Stan the twink

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Author's note:
This chapter is all going to be in Stan's head over the course of a week or so . So this is a lot of rambling and one no more than 2 interactions other than the big main one . Enjoy my shitty writing </3


What a week...

My week started pretty well, I had just walked Kyle next door and was laying on my bed thinking about the unconscious thoughts I've been having about Kyle . By unconscious I mean I'm not thinking about theses things on purpose.

As I'm laying there motionless on my bed deep in thought I begin to realize that these thoughts have been happening for a while now , Maybe a few days after meeting Kyle they started . It's been what 1-2 weeks? And I'm just now realizing this pattern!

Okay before I get deeper into the thing I really should figure out the most obviously important thing , my sexuality.

If I like Kyle it could entirely go way deeper , ugh this isn't easy . "Wait!" I say to myself realizing I know gay people . I could just talk to one of them! I bet at least one of them went through something similar , they'd be my best bet when it comes to someone helping me figure this out.

Sooo I got a few options here when it comes to who I ask for advice on this , the 2 most obvious ones , craig and tweek then we have butters and .... I feel like I'm Forgetting someone .... KENNY!!! How do I forget the boy I've been best friends with since kindergartens sexuality? Well it's unanimous, I'll ask Kenny , tbh would I really ask any of the others , I get it they are gay but I'm not coming out to someone like tweek or Craig , butters maybe but when it comes to Kenny there's no question , I'm definitely telling him. Besides he's literally the man for advice!

I should prop ally text him then...


Me: hey ken :)

Mcwhoredick: hey pookie bear <3

Me: lol, can I come over? I kinda need some advice...

Mcwhoredick: yea totally , my parents aren't home for another 5ish hours so i'd say we have time .

Me: sweet I guess I'll be there in 10

Mcwhoredick: kk, see you soon =)

Me: ;)

Mcwhoredick: :p

I slip down the stairs and around the couch where Shelly's dickhead boyfriend lays passed out , just as I open the door to walk out I hear someone talking to me "where are you going?" I turn around with a goofy grin to see Shelly holding a glass of water and walking toward me "oh uh ... I was heading to Kenny's" my sister gives me a look and sends my on my Mary way to ken's house.

After a sweet little walk I'm standing on Kenny's front porch about to knock when the door swings open "Stan!" A little girl in a green and red dress , a well loved dress at that , she's around Ike's age maybe older, squeals "hi Karen" I grin at her with a slight smile "why are you here?" The little girl asks as I notice Kenny walking up from around the corner "AY Karen leave Stan alone" "I wasn't doing anything!" The little grin whines and Kenny shoots me a 'is she lying' look "she's fine man" "okay... we'll come in!" Kenny proceeds to usher my into his home .

Kenny shoos Karen away as we sit on the mangled couch "what's on your mind marsh?"

I pause for a second rubbing my hands over my face before looking at Kenny again "I ... I think I'm gay"

Kenny pulls down his hood and brings me into a hug "wow... I mean thanks for telling me."

"I'm not sure though... I still like girls but then there's ky-" I cut myself off "then there's guys." I correct

"well you know there are more sexuality's?"

"I thought there was only the lesbians and the gays?"

"Surprise man , there's a whole shit ton more than that"


"I personally am pan"

"what's that, do you fuck pans?" Kenny groans and pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance

"I hate when people say that , but it basically means that I don't have a preference when it comes to gender"

"that's very you"

"I know right?" Kenny chuckles before we continue

"so I know I like girls ... and boys and beyond that I really don't care. Well there's no way I'm fucking one of those folks that say they are like objects and shit like that"

"most of those people I'm pretty sure are joking but there are some freaks out there."


"It's not my decision on what your sexuality is but I'd say you could be anything from bi to poly that includes pan ."


"I'd say go do some research and find what fits you best"

"ight , well thanks ."

"No problem man"

"Well I should get going , my mom gets all pissy when I'm gone for too long with out telling her where and why."

"Kk, see ya Monday , text me if you need anything"

"Will do" I grin at Kenny then walk out the front door

I walk slowly down the side walk in golfed in my own thoughts. It's like I know all that shit with Wendy was real but she really is the only girl I've ever Looked at as more than a friend, and lately that's been fading out , I still need her though , she's like one of my best friends even though she can be a shitty girlfriend. I really wish I could just look ahead in the future and just know what I am , no questions . Okay let's do it like this , if someone were to ask me this very second what my preferences for gender are what would I say... I'd probably say .....

Word count: 1039

A/N: heheh cliffhanger . I'll have next part out soon .
Sorry this chapter is like really fucking short! I actually suck at writing about people figuring out their sexuality. Makes sense I really don't know how I figured mine out , one day I was just poly anyways love y'all and hope you are enjoying my shitty ass writing


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