Dinner and the day after

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Dinner. It's my least favorite part of the day , my parents asking about what I did that day and it always turns into an argument despite my best efforts.

It's not as bad today though , Stan is here , he's kinda like a buffer keeping my mom from picking a fight with me, my dad or Ike . It's nice to be able to eat dinner in peace, it's very rare for me .

"So Stanley how have you been? You haven't been around for a couple days" my mom says picking at her plate of food "not too shabby." Stan reply's "when did you dye your hair?" My dad hops into the conversation, I'm just observing for the time being "oh I just dyed it today actually, I needed a change" there's an awkward silence for a moment after stan said that , that's my que to hop into the conversation "I actually dyed it for him." I give Stan a slight grin before looking back at my plate "yeah , he did a really good job in my opinion" Stan chuckles slightly before getting out of his seat and heading to the kitchen and cleaning off his plate , I follow behind him .

"Thank you mrs. Broflovski for the food" Stan says before following me upstairs "oh shit" I mumble "thanks mom!" "You're welcome boys , and before you go, " she pauses and makes sure we are paying attention "me and Gerald will be leaving to Denver here pretty soon , so please keep an eye on Ike" oh shit I completely forgot that was this weekend! "Oh yeah! Okay mom, will do" I laugh slightly before making my way up the rest of the stairs and to my room.

I let Stan in before closing the door behind us "so , you still up to watch Ike with me tomorrow?" "Sure man , anything to get away from my dad" we laugh for a moment "oh yeah, Randy's weekend..." "yeah" there's an awkward silence for a moment before Stan speaks up again "so wanna play video games or some shit?" "Definitely" I give him a crooked smile before walking toward my game system and turning it on and throwing Stan the controllers .

"What do you want to play?" I ask Stan flipping through a box a discs "do you have mortal combat?" I pull out a disc case and show him "you bet I do!"

I pull out the disc and pop it into the PlayStation, personally I'm more of an Xbox man but the PlayStation was cheaper so I ended up getting this one .

I go and sit next to Stan while the screen loads "I'm going to kick your ass" Stan says kind of out of now where "what?" Ask "oh in the game I mean" Stan reply's , I laugh for a second "that makes sense".


"HA" Kyle gets in my face and laughs "and you said you'd win" he laughs almost manically , I can't help but laugh too. We've been playing Mortal combat for 30ish maybe 40 minutes but then again I am notorious for having horrible perception of time .

"REMATCH!!! I BET YOU CHEATED SOMEHOW!!!" I holler at Kyle seeing my character (the alien guy) beaten on the screen "bet , but you really just suck at this game" he snickers and I feel my face flush with embarrassment "oh be quite.." I let my voice fade out a little as I look away from Kyle trying to conceal my red dusted face .

"BUBBY!" I jump at the sudden noise , Kyle snickers at me before calling out back to his mom "COMING!" Kyle gets up off the floor and jogs out of his room leaving his bedroom door open . I listen to the barley audible conversation but fail miserably , so granted I give up to play on my phone while I wait for Kyle to re-appear .

As I'm flipping through my phone I notice a text notification from Kenny


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