Akward avoidance 

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A/N: just before you start reading , I'm sorry if this chapter is really short or absolutely sucks ass . I severely suffer from a disease called 'Icantwriteangstidious' it's a totally real thing google it.



'My head is pounding...' I keep thinking as my eyes unjust to how bright it is in my room. When I finally manage to get my eyes open I am in my bed , I don't remember how I got here , not to mention I don't remember anything after the vodka . Taking in my surroundings, Suddenly I am hit with the urge to vomit .

In a rush a get to the restroom just in time , while emptying the contents of my stomach Kyle walks into the restroom and starts rubbing circles into my back "it's alright Stan" he sits next to me the entire time intill I finally stop and lay back on the floor . "What happened?" I ask Kyle who's now standing up "you don't remember?" "It's all blank after I found my old vodka stash" reaches out a hand to my to help me get up "well I'll tell you in a bit you should brush your teeth." "Yeah... thanks" "don't sweat it dude , I'm going to go get you some Advil" "that'd be great" "kk" with that kyle walked off down the stairs and I grabbed my tooth brush.

After my teeth were brushed I headed down stairs to find Kyle waiting for me while playing on his phone , a glass of water and a bottle of pills placed in-front of him on the counter. When he saw me he handed me the pills and water ," thanks man" "no problem" Kyle seems distracted , what happened? "Hey man I got to get going , my moms pissed I didn't tell her I was staying the night and because I'm skipping school " kyle says putting him phone in his back pocket "okay.. see you tomorrow?" "Yeah" with that Kyle grabbed his coat and shoes then left to his own home .

Immediately after he left I went and passed out on the couch


2 days ago , I was outed , I broke my streak of being soberness and I did something to upset my best friend. Well first things first, 1.) the bullying in not half as bad as I thought it would be , I guess they really lightened up since butters 2.) cartman is a total asshole , he think me being gay is very funny and 3.) I don't remember jack shit about what happened while I was drunk

Kyle's been acting off too the past couple days , he seems very distracted when he talks to me and has been avoiding (?) me .Not to mention he's been talking to Kenny a lot more , like since when we're they all super buddy buddy , I thought he was my best friend .

I have an inkling that this is about what ever happened when I was drunk . Kyle never told me what happened and when I asked him he just changes the subject or makes an excuse to leave , not gonna lie it hurts to just be ignore without even knowing why . I know for one thing he doesn't hate me , that's the one thing he clarified for me , wish he would of clarified the rest for me though, I'd want to know if I did something to hurt him or something like that. If I knew maybe I could make up for it .

"Hey ken!" "Oh hey Stan" "I had a question for you..." "oh sure , shoot." "Do you know what's up with Kyle he's been very distant since I am came out" "damn man , I don't know" "hm... I really hope I didn't do anything while I was drunk" "nah man you're fine" I can tell by the look on kenmy's face there's something he's not telling me , he's the absolute worst lair. "Kenny , please if you know something tell me" "I can't man , it's not my choice to tell you . If anyone is going to tell you it's going to have to be Kyle himself . Sorry man" "no worries , I'm ... I'm just going to got to class. See you later I guess"

He told Kenny .... He told Kenny and not me . Wow man that stings . I know I shouldn't really care that he didn't tell me but I mean ... never mind . It's okay I don't care , it will probably all work it's self out . Well at least I hope it works it's self out , I need Kyle , he's just so... perfect , and I don't want to lose him because of something I don't even remember doing. Fuck , this is why I stopped drinking .


It's been a couple days since ... the kiss and I really hate saying this but I've been avoiding Stan , kinda . I still talk to him every now and then but I can help but be distracted when he's around . I just want him to be close to me and I don't know why, sure I enjoyed the kiss but am I really gay?

I've had girlfriends before , most recently a couple weeks ago . That has to be proof that I'm not gay. I don't have anything against gay people but I just can't be one , not while I'm still living with my parents .

My parents... they are Jewish , like me ,  but they choose to go with the population of Jews that think homosexuality is wrong and all those who participate in such will be punished in hell. I'm not like them , I don't ever want to be like them , they are total assholes *cough* mom *cough* and frankly I don't see anything wrong with being gay , love who you want to love , I really don't give a shit.

I'm just going to say it , I think I'm gay or bi something along those lines , the one person I've really talked to about this is Kenny . He's actually really good at giving advice , plus he really is helping me figure this whole thing out.

I plan on making up with Stan after I figure this all out for myself , I don't want to be a shitty friend to him right now just because I'm confused with my own feelings. I really hope he's not mad because I've been avoiding him , I know it's painfully obvious what I'm doing and I hope he doesn't take my stupidity to heart.

I think the most confusing part of this all is ... I think I like Stan. It's horrible but great at the same time , for starters, he already confessed to me but of course he had to be drunk so he probably had no idea what he was saying, but he did kiss back so that could be something. The one thing that bothers me the most is he doesn't seem to remember anything, like at all . Life would be so much easier if he just remembered, well not really , it wouldn't be just me avoiding him , we would probably be avoiding each other . But really , who's to say it would go that way

Maybe I should just make up with him already get it over with , I just really want very thing to go back to normal.

Word count: 1241

Told y'all I suck at writing angst. The next chapter is going to start out rough too . Bro I just wanna write fluff right now .


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