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The house next door that has been empty for so long is finally occupied. I haven't seen any of them yet but my mom said she wants to go over to meet them later , something about inviting them to dinner .

I've never really cared for needless interactions, I only ever really talk to Kenny and his girlfriend Marj , Cartman too but since the big argument in middle school we don't really talk like we used to , there's always a lingering tension.

I really do like to keep to myself other than that , I would rather be listening to music over talking to this new family . I bet it's just some Elementary schoolers and the parents , so no one really for me to talk to anyway .

Knowing I will be forced to interact soon I decided to take a shower and try to look decent. My hair is always just , a train wreck drenched in ketchup so I'm trying to look good or at least presentable for these people I'm going to be living next to for who knows how long so I at least get a good first impression.

My skin is no where near perfect , I have pimples and acne scars everywhere and not to mention the unavoidable greasy ass hair . I play football and sweat a lot so that might be a factor in that .

After my shower I'd decided to thrown on some baggy jeans and a Korn t-shirt . Did I mention I'm big on metal music? It's the shit in my opinion, system of the down , Korn , foo fighters , guns and roses , all that stuff is my shit .

Most nights I stay up playing music while I look into the nothingness of the wall of my room . My room is pretty normal , I have 2 windows , one facing the front and one facing the neighbors place . My bed is placed right next to the window facing the front yard and my closet is across from There . I have a small desk facing in front of the window facing the neighbors and that's pretty much it , nothing too special.

Normally I would be spending my week end with my girlfriend Wendy but she's out of town this weekend for a volleyball tournament. Me and Wendy have never really had the best relationship, we are always on and off and she's can be controlling. I stay with her because she's the only girl I was able to pull , and I can't be the only football player with out a girlfriend.

I've never told anyone that im bi , Wendy can be homophobic but I really am not sure what her stance is , she gives very mixed signals . I think Kenny has a clue at it but there's no telling what that numbskull is thinking . I mean Kenny thought that marj was really a new girl , surprise surprise it was butters as she started transitioning.

I think I haven't told Kenny yet because he's a blabber mouth , and I don't want to be outed just yet . When I'm ready I'll tell Kenny and then it will probably go around .

Time really flies when you are lost in thought , before I knew it my mom was calling me and my older sister Shelly down so we could introduce our self to the neighbors and invite them to dinner .

Here I am standing behind my mom as she rings the door bell to these strangers home . God this in kind of embarrassing.


I'm in my room fiddling with my markers when I hear the door bell ring , DING , god this new door bell is annoying as fuck. Mom would probably open the door so I go back to drawing , seconds later I heard my mom scream "BUBBY CAN YOU GET THE DOOR" I groan "IM GOING".

I walk down the stairs fully expecting it to be an Amazon delivery man but the second i opened the door im met with a woman with short brown hair , she was smiling ear to ear at me . Next to her was the raven haired boy from yesterday and a taller girl with long hair , she doesn't look too happy , and the boy ,he has his head buried in his shoulders and eyes glued to his phone .

"Hi! Im sharron ,We live right next door and we wanted to introduce our selfs" "I'm Shelly" the girl said ,the woman then elbowed the raven haired boy and whispered something under her breath the raven haired boys eyes darted up from his phone and he began to speak "oh I'm Stan" that's his name , Stan

"Oh um I can get my mom if you want" I said to the woman "that would be nice" "okay here you can come in while I go get her" I run up stairs to go get my mom while the three stand in the living room. "Mom the neighbors are here" "oh dear" my mom walked down the stairs and I assume went to talk to the company , I wasn't very interested so I walked back to my room and went back to drawing . Before I could even sit down at my desk im mom screamed "IKE , KYLE COME SAY HI" "ugh COMING" I walk down the stairs and again am met with the 3 strangers yet again.

"this is my oldest Kyle" my mom said gesturing towards me "and that's Ike my youngest" she said pointing to my brother shying behind me. "Oh honey this is Stanley he's your age!" My mom said In a very preppy voice looking at Stan . " oh uh cool" what doesn't she expect me to say?!

The woman I now know as sharron started speaking "oh we came over to invite you all to dinner at our house , we know how hard it can be to get food during a move so I thought it would be nice" she is grinning softy "oh dear bless your heart , we would love too!" Average middle aged woman conversation

After getting the time all set up the 3 left and I went up to my room to finish my drawing , while I'm drawing I'm playing my playlist quietly when I hear someone start BLASTING Sweet child O' mine by guns and roses . It's not coming from our house so I can only assume it's the neighbors, I hope this isn't a normal thing , not complaining though man has good taste .


Standing behind my dad as he knocks on the front door of the marsh residence, I hate that I have to interact with these strangers.

The door opens and it's Stan I can't tell if he's pissed or just has a resting bitch face like me , the amount of times I've been asked if I'm okay when I'm perfectly fine is ridiculous.

Stan let's us in and he just stands there for a second while our parents talk "do you want to go to my room or something?" Stan mumbled barely above a whisper but I still heard "oh uh sure" . Stan leads me to a room , their house is Identical to ours rooms placed in the same places and all that .

Stan opens the door and lets me in as he walked to a rolling chair in front of a desk facing a window . "So what's your name" he says looking at me "I'm Kyle , what about you" "Stan" hm this is awkward "where you from?" "We moved here from Texas" "figures, you have one of those accents" this asshole! "Asshole" "sorry dude didn't mean to offend you, anyways what's it like down south" he looks a bit calmer now , face softer "oh it's pretty hot like all the time , lots of ranches and that sort of thing" "that's cool , I've been stuck in Colorado my whole life so I always wonder what places like that are like." "Moving here was the first time i left the state" "damn really?" "Yep I've stayed confided to my small town"

After a lot more talking me and Stan got to know each other and he's pretty cool , he's in my grade and likes a lot of the stuff I do . As kids we both watched the same Canadian TV show , I thought that was cool .

During dinner the parents laughed and shared story's while me and Stan talked more , Ike seemed to stay quiet other than when he was spoken to . Poor guy

Dinner went pretty smoothly and we stayed for a bit after and me and Stan played video games with Ike while the parents continued to talk . Over all a very eventful and nice night , me and Stan got to know each other and there wasn't anything too bad that happened. I even got his number! Not in a weird way though , as in a "let's be friends" kinda way .

Ugh school starts tomorrow,at least I have one friend....

Word count: 1577


Thanks for reading , sorry I if this chapter is a bit always I don't know how to write about making friends. Figures because I don't have friends 🥲 except for you Melanie 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
Funny story for those who care , once when I was In 7th grade I got caught high as fuck , it was my first time sooooo ... anyway while I. Sitting in the  nurses office sweet child o mine is play over and over again in my mind . I love that song 🤙🏽

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