39.New chance

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Hi! Sorry for slight delay with this chapter, but it gave me a hard time and for a moment I even consider changing the whole idea, but then the rain came with help and so there it is for you to read.
But what is more important, I want to dedicate this chapter to FreeThoughts271 as you wanted so much to find out an answer to the question from last chapter, so maybe Penny's "surprise" will give you at least slight bit of it, or so I hope ;-)

After her last check-up with the doctor, Penny was given the green light to make a full recovery, so she decided to surprise Andy with the news and went straight to the bus stop to pick him up in person from Pontypandy.

Sam was there for Penny every step of the way, and his relationship with Andy grew deeper and deeper. This put Penny up against the wall, because she still couldn't fully recover from the ten years during which she either didn't see Sam and when they did occasionally meet, they argued. On the other hand, she would have to be blind not to see how hard Sam tries and, above all, how much Andy likes him.

She couldn't remember the last time she even thought about visiting Pontypandy. Previously, she was constantly gripped by the fear that if Jacobs and his colleagues found out what sentiment she had for this city, this sentiment might only remain a memory.
Now, when she was riding the bus, she saw the same views outside the window, and she couldn't help the timid smile that appeared on her face. She got off at the bus stop, which she remembered was exactly the same. She took a deep breath, immediately feeling the difference, that the air in Pontypandy was noticeably lighter and slightly fresher than the air in Newtown.

"Are you really...?" She heard a surprised question behind her.

She turned around and immediately recognized Liam, but Penny was sure it wasn't him who had asked the question. A moment later, she saw a girl with blonde hair come out from behind Liam, but Penny recognized her deep blue eyes as quickly as the girl recognized her.

"What are you doing here, Penny?" Sarah finally found the courage to ask after the initial shock had worn off.

"I wanted to pick Andy up and surprise him," Penny explained.

"I thought Station Officer Jones was still taking care of him," Liam whispered to Sarah in confusion.

"Because he does" Penny replied with amusement, interrupting them. "It's just..." she sighed. "I wanted to surprise Andy," she explained shyly. "I just don't know where to find him."

"Depends on whether he's already eaten..." Liam started, but was immediately interrupted by a single bark as Daisy poked her white head out from behind the green leaves of the bush.

"You said not to say the E-word in front of her," Sarah admonished Liam.

"I didn't think she responded to verbs either," Liam excused himself with an innocent shrug before pulling the leash gently towards himself.

"Who is this?" Penny leaned forward carefully as the white puppy stuck out her black nose curiously at her.

"This is Daisy," Liam introduced. "If you're looking for Andy, he's either with Tony at the Whole Fish Cafe or with Chris at the firestation," Liam announced.

"Your parents still run Whole Fish Cafe?" Penny turned to Sarah curiously.

"Yes," Sarah nodded. "Business is booming."

"How many years has it been?"

"It'll be twenty soon," Sarah admitted proudly. "I'm sorry, but I have to go, I'll be late for class," she apologized and then whispered something to Liam, said a warm goodbye to Penny, petted Daisy and went over to check what time her bus was.

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