Wendy again

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"Okay Kyle got got this! The worst that can happen is he says no , even then it's not that bad !" I say fixing my hair while looking at myself in the mirror in the boys bathroom. "Kyle I hope you know you're the corniest person I know" Kenny huffs leaning in the sink next to me "I know!" I retort flashing him a smile "now how do I look?" I ask "you look fine just go , lunch is about to start" he grumbles , clearly annoyed with me , I don't respond in an attempt to not piss him off any further .

I walk out of the restroom feeling more confident than a 2nd grade with a face full of makeup, I walk down the halls with the pride of a lion as I search for Stan .

I turn the corner into the 9th grade hall "there he is..." I mumble taking a big gulp , practically feeling the confidence drain from my veins . I start walking towards him but stop when I see her talking to him.

As I inch closer and closer I can tell they are definitely talking to each other , Wendy is twirling a strand of her long black hair around her pointer finger while she talks to Stan .


"Hey Stan!" Wendy says as she walk to me out of the blue , ever since the whole break up thing she hasn't talked to me and I haven't made an effort to talk to her either , well until today that is .

"What do you want?" I say annoyed by her very presence "well I wanted to say sorry" she pauses "I over reacted , I know you're not gay , I shouldn't have accused you of such a disgusting thing" I feel physically ill as she talks to me like she used to , but I don't feel the same type of sick I used to , it's different, like hear words are rooting corpses with maggots crawling out and making new holes in the rotting flesh

"My point here is , can we get back together?" I'm pulled out of thought when she says this "WHAT?! NO" I exclaim , how could she even begin to think I would even want to be with her after she OUTED me to the whole school! "But stanny" she says in a flirtatious voice , now twirling a strand of her hair around her finger , another wave of nausea overcomes me and I don't respond "SEE YOU DO STILL LIKE ME!" She says jumping up and down , clapping with joy "no I don't" I mumble through the gags , she clearly didn't hear me because before I could even think she was holding me by the shoulders and KISSING ME?!


"No no no no no" I repeat to myself as I watch Wendy kiss Stan , I can't see his reaction but he isn't pulling way .

I feel my body start to tremble and my eyes start to well up with tears , I can't pull my eyes way from them even though I want to . So badly I want to rip her away from him and tell her he's mine and not hers . But that's not true , he never said he was over her , maybe Kenny was picking up the wrong signals , maybe I was picking up the wrong signals . I knew I shouldn't have trusted him , Stan never liked me , Kenny was just messing with me

I feel a warm tear roll down my cheek and my breath shorten , I can't breath ,  I'm being choked by the very thing I need. I cant , I just can't I think over and over again until I can't watch anymore .

I dart off the opposite way down the hall , there's a blaring noise in my ears I can hear someone saying my name but I can't at the same time . The noise is so loud I can't think straight, it blurs my vision as I desperately run down the halls I need to get away from them is the only thing I can think as I run out the front door of the school and down the sidewalk toward my neighborhood

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