you wait for next. I don't know if it will be helpful, but reading between the lines and seeing signs is what this chapter is about... 

"Today" he started informally. "You will have your final test. I was asked by Chief Fire Officer Boyce to finally give Liam the leadership of the team which he deserves" a short applause interrupted his perfectly prepared speech. "And today as a training, you'll stay in the firestation all on your own. I must see how you coorporate together without my supervision". 

"It could be interesting" Chris whispered to Tony who was standing the closest to him. 

"Liam is responsible for everything here until my return and let's see if you have something to do" Sam continued, before he said goodbye and walked down the street, heading to the quey.

"So what is our plan?" Liam asked quietly, turning to face them as soon as he assured himself that their station officer was already at the end of street. 

"Remember one of the first rules Station Officer Jones taught us?" Julia started. "That we are never allowed to dig in the brown drawer in the office" she explained when her friends didn't get what she meant. 

"Until today we were not even allowed to walked into the office without clear reason" Eddie reminded. 

"But there must be a reason why the drawer is so important. Maybe we'd find something interesting". 

With this thought they walked into the firestation through the Jupiter's garage door. They hung their uniforms on their places at the wall, before they quickly climbed the stairs.

"Are you sure it is a good idea? We can get in big trouble if someone catches us?" Eddie hesitated. 

"Who can catch us?" Julia turned around to him while Chris, Tony and Liam waited impatiently before the office door. "We're alone here and our teamleader accepts everything, doesn't he?" 

"Where you are, I am too" Liam answered confidently. "Besides if we put everything at its place later, no one will notice. The door are already open" he squeezed the handle and asked everyone to walk in first, before he close the door after himself.  

Firstly they began to search at the desk. But unsuccessfully, they just found a photo of their station officer dancing with a blond woman they saw at Pontypandy Planet. 

"Look at them. You have to be blind not to see the way they look at each other is special" Julia sighed dreamingly. 

"Don't be a dreamer, Julia" Chris warned her teasingly. "If it was something, then either I'm a fool or our station officer is even more miserable than we thought".

"You are a fool already" Julia snapped at him, while the others laughed out loud. "I'm telling you she was someone special" she argued.

"If so, there must be a reason why he keeps the photo in a broken frame" Tony objected. "You can cut yourself" he carefully moved it to the side. 

"It seems like it surely doesn't matter for him" Julia noticed as she began to look around to find something else. 

They split and searched every inch of the open drawers and empty boxes. They found some empty filles, but nothing seemed interesting for them until...

"I found something" they heard Liam's voice over their searching. "Station Officer Jones must have forgotten his keys". 

"It says "Box number ten"" Julia read what the only breloc adjusted to keys had written on it. "What can it mean?"

"Maybe it is one of  box's number in the lockers?" Tony thought out loud. 

"But which one? We've already checked half of them?" Chris objected. 

"And by half you mean almost every, except of one?" Eddie asked them visibly amused. 

They all gathered around one small wood drawer as Eddie carefully opened it. They saw small rectangual box with number 10 written on its padlock. Without hesitation, they used the key to open it and it gave up easily as they turned it around in the lock. When the lid was opened, young firefighters got to see three brown files, like any other in this room. 

"Seriously? So much trouble for some files" Eddie asked annoyed. "We've been searching almost two hours for...?"

"Wait" Julia interrupted him while Chris, Tony and Liam leaned forward to see the files closelier over her shoulder. "Don't you see? They from ten years ago".

"What three files are doing in the empty locker in Pontypandy, not in archives in one of the academies?" Liam thought out loud, following the box to the desk. 

"I've read about something like that ones" Chris interrupted him. "If the raport is important for a team, it is possible for them to take it back from the archives and put them in the archives in their firestation as it is done with raport till one year ago". 

"I see" Tony started. "But we might have something more important to talk about..."

13th of October 2013

A fire at the cottage house on the road to Newtown. 

We thought at first it was a normal structure fire, but when we reached given destination we realized how wrong we were. The fire reached the roof and it was obvious it had started in basement. The work would have been easier if we hadn't get informed about a person still trapped inside. Even if situation seemed to be a hopeless case, I sent me and Penny inside for a quick check while Elvis and Arnold were said to take care of the fire from outside, keeping it away from spreading. We reached the middle of the house while we heard a shout. I couldn't get there any quicker, but Penny quickly found her way through the rubble to reach the victim. But then it happened all at once. As soon as she dig him out, she stumbled. I quickly caught her and helped her out also securing the victim, who surprisingly could still walked by himself.

 "I remember this story" Tony rubbed his forehead as if he was thinking hardly. 

"From where? You were a teenager when it happened" Chris teased him, but Tony stopped him by grabbing his wrist. 

"I read about it on Pontypandy Planet. It said that it was the last action with Penny Morris. Three weeks later she disappeared from Pontypandy for good" he explained. 

"So we found something" Julia stated. "The shame is we don't know who was the victim".

"Maybe we'll find out from the next one" Chris tried to cheer her up. 

7th of January 2015

A person stuck on the mountain puddle 

We rode in Bessie to the mountains, but Saturn couldn't have found anything under the thick cover of snow which had been falling for few nights in last weeks. We had a hard time going, so considering it wasn't too windy and the snow wasn't falling, we radioed Tom to use some help from Wallaby 2. Unfortunately we didn't calculate the risk properly. In this weather the sensors were not working properly. We almost got lost, but Radar saved us, he showed us the way we should take to reach Norman Price. We found him, but we heard the throbing noise too late. The wing of Wallaby 2 scratched the rock wall too hard and therefore it broke. The helicopter fall down into the snow. We split. Ellie and I stayed to find Tom, while Elvis and Radar walked back to Mountain Activity Centre to get Norman back to safety. 

"So we didn't" Julia sighed disappointedly.

"But we found another answer. Remember what Mrs.Jones said?" Chris noticed.  "The accident deleted one of teammembers from work".

22nd of April 2015

A storm call 

Due to the storm that passed through Pontypandy, we got multiply calls to floods and others disasters made by water. 

"Why is it so short?" Liam thought out loud, but he was interrupted by the Map Screen 2000's alarm. 

"It looks like it was erased" Chris jacked, before he clicked the bottom.

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