The news

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                                ~KYLES POV~

Here I am sitting at the table at my family's old country house in the middle of no where , Texas . This place is all I've ever known , the small town a couple miles from here , the local grocery store , my shitty high school . That's all life has ever been for me , I've never really imagined leaving this place , until today that is .

Me and my family were having an oddly silent dinner until my dad spoke "I have big news boys" I shoot my dad a confused and interested look , maybe he is finally letting me get that ford f 100 I've always wanted! "I'm all ears" I say swallowing my food "I got an offer to be the lawyer in a town in Colorado , the pay is way better than what I have now so we have decided to move to Colorado"

When I say my jaw dropped at this news I literally dropped my fork and my mouth was wide open "WHAT?! NO?!!" I exclaim feeling rather pissed off by this news . My mom finally speaks "I'm sorry bubby , you don't think I want to stay?" I can see the sadness in my moms eyes . She's been bouncing from state to state her whole life , she really seems to like Texas .

My dad speaks again " we all love it here Kyle but we'll be better off over there." I want to fucking cry but I can't , not now . All my life I've made it a point to not show weakness around others , that's how you get hurt .

"We leave in 2 weeks" my dad speaks once more in a cold and almost sad tone . I look to my little brother ike , he's crying? With all of what was going on I guess no one cared enough to get his view on everything. "You alright ike?" I say with a more concerned tone than before Ike sniffs and wipes the tears from his eyes "I don't want to leave" after saying that he starts sobbing. My poor little brother, with that I brought him into my arms and hugged him tightly. I whisper to Ike "I know Ike , i know , I don't want to leave either" before I know it I feel my eyes swelling up . I break from the hug and take off to my room .

I enter my room as quickly as I could , I can feel the tears almost breaking from my eyes . What am I going to do? I don't want to leave ! What about my friends, better yet what about my girlfriend?! My life is here so I need to be!

Tears now streaming down my cheeks I take a deep breath trying to collect myself but it doesn't work , the tears just keep coming. I lay down on my bed a bury my face deep in my pillow, just as I start to collect myself again I feel my phone vibrate and a ping noise , I dry the tears from my eyes and open my phone .

Opening my phone I see I have a notification from my girlfriend, Bebe .

                              Bebe <3

Bebe- hey babe! How was your day?

Me- not so great actually

Bebe- oh? What's wrong, you can tell me anything you know

Me- I'd rather talk about it in person actually
Me- lunch, tomorrow at pockets?

Bebe- I'll be there
Bebe- I love you babe <3

Me- love you too

Bebe- cya tomorrow then I guess

It's going to hurt even worse when I have to leave town knowing I most likely will only ever talk to bebe over the phone after the move .for context me and Bebe have been together since the beginning of junior year so roughly 2 months now . Before that bebe and a were part of the Same friend group consisting of me , bebe , Clyde and Tolkien .

Damn I have to tell the guys too . That's not going to be as hard as telling bebe but it's still going to hurt both me and them . Clyde tends to be a bit more sensitive so I bet that big baby will start balling his eyes out .

He always goes back to herWhere stories live. Discover now