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Hi! This is probably a chapter you've all been waited for, but, to calm you down and to save my own head, I wasn't the one who invented the ending here;-) Have a nice time while reading anyway and I hope to catch up soon

Not longer than a three weeks later they got a call from Newtown Fire Academy's office, which confirmed their visit as observers at the climbing lesson. Unfortunately for them Liam's phone rang at the briefing, so they had to make up a suitable excuss for Station Officer Jones. He looked at them surprised, then smiled and then after the tasks had been signed, he closed himself in his office in usual grumpy mood. 

But he didn't pressured them with questions and the shift passed by calmly for  four of them. They sat in the kitchen waiting for Eddie to come and cover for one of them. 

When the clock rang for the end of their morning shift, the three of them - Julia, Chris and Liam said goodbye and went straight to the bus stop. They left on the same stop as few weeks ago when they went to the park. But today, Julia and Chris lead the way as they walked into Newtown Fire Academy and walked straight to the balcony on the second floor that went out with a perfect look for a training ground. It was still lesson time, but two people were busy down there preparing the equimpent near the climbing wall. 

The man looked a little older with his red hair he looked almost like Station Officer Jones, except he also had a beard. As he folded the ropes, even from this height Julia, Chris and Tony saw that he was laughing and moving his mouth as if he were saying something. Probably to the woman accompanying him. Unlike the man, she was not wearing any equipment or uniform, only the everyday outfit of Academy instructors - a white collared blouse and navy blue pants. Her blonde hair was tied into a braid, which she hid under a baseball cap with the Newtown Fire Academy logo well-known to firefighters. She bent over the harnesses, checking something on the fasteners, then stood up and started placing the pieces a few meters from the climbing wall.

She briefly shook his hand as they walked in the opposite direction when the bell rang. 

"Is it just me or is there more people in the corridors than in our times?" Julia asked grumily as they tried to get to some abandoned place. 

"You graduateed a bit more than half an year ago" Chris replied teasingly. "Besides it will never change. The corridons are always full when the bell rings, only not at 8p.m."

"What did you do here at 8p.m.?" Julia asked him confused. 

"I had amendment with Dickins" Chris shrugged his shoulders sheepishly.  

They walked in silence between them trying to find at least three free seats on one of the benchs, but there was no place even for one of them to sit. So Chris lead them one floor higher and showed them a door that must have been before a toilet door, judging by the stripes of stickers still remained on wood.

"We can wait here and get downstairs using the pole" he pointed to the other end of the corridon before he stretched his hand invitingly. 

They sat on the floor and opened their bagpacks to eat something as it was lunch break. 

"Do you think that woman we saw is indeed Penny?" Julia asked anxiously as she walked over to the bin to throw away the paper from her sandwich. 

"She must be" Chris replied. "Otherwise we would spend one more lesson in the academy on which we volounteered". 

"You could have took a shift and Tony could have come in your place" Liam chimmed in. 

"Besides climbing is not that bad. Worse if we would have to spend an hour at Dickins' lecture" Julia wrinkled her nose in disguist. "I wouldn't survive it". 

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