First day

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                               ~KYLE'S POV~

First day in this new school , how nerve racking . My mom is making me wear these ridiculous clothes , green Osaka and a orange jacket , does she want me to look like a pumpkin .

Walking in the old ass building I immediately see a few different groups of people at different lockers talking . The most noticeable a large group of girls laughing and giggling about who knows what , a smaller group of 5 boys a black haired boy and a gittery looking kid holding hands and a kid with some sort of disability and the last noticeable group , 3 boys and a blonde girl , the group consisted of a boy with an orange parka covering a majority of his face with the blonde girl hanging onto his shoulder , a plump boy and ... Stan

As much as I would love to go socialize right now I have to go to the office to get my schedule and locker. I'm sure I'll see him later.

After getting my schedule and locker I was shown to my first class by the consular , the consular was odd , he kept saying m'kay, like what the fuck does that even mean? I walk in the classroom to see a old ass looking man teaching the group of clearly uninterested teens . Among the group i spot Stan , he spotted me too and wave me a little wave . "I'm mr. Garrison . Why don't you go ahead and sit next to Stan" the teacher said glaring at me . Among the group Someone speaks out "no introduction?" Mr. Garrison groaned "like any of you even care"

I sat down next to Stan and he immediately perked up "hey dude!" He whispered to me "hey dude!" I whispered back "lemme see your schedule I wanna see the classes we have together" Stan gave me a devilish grin "here" I handed him my schedule, he glanced over it and whispered back "sweet 6 out of 8 classes together!" "Sweet!" I whisper back. I'm genuinely happy I have so many classes with him , I tend to be more nervous around new people so it'll be nice to have a familiar face around . "So what do you think of the school" Stan said in a normal voice as the rest of the class started talking as mr. Garrison just quit trying to teach the group "different ,Texas schools are shitty but this is like another level" "damn" just then the bell rings "here why don't I introduce you to the guys during lunch?" "Sure!" "Sounds good , you have Mr.McKeown next he's just around the corner , see you for 3rd period" "okay" with that we parted ways and I went to my next class

                    ~Time skip to lunch~

                         ~STAN'S POV~

After 5th period me and Kyle went to lunch , I'm pretty excited to introduce him to the guys .

Walking up to the lunch table I immediately notice Cartman throwing a fit , he probably got in trouble for doing some fucked up shit again . Kenny and Marj are having their own conversation as Cartman yells at Kenny , Kenny obviously ignoring him.

"Hey guys" I say plopping down in my seat , Kyle sat down next to me "who's that" Cartman said in an annoying tone "this is Kyle" Kyle gave a little wave "Kyle this is Cartman , Kenny and  Kenny's girlfriend,Marjione" I spout out gesturing to the the people "hiya! you can call me marj!" Marj said in her usual preppy tone . Kenny have a wide grin and waved and let out a muffled "hey" "sorry what did you say?" Sometimes I forget people can't understand ken , I guess after knowing him so long you get used to it . "Oh he said hi" I clarify for Kyle "makes sense"

"so where you from?" Marj says and her and Kyle branch out into a conversation I wasn't too interested in , Cartman was my concern , he's glaring at Kyle  from across the table , what is he planning...

Before I could get back into thought I feel a tap on my shoulder "Hey Stan!" It's my on and off girlfriend Wendy , shit I completely forgot I was supposed to sit with her today "hey babe ,sorry forgot I was supposed to sit with you" "oh it's fine , who's this?" Kyle turned around now facing Wendy who have a sort of glare plastered on her face "Hi , I'm Kyle! Nice to meet you" Kyle put his hand out for a hand shake , Wendy glared and started to speak again "oh well you're in my spot Kyle" what's up with Wendy? She's being kind of a bitch right now "oh sorry I'll move o-" "No stay there . I'll go" she glared at Kyle and walked way to go talk with Red at Craig's table . "What was that about?" Kyle said while looked at me confused "I don't know man , she's normally nicer ."

Lunch went on as normal with the addition of Kyle and we went to the classes we had together. It was a nice day , go to know Kyle a bit more , he's a really cool dude.

While we were in 7th period I decided I should ask him to hang out sometime . So that's my plan , on the way out of school I'll ask him if he wants to hang out sometime , there's 50/50 chances on the offer but who really turns down a hung out offer unless you're like really busy . I'm one to talk , been offered to hang out with Cartman hundreds of times but turned down all because he's a shitty person I don't have the patience to hang out with .

8th period seemed very short , me and Kyle had history 8th and coach Johnson, the history teacher was being aggravating per usual so ww just jacked around all of class passing notes and making faces at each other . Feels like I've known Kyle forever and how long has it been , 3 days? I feel like I can really be myself around him , let loose for a bit .

We chatted about our first period teacher mr. Willie for a bit , he's always been my favorite teacher , always has something funny going on , weither it be getting calls in the middle of class and arguing with the spam callers over who will call who back or talking about kids touching fingers, he's always been goofy . At one point the conversation drifted and I decided then would be a good time to ask to hang out . "Hey Kyle?" "Yeah dude?" "Wanna hang out this weekend?" "Sure man" "my place?" "Definitely, Ike can be annoying as fuck" "I bet , Shelly is always with her rude ass boyfriend so she won't bother us" "sweet , that ought to be fun" "sure will"

The day went on as usual and we went home and all that , one Thing was a bit off though , Wendy has been avoiding me , hanging out with Craig's group more . I hope I didn't piss her off , hopefully she just needs some time away from me . I really don't feel like going through another one of our break ups again

Word count: 1250


Sorry for all of y'all Wendy lovers , I personally strongly dislike her so in this fic she might be a bit of a bitch .

By the way a lot of this is based off my life if y'all were wondering . Like y'all want to know 😒 I have myself a Kyle too 🤭


-Homeless boy 😵🙌🏼

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