The farm

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                               ~STAN'S POV~

Since me and Kyle hung out that first time we've started hanging out regularly. We were supposed to hang out this Friday but it turns out it's my dads weekend so I have to go down to his stupid ass weed farm . The one up side is Kyle gets to come , took his mom lot of convincing , but we managed.

Today flew by like nothing and before I could think twice I'm here sitting in the back of my dads car with Kyle , on the way to that stupid farm that broke apart my family . It's okay though , I got Kyle now

As we drive my dad sings that hug me song from the minions movie .  Ever since that movie came out he's been obsessed with it , it's starting to get annoying, at first it was just embarrassing but now it's getting really annoying. Eventually I got sick of his horrible singing and pulled out my ear buds , offering one to Kyle and playing my playlist . The relief of everlong by foofighters drowning out my fathers horrible singing skills.

Once we got to the farm my dad went to watching football , me and Kyle went off and I showed him around the farm . Once we got to the barn where my dad rolls his joints and drys out the weed Kyle came up with an idea "hey dude, what if we smoke some? There's so much of it I bet you old man wouldn't notice." "Why haven't I ever thought of that!" "Okay you go find a lighter and I'll go roll a joint , we'll meet on the loft" I was off to go find a lighter , for the home of a guy who is constantly smoking there's surprisingly like no lighters anywhere in the barn .

Once I scoured the whole barn for a lighter I decided my best bet would probably be in the house .

I walked in to the house to find my dad not even 30 minutes after he sat down to watch football passed out probably drunk on that same couch . As soon as I walk into the kitchen and checked the junk drawer I immediately found a lighter , after checking to see if it works I darted back to the barn .

Walking into the barn I climbed the flimsy latter up to the loft of the barn where Kyle was sitting on a busted up old quilt rolling a joint . He looks to angelic in the light of the small window , what am I thinking I have a girlfriend?!

"Hey dude! Did you find the lighter?" "Sure did!" "Common I found this quilt tucked in between some boxes and thought it'd be better than sitting on the nasty ass floor" "yeah" I walked over a joined Kyle on the quilt "let me finish up with this and we can get started" "have you done this before?" "Yeah my ex and I used to smoke behind the bleachers back in middle school , she taught me to roll a joint" "that's dope as shit"

After a bit of struggling with the joint Kyle finally finished and we got started , lighting the joint and taking turns with it .

Before too long we started to feel the high and started talking , we talked of the most random shit and a lot of laughing

"Hey Stan" "yeah" "how long have you and Wendy been together?" "Shit we've been on and off since what... the 6th grade" "shit man that's a long time" "how about you and your ex?" "2 months and 3 weeks before she broke up with me" "that's rough" "why'd she do it?" "She was pissed because I told her i was moving, she caused a whole scene in the restaurant." "If you ask me she sounds like a total bitch" "for real , she really was" I laugh awkwardly

Sometimes I forget people have life's before they met me , sounds fucked up but I don't know .

Laying on the floor of the loft in the barn listening to the soft sounds crickets it the background, this moment is so perfect ,  Kyle is so perfect . He's kind , funny and don't even get me started on those eyes . Am I gay for Kyle? The thing I've found myself thinking lately seem to portray that.

Fuck . Am I gay? Laying there contemplating something I never thought I would ever , my sexuality. I never really thought about being with anyone else other than Wendy , when I started to think about girls like that Wendy was already hanging from my shoulder . I never really got to decide that for myself I guess , is Kyle moving here all it took for me to realize this?

I don't know .

As my thoughts started to silence and the blissful noises of the outside world played on my eye lids fell heavy and I drifted off to sleep .


Stans asleep , I can't sleep though . Something about sleeping on a weed farm throws me off a bit . Sure I've slept in a barn before I mean when token me and Clyde would camp out on Clyde's grandpas ranch we always ended up sleeping in the barn because Token was a fucking pussy and didn't like the idea of sleeping outside . Like a barn is any different from outside though .

Something deep inside me told me to get out of this stuffy barn and get some fresh air , so I made my way down the questionable ladder and went out .

The stars shining brightly above the endless rows of weed . I missed the feeling of being out in the country , the fresh air , the clear sky's , the sense of bliss as you take in the vast world of an open plain . That's one thing I'll always love as long as I live .

Leaning against the back wall of the barn , a light sweater wrapped around my arms warming me from the chilly air , in Texas it's probably just getting a little cold , as for me here I am standing in the kind of cold air you get while sitting in a deer blind in the middle of January.

I close my eyes and breath in that's when I heard a groggy voice say "what are you doing?" I turn around to see a messy haired Stan "oh sorry man did I wake you up?" "No I woke up because a rat bit me" I bursted out laughing, a fucking rat "not funny Kyle , it hurt like bloody hell" " bloody hell?! What are you British" I say still dying laughing "shut up" I calm myself down and shove Stan in a playful manner "what was that for?" Stan retorted in a confused and irritated voice "you're such a dork"

The night went on and eventually me and Stan ended up back in the barn in the loft . After a lot of laughing over dumb shit we both passed out .

That's one way to end a day. Not complaining though.

Word count : 1204


Y'all I forget I have to write these ideas down . I swear this story could go like 20 different ways and all end in some ridiculous way .

Anyways love y'all hope y'all enjoy 🫶🏼

-Home less boy 😵🙌🏼

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