Sudden realization

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I'm warm , really warm is all I can think as I slowly wake up , my eyes flickering open every now and then .

I groan when my eyes finally adjust and I'm hit with a sickeningly bright light coming through my window shades . I attempt to sit up but fail , that's when I noticed what's holding me down .

Stan . His arm is slung over my chest and his face is buried in my hair , now that I realize this I can't get it out of my head me and Stan were cuddling?!

I slowly push Stan's arm off of my chest and try my very best not to wake him up , just as I go to get up I heard Stan grumble "don't go" I feel my face flush and an involuntary smile sneaks onto my face . "I'll be right back , I'm just going to the restroom" Stan just grumbles a muffled "mhm" in response and lets me go .

I quietly make my way to the restroom to brush my teeth , and again am interrupted god I can't do anything without someone bothering me! Ike is standing across the hall , arms crossed and leaning on the door frame to his bedroom with a devilish smile plastered on his face "so, Stan?" My blood runs cold as he speaks shit he saw us I feel my face flush again as Ike continues to stare me down "it's nothing" I say averting my gaze from his "didn't look like nothing to me" Ike says in a monotonous voice "mind your own business" I say feeling a little pissed off , Ike puts his hands up in surrender "sorry miss pissy pants" I shoot him a glare and he retreats back into his room , closing the door behind him . I thought he was staying at frikles? Eh I guess not , not like I care anyway

I walk into the restroom, finally , and go to grab my tooth brush when I'm interrupted yet again .

I feel a head resting on my shoulder as the person behind me slips their arms around my waist "good morning" an all too familiar voice grumbles as they hug me from behind. I feel my face heat up within milliseconds as I jump a bit at the sudden presence but am quickly calmed when I realize it's Stan . "Touchy much?" I retort , instantly feeling bad and saying "sorry, good morning" still allowing him to hug me .

Stan grumbles again , this time I can't quite figure out what he's saying. Like I can even think though , my heart is going a mile a minute and my mind is going bonkers . The only thing I can manage to say is "um... can you let go . This is kinda awkward" my heart of hearts doesn't want him to let go but my mind is doing all the controlling right now . If we stay like this I might end up doing something I'll regret.

Stan instantly backs off from me "sorry dude I don't know what I was thinking..." his voice trails off a bit and his voice is seems a bit more nervous and jittery than when he initially came in .

"It's okay dude , just a bit awkward y'know?" I say looking at him with an awkward smile "yeah... anyways do you have an extra toothbrush?" He replies while rubbing the back of his neck , I've noticed he does that when he's nervous "oh yeah , here gimme a second" I crouch down and open the cabinet under the sink and rustle my hand around a bit before I find what I'm looking for in the very back corner of the cabinet. "Here" I say grinning widely while I hand Stan a brand new tooth brush "thanks dude" Stan grins back taking the package from my hand .

We both proceeded to brush our teeth side by side infront of the restroom mirror, despite Stan brushing it off I can't help but remember that day , the kiss , the same day Stan said 'I love you Kyle' .

I've tried to forget that day , he was drunk , he didn't know what he was saying or doing. But with his recent actions I can't help but suspect that maybe , just maybe , he does like me back . That would be amazing but I don't know maybe he's just being really friendly or maybe this is how he is with his close friends. I haven't really seen how he acts with Kenny and cartman so I can't know for sure.

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