Figured myself out

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It's been e days since .... The kiss and I've really had some time to think , for starters , I was talking to Kenny and he was helping me work out my feelings and we confirmed 2 things

1) I'm bi , well I kinda was thinking that before but Kenny and more importantly Stan helped me confirm that for myself , they helped in different ways though

2) I like Stan , shocker right ? Well I was shocked at least .

Mr therapist over here (Kenny) talked me into making up with Stan before I fuck up things any more than I already did , sooo that's what I'm going to do to today. I'm going to make up with Stan and if I'm lucky I'll make out with Stan (again)

There's one complication in my nearly flawless plan though , I have no fucking idea how I'm going to make amends with Stan . At first I was thinking that I just walk up to him at some point during school and say something along the lines of 'sorry for being distant lately , I was working thought some personal shit . Can we be super best friends again?' I probably wouldn't say the super best friends though, but that doesn't matter ! That hole plan is very shitty and anti climatic , so instead I was thinking maybe I could invite him to something and apologize then. But the problem still stands , where the fuck would I invite him?

Maybe I should just not apologize and just run away back to sweet sweet Texas , I bet Tolkien would let me stay with his place until I eventually cave and come back because I'm miss my family too much . Yeah no that's not going to happen , Stan's too perfect to just leave behind and forget about , plus he's like my best friend.

Ugh I bet ken would know what to do.... HA IM A FUCKING GENIUS ILL JUST CALL KEN AND HE'LL TELL ME HOW TO FIX MY LIFE! With this amazing new plan I pull my phone out of my pocket and find Kenny's contact .

The phone rings a few times until he picks up "hey man , what's up?" "Hey Kenny, soooooo you know how you know how you were saying I should make up with Stan?" "Yeah man , did you do it?" "No not yet , that's what I was
calling about. I want to take him somewhere to apologize but I don't know where." Kenny laughs over the line "like a date?" "Fuck off" "I'm just playing man" "ok..." "so you want to take him somewhere , maybe after , get a little frisky with him" "Kenny you whore , I don't wanna fuck him I just want to say sorry for avoiding him" "boring" "shut up" Kenny is so fucking stupid some times . Can't he just tell me somewhere to take Stan , without all these sex jokes!

"Man but on a serious note you could take him to stark's pond he loves that place" fucking finally Kenny gives me something to work with "shit why didn't I think of that" "because you were too busy thinking about what fucking his ass would feel like " Kenny snickers as I feel my face flush red "KENNY!" "Damn sorry man" "fuck you..." "damn chill out m-" I hung up on him before he could say anything else.

Okay sex jokes now over , I know where I'm going to take Stan ; stark's pond . Maybe after I could take him to a restaurant or some shit . I really just need to apologize to him , it's not even his fault! He doesn't even remember me kissing him , I don't know I'd thats a good or bad thing.

The restaurant part sounds pretty gay and very date like so probably going to scratch out that part , so just the park then! Maybe I can take I'm to coffee after though

Now I just have to ask Stan to hang out or something like that.


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