Tears and moving boxes

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The past week and a half have really flown by , I still haven't told the guys about the move , it's in what is it now , 2 days? I really should tell them but it's all just been a lot lately, with all the packing and the Bebe thing .

At school Bebe has been avoiding me like there's no tomorrow, she sees me in the hallways , wips around and finds another way . In the classes she sat next to me in she now sits across the classroom where I can't even see her . When I go manage to get close to her to try and talk things out she just ignores me and walks faster . All that really does feel like a fucking bullet to the Heart .

So far we have everything packed except for some
Pots and pans in the kitchen . My room is completely bear , I have 3 outfits for the next 2 days and other than that all my clothes is packed too . The posters I had hung up now in boxes and most of the furniture I carved my name into as a kid is already in Colorado.

My dad isn't home either he rented a moving van and took a lot of the stuff to Colorado so when we get there most things are set up .

It really is crazy to me how in a mere 2 days I'm going to be in a completely different state . I'll probably see snow for the first time since I was in elementary!

Dad says it is crazy how different the weather is up there , over call last night he said it's nothing like Texas at all , snow , all days are cloud filled , he said you can still see the stars clear as day there .

One of my favorite things about living in the country is you can go out late at night and lay in the grass to look up and be meet with a beautiful sky full of stars . The neighborhood we are moving to is supposed not have as much land to do that in , really am going to miss this all .

Walking down the stairs for the past few days has been different too , we used to have this big old picture of the Frío river right when you get to the bottom . Now that it's gone for the first time since we got in 4 years ago I feel like I'm in another world when I walk down the stairs .

Not to mention the living room lord it looks so bare now , we don't have the couch anymore nor do we have the tv . The walls that used to be heavily decorated with family pictures and different paintings are now blank like a brand new canvas waiting for the next artist to come along .

The thing that stands out the most when it comes to differences now is the big ass Texas map we had hanging over the bar . It's a beautiful map showing the county lines and roads , it has a lot of the towns on it too including small towns like my own . Every morning when I was younger I Sit staring at it as I ate my breakfast, it was so interesting compared to the dumb shows on tv .

Here I am now sitting in class when I am pulled out of my thought by a wad of paper being thrown at the back of my head . "HE-" I'm cut short but Clyde putting his hand over my mouth "chill out dude , I was going to ask you if you want to join us after school at Tolkien's place" Clyde whispers leaning over his desk and still covering my mouth . I moved his greasy ass hand off my face and said "rude , but okay" Clyde gave me a thumbs up and leaned back into his seat .

The rest of the day pasted pretty quickly and normally , nothing out of the new norm that is my life to report .

Tolkien's parents picked us all up from school and took us to his place where we are now sitting on the couch watching some Canadian tv show like we have so many times before. For years now me , Tolkien and Clyde have been doing this and they don't even know this will be the last .

After contemplating how I'm going to do this I finally spoke up "hey guys... I got some not so great news" Tolkien paused the tv and gave me his attention ,Clyde put down his phone and did the same "what's up?" Tolkien said looking confused "you can tell us anything you know" Clyde chimes in "well I'm sorry I didn't tell y'all sooner but I'm moving" Tolkien's eyes widen and Clyde slapped his hand over his mouth "holy shit man! When , where ?" "IS THIS A JOKE?!!"

More and more questions came flooding at me ,more and more, once they finally calmed down I took a deep breath and said "I wish this was a joke but it's not , I'm moving the day after tomorrow to some shitty town in Colorado" "THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW?!?? THATS LIKE.... THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW!!!" " I know , we leave early that morning , probably won't be at school tomorrow." Tolkien finally spoke again " damn , so this is like the last time we'll ever hang out in awhile , maybe ever" Tolkien looks upset , I've never really seen him like this before .

Before I know it Clyde pulled us into a big bear hug as he started to cry "DAMN MAN IM GOING TO MISS YOU" Clyde got out through his dramatic and wet cries "I know , I'm going to miss y'all too" Tolkien just sat there in silence deep in thought .

After what seemed like hours my mom pulled up in my dads stupid ass hybrid car and picked me up , the ride home was silent other than Ike's iPad making the occasional noise .

Around lunch time the next day I woke up and my mom got us to pack us the rest of our stuff . Loading everything into the car was an emotional and solemn filled moment . Seeing all my life tucking into boxes to be driven to another state .

That night I didn't sleep , I layed there on my mattress on the floor thinking about how much my life is about it change . I'm going from knowing everyone and everything around me to seemingly going to a whole new world , completely different from the one I am living in .

At one point I must have drifted to sleep because my mom woke me up at 7:00 the next morning. Brushing my teeth and combing my hair for the last time in this house , walking out the front door , backpack slung over my shoulder for the last time , driving down the road I grew to know so we'll for the last time . It was all so much .

I put in my ear buds and closed my eyes, the world seemed to fade after that , I was the only thing in a land of nothingness and system of the down playing softly in the background of my mind .

I stayed like that intill my mom pulled me out to show me that we were now leaving Texas . Wow this is probably the last time I'll see Texas for months , maybe even years .

Word count: 1231


Thank you for reading this mess of a chapter <3 btw Stan will be introduced very soon

-homeless boy 😵🙌🏼

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