Drunken kiss

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Men . It's been a minute , a fat one . I'm gay that's that , after that day I realized that I never really did look at Wendy anyway other than romantically. She's great but I'm gay .

She has been acting off , I think she is going to break up with me again here pretty soon , I don't really care but at the same time she's still my friend and I care about her.


The bell rang and I'm pulled out of thought , I pull out my ear buds and start my playlist . Walking down the halls the noise seeps through my earbuds adding extra chatter to 'scar tissue' by the Red Hot Chili Peppers . It's relaxing , blissful almost , walking down the halls fun of people I've know so long , they'll never really know me though , they never can .

I've known since I was little that this was never a 'gay friendly' town despite the gay couples popping up here in there the people of this town sick to their roots of homophobia , parents intoxicating their children with these thoughts making this town a not so safe place for people like me and Kenny .

I've witnessed this too , sweet marjione , when she first came out the bullying was ruthless . At one point I remember walking into the restroom and finding Kenny trying to break two guys off off marj while they beat her . I know how hard it was on her , things have gotten better for her as far as I know though. I just don't think I'm stable enough to handle that , not on my own .

I'm pulled out of thought when I feel someone sling their arm around me , I look to my side and see Kyle talking to me not knowing I can't hear with my ear buds in . I pull the buds out of my ear as Kyle finishes a his sentence "so what do you think?" "What sorry I had my ear buds in" Kyle groans and starts to repeat what he said "I was asking if you could watch Ike with me this Sunday" "oh uh sure" "sweet , I hate being alone with Ike he gets really annoying" "pfft imagine" Kyle side eyes me and retorts "asshole"

We walk into the lunchroom and go to our regular table where cartman , Kenny and marj are already sitting . "Heya fellas!" Marj says with her regular preppy tone "hey marj" "hi" me and Kyle say almost in sync . We sit down across from the other 3 , Kyle next to me .

As the group breaks off into separate conversations Kyle leans his head on my shoulder "so how's your day going" he says while sighing "not too bad , pretty tired though. How about you?" "Exhausting" "that's sucks" "LOOK GUYS . STANS A FAG FOR THE JEW!" Cartman butts in "shut the fuck up cartman" Kyle says taking his head off my shoulder , I feel my self miss it's presence as he moves it . Not even 20 seconds after cartman remark him and Kyle are arguing over senseless stuff as I watch in annoyance toward cartman for ruining my moment .

Still sitting there watching cartman and Kyle we are all interrupted by Wendy getting on the mic of the stage in the cafeteria . The cafeteria goes silent as she beings to speak "I just wanted to say something , FUCK YOU STAN, I know you're a faggot . We're over" my eyes widen in horror, tears stinging the back of my eyes begging to come out "knew it" cartman snickers as he crunches on some chips , that was the last straw , I run out of the cafeteria "STAN" I hear Kyle call from behind me but I ignore him , he can't see me like this .

I don't think twice when I exit the building and head home , hot tears now rolling down my face and dripping onto my jacket. I'm not even trying to stop them now , I just let them roll , I know what's going to happen after today , I'm going to loss Kyle and everyone is going to hate me .

I made it home , there isn't a car in the driveway so I assume no one's home. Perfect. The tears now dried on my face , eyes puffy , mom would be worried , I don't want that

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