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Hi! Here come's the end of tunnel action. Sadly it is not the best, rather boring and the fact that I changed the title while writing shows how poor this version is to what I had in mind, but at least it is something, right? And I didn't want to let you hanging too much in uncertainity, so here you have it, enjoy ;-)

"He's been following us this whole time," Elvis assured, confused, as everyone looked around even more nervously.

"He wasn't here when you came," Chris said through gritted teeth, getting to his feet. "He must have gotten lost along the way."

"No chance. The tunnel is straight, no turns. Even a child could find the way," Sam joked, but there was nervousness in his voice. "Unless…" he turned to Penny with a terrified look on his face. "Liam wasn't wearing his helmet."

His gaze met Penny's, and they both ran straight ahead without saying a word. The rest just looked at each other with incomprehensible eyes.

"Just like old times. They don't tell us anything," Ellie laughed dryly.

The rest had no choice but to wait in ignorance of what their friends had in mind, while they ran ahead, looking around and watching their feet.

"We found him here," Sam announced, stopping at the still open entrance to the shelter.

"Sam, watch out!" Penny called out and instinctively grabbed Sam's wrist to pull him against the wall.

They closed their eyes when they heard another bang and several pieces of sheet metal from the roof slid down again.

"Sam! Penny! Are you guys okay?" Ellie and Elvis ran to them as soon as the walls stopped shaking.

"I won't be able to drive through any tunnel for a few years," Penny joked. "Nothing fell on you?"

"Luckily not," Elvis reassured. "Julia, Chris and Tony are safe with Arnold."

"That's good," Sam breathed a sigh of relief. "Now we have to find Liam. Where could this boy have gone?"

Penny could tell Sam was worried. She knew that worried look and saw that he couldn't concentrate enough on the task at hand, but was just walking from wall to wall, moving forward step by step. Penny was walking with Ellie and Elvis, but quickly left to join Sam.

"Sam, everything will be fine," she comforted him. She saw him flinch, visibly brought out of his thoughts, but he didn't have time to answer because Ellie's squeal interrupted them.

"I've got him, Sam!" Ellie shouted at them.

Penny and Sam immediately ran in the direction of Ellie's screams, but stopped in their tracks as soon as they saw Liam lying face down on the ground before Ellie managed to turn him onto his back.

"He breathes" she soothed, and then took a deep breath of relief herself. "At least that much."

"What could have happened to him?" Penny thought aloud as she crouched down next to Liam to check for a pulse.

"The most important thing is that he's alive," Ellie emphasized.

"Sam," Penny turned to him in a worried tone. "Try radioing again. We don't know what happened to Liam to make him pass out, and it's almost always something serious."

Sam turned the knob on his radio for a long moment before he finally managed to get a signal.

"Sam, is that you?" He heard Chief Fire Officer Boyce's voice on the other end.

"Yes, yes, that's me, sir" Sam was happy.

"Are you alright?" Chief Fire Officer Boyce asked.

"Me, Penny, Elvis, Ellie, Arnold and Tony yes," Sam confirmed before sighing. "But Julia probably has a broken leg, and Chris has a broken arm, and Liam is unconscious."

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