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Hi! I'm coming back to this story with hope to end it sooner than later, but as always life will show ;-) 

But I want to dedicate this chapter to @FreeThoughts271, who encouraged me to write it and give me the idea of what happens here firstly, so Thank you❤️

When they came back, no one of them was interested in discussing the topic anymore, so they just went their ways to their rooms to get some rest. 

But one of them couldn't sleep. Liam was turning from his one side to another, but it was unsuccessful as he began to be only more and more awake. He still couldn't get the sight of that girl's eyes from his mind. They were just so beautifully blue and even if Eddie brought him back to reality on that cliff, Liam knew what he saw. They were familiar, but he yet couldn't realize who it reminded him off.

When he was thinking like that, laying flat on his back, the bight passed for him really slow and when he felt how it was getting slightly colder, he realized it was already time to get up and prepare for new day. 

He prepared a few sandwiches for a breakfast and put on his uniform as soon as his alarm clock rang. He turned it off and closed the door after himself. He slowly walked down the street as it was getting lighter and lighter outside. Absent-mindedly, he turned around the corner when suddenly bumped into some other person. He stumbled and tried to catch himself on the railing, but the stranger was quicker as she caught his stretched arm and kept from hitting the ground. Liam quickly thanked, but gasped in shock when he looked up and saw the same blue eyes as yesterday on the call. 

"Hi" Liam welcomed awkwardly when the girl let go off his hand. 

"Hi" she replied shyly. 

"You're waiting here for a bus?" Liam started, but he quickly blamed himself from not thinking straight. What kind of genius starts the talk with a stranger of asking whether they were waiting for a bus or not?

"Actually, I am. I'm going to the university. Morning class, you know" she shook her book right before her face to underlined what she meant. 

"What do you study?" Liam asked curiously after he chuckled at her comment. He was glad he had that part already behind him. 

"I want to be a reporter" she smiled friendly. "And you are one of the new firefighters?"

"Yes" Liam felt like his face was about to be touch by a really hot flame. 'She remembers me' he thought to himself happily. "I'm Liam" he streched his hand friendly towards the girl, who smiled back at him. 

"Nice to meet you, Liam. I'm Sarah" she introduced herself. " by the way, thanks for saving my brother yesterday".

"You're welcome. That's what we're here for" Liam replied when the bus arrived. "Bye" he waved as Sarah took her bagpack. 

"Bye, Liam" she stopped in the door of the bus as she waved back at him. 

Liam walked to the fire station, smiling all the way. He may not have asked Sarah, though he realized who had similiar eyes as hers. His chief. 

He was rolling up hoses, before his teammates came. He smiled at them as he approached them in the kitchen, drinking their tea calmly at the table. 

"You think the rest of the former team could know something more?" 

"Yes" Tony just briefly trusted in his belief. 

"But Elvis seemed to be the closest to Sam, why someone other may know something else what we didn't already hear?" Chris objected.  

"It is the same as the first time we worked with Julia at the academy" Tony pointed. "You said exactly the same thing at that time, remember? That the girl couldn't possibly know more than we both do. But if it wasn't for her we wouldn't have passed that project" Tony reminded his friend. 

"What does that have to do with that?" Chris replied a little angrily. 

"It is like puzzle. Everyone of us got a different side of the story, but only if you put it together, you'll see a whole picture" 

They ended without explaining when they heard the sound of someone steps coming from the hall. Without word they walked downstairs thinking it was Station Officer Jones, but to their surprise they saw Chief Fire Officer Boyce standing near Jupiter. 

"Excuse us, sir. But what are you exactly doing here?" Liam asked their superior politely but also a little suspectingly. Chief Fire Officer Boyce looked one last time on the Jupiter, before he turned around to face young firefighters with a forced smile. 

"I'm supervising you today. Station Officer Jones has a sick leave for the end of the week. So till then you will work under my command" Chief Fire Officer Boyce explained the reason behind his sudden visit. "Maybe you could wash Jupiter for a start, it looks like the last time he was washed was when Cridlington was working here". 

The order was given so the team didn't have any other option than to wash Jupiter from side to side. 

"Do you think Chief Fire Officer Boyce knows what had happened back then?" Tony whispered to them as they were putting buckets and sponges back on their places. 

"Of course he does, he is a chief fire officer" Chris agreed. "But it would be stupid to ask him. He would for sure warn Station Officer Jones and spoil all our work".

"However it doesn't change the fact that we don't know how to put it together" Julia sighed resignantely. "We could use a little help".

"I know someone who can help us" Liam whispered to them when the last one of them put their washing equipment to the locker. 

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