South park, Colorado

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                             ~KYLE'S POV~

14 hours ,  957 miles and 20 different playlists , 5 gas station stops and now we are here . It really is crazy how much your life can change in just 1 day .

Driving into this small town there isn't much too interesting to notice , they have a whole foods , a questionable looking restaurant and a bunch of small shops .

As we drive through the neighborhood I notice kids playing in-front of their houses , something I've never really seen before . All these houses look just the same, like someone hit copy and paste on one building a bunch of times and just switched up a few colors .

My mom said that we will be living in one of these up coming houses , green with brown trim with a detached garage .

As we drive slowly though the streets I see it , the green and brown home . A Uhal truck parked in front . Mom pulls into the drive way , this is it the first step in Colorado . I step slowly on the floor and the thin layer of ice that layered on top of the concrete driveway crunch beneath my shoe . Stepping fully out a cold gust of wind blows shifting my red curls .

For the first time ever I walk up the walk way and to the door of my new home , I knock on the door to alert my dad that we are here , seconds later my dad opens the door and a wave of warmth hits my cold face . "Kyle! Y'all are here come in!" My dad says pulling me into a hug "hi dad".

Walking into the home I see a few boxes here and there and the 2 large paintings I mentioned previously propped up against the wall . The area is small but not much smaller than the living room of our old house . The kitchen is very open with a sliding glass door leading to the back yard .

Next to a closet near the kitchen is the stairway , I walk up and am met with 4 different doors "2ND ONE TO THE LEFT IS YOURS" I hear my dad scream from down stairs . I walk over to the door and twist the knob , there are 2 windows one facing  the next door house  and another facing the street . The house next door also has a window facing my window which I find a bit odd but that's irrelevant. My dad already has my desk and bed placed in my room along with a few boxes of what i asume is my stuff and clothes.

It looks so empty in here... I throw my backpack onto my mattress along with my headphones and phone. I walk back down the stairs and help my dad out with some of the boxes from the car . I lug the boxes into the house and place them on the on the wooden floor "BUBBY CAN YOU HELP ME WITH THIS!" I hear my mom scream from outside . I walk out to see her carrying a massive box that she can't see past , I grab it from her arms and am immediately hit with the weight of it "god ma ! What do you have in here , bricks?" "Of corse not bubby! Those are the cast iron pots and pans" my mom snickers as I lug the box in to the house

After a bit of unpacking we finally have the living room set up , couch and all . Now for the other rooms . My mom heads into the kitchens to do whatever while me and Ike head upstairs to unpack what we can .

Entering my room I decided to open the 2 windows for a little extra light . The views aren't too great but the lighting they offer is amazing , I grab a box full of my clothes and some hangers and start to put those away into my closet and dresser .

Clothes all put away I went to go hunt down my bedding . Surprise surprise it was still in the car ! I walk barefoot outside out of instinct and immediately regret that "HOLY MOTHER OF JESUS THATS COLD" I scream as I feel the snow touch me . In Texas I would have been met with the steaming hot pavement I've become so accustomed to but nooooo my dad had to get a job in a cold state  . I walk back inside and grab my house shoes from a box and go back out to grab my bedding.

While I'm out there I see who I assume is the neighbor's son walking into their house . He was wearing a brown and red jacket with a navy blue and red puff ball beanie . Jet black hair and a seemingly calm expression on his face , he seems to be around my age .

Lost focus there for a second ! I grab my bedding and close the trunk of the car so I can head back inside . While I'm making my bed I think about my Friends back in Texas , they get to go back to our normal high school the day after tomorrow while I have to register for This small towns shitty ass high school .God  I wish I could be back with them .

My bed now all made and only a few boxes of decorations left , I decided to take a break and text the group chat to tell them all I got here

The 3 amigos

Me: hey guys just got here :(

Tolkien: Miss you already :(((

Me: I know man me too:((
Me: anything interesting happen today at school?

Tolkien: nah man . It was real boring today without you

Clyde: we had tacos for lunch

Me: well of course that's interesting to you ,taco boy

Clyde: ass hole =]
Clyde: shit dinner , gtg

Tolkien: I gtg too ttyl.

Me: okay :(

A very short but refreshing conversation. After that I decided to get a couple more things done , posters up , desk organized, closet ready just about everything. I don't have too much stuff so it was pretty easy . At this point it's already fucking 2:00am so I might as well go to bed .

Laying in bed looking at the window across from my bed . The one facing the neighbors , I don't like the placement of my bed , probably going to move it up against the wall tomorrow. Looking out the still open window gazing into pure black , intill a light turns on in the neighbors house . I can see the silhouette of someone moving around , god I must sound creepy right now fucking practically watch this person through their windows . With that I decided to get up and close my blinds , closing them the light went out , I wonder if it's that boy?

Word count: 1152

Dude I didn't think I would make this chapter long enough but I still got past 1000 . Wow 3 chapters written in a day . Hope y'all enjoyed

-homeless boy 😵🙌🏼

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