Hang out

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One second it's My first day of school the next it's Friday and I'm walking down the side walk with Stan next to me walking to his house .

We plan on hanging out all weekend , over the week we've become extremely close , it's like we just clicked , like I found my platonic soulmate . We just have so much in common and despite only knowing him a little over a week I feel like I can trust him with my life and soul all the same .

Lost in thought I walk right into a street light , BANG the ringing echos through the endless rows of houses . Stan bursting out into laughter "HH-OW DID YOU MANAGE TO DO THAT!" He managed to get out through the bursting laughter and tears of pure joy , I couldn't help but laugh too , his laughter is so infectious. "PFFT! I was lost in thought dude!" "Man must have been interesting, walking right into a light post" Stan put a hand out and helped me off the snow covered side walk , "shit man , now my ass is all wet" "pfft watch where you are walking next time" "nah think I'll just start walking around with my eyes closed" Stan chuckled lightly at my sarcasm and we continued our walk . That's one way to start off a weekend .

The walk to Stan's place was the complete opposite of quiet , it was filled with laughter and the recollection of my first week in this shitty little town . The funny moments we have already shared filling the air with Stan's infectious laughs swirled with my chuckles and tears of joy .

Once we finally got to Stan's place after the 20 minute walk we watched as Shelly got into the car of her 28 year old no good boyfriend Stan has told me about . Stan really doesn't like that guy , says he's a horrible influence on Shelly and always brings her home drunk along with his own drunken self and ends up crashing on their couch .

Entering the house it was silent and the soft light of the sun peeking through the clouds above coming through the windows lighting our paths . "Wanna play my game sphere?" "DUDE YOU HAVE ONE???" "Yeah , after my parents divorced I could've asked for anything and I would've gotten it" "sad but that's cool as shit , I always wanted one of those as a kid" "me too! Cartman had one but never let anyone use it so i was always so curious about them intill I got one a year back" we chatted a bit more as I set up the game sphere with the controllers .

We played for what seemed like days , it wasn't boring though , it was fun , competitive gameplay and plenty of yelling . I played sitting there next to the raven haired boy I was so curious about a week ago, now he's basically my best friend.

In reality me and Stan had only been playing about 3 hours , before too long mrs. Marsh had shown up from work and started making dinner for us after she did who knows what for a bit .

"Boys dinner is ready" putting down the controller for the first time in hours and standing up and walking to the dinner table , my legs were a bit wobbly at first from all the sitting but I managed , I got to sit next to Stan on the opposite side of his mother , mrs.marsh had made meatloaf which was surprisingly very good in comparison to my mothers cooking . Like I would ever tell my mom that though, she'd probably have a cow .

At dinner Stan and I told his mother all about the week we had and how Kenny had been walking around all week sagging his pants trying to show the Wanna be thugs how ridiculous they look .

We talked endlessly about a mere week of our life's that we spent pretty much just getting closer and closer . I never wanted that dinner to end , it was so joyful compared to the dinners I spend at home . This dinner is probably just different because Stan is here , the boy who saved me from becoming a social outcast in my new town . Only god knows how awkward I can be .

After dinner me and Stan played the game sphere a bit more before we retreated to his bed room . I helped him set up a mat on the floor for me to sleep on , the mat was facing Stan's desk , in front  of the window . Looking out the window I realize it's the one facing the window in my room , through the window I can see someone moving around in my room. I get up and walk to the window pulling the blinds shutters down slightly to get a better view "dude what are you doing" I ignore Stan ,  I finally realized who was in my room ,Ike "IKE THAT LITTLE SHIT" "what ? What about Ike?" Stan's said in a very confused tone "THAT LITTLE FUCKER IS MESSING UP MY BED!" "Op imagine , that's your window?" "Oh yeah that's my window" "pfft back when the dope addict used to live there I used to see him smoking through the window" "seriously?" "I'm joking man , a middle aged man lived there with his mom intill he finally got married and put his mom in a home" "oh that's better, better than a dope addict" "personally would rather a dope addict to me the previous owner of my home compared to and old lady and her son"

That night me and Stan talked non stop while Stan played a moive in the background. We talked aimlessly and endlessly, it was like we could be locked in a room together forever and never run out of things to talk about .

Eventually I layed down on the mat on the floor and knocked out in a matter of seconds . Woke up in the middle of the night to Stan throwing his pillows off his bed and onto me , that was something

The rest of the night was pretty normal . The next day we went and Stan showed me around the town . He showed me the massive mural of 2 boys in our grade being gay on the back of the elementary, the local park with a shitty pond in the middle probably homing thousands of mosquitoes in the summer .

As we walked back from Starks pond we ran into Kenny and Marj , "heya fellas!" Marj said as she noticed us walking the opposite direction on the side walk "oh hey marj! How are y'all doing" "good! We were just on the way to lunch" "how about you guys join us?" Kenny chimed in "oh sure , you want to ky?" That's a new nickname , don't mind it though "sure sounds fun!"

We walked to the local coffee shop , tweek and bros , once we were there Stan went and ordered us some hot coco for marj and coffee for the rest of us. "So what have you been doing all day" I ask marj trying to make conversation "oh we've just been hanging out with ken's little sister , ken was walking me home when we ran into you guys" "that's cool , you have a little sister Kenny?" Kenny looked up from his phone and pulled down his hood "yeah" "holy shit you have a face" I said in pure shock of Kenny's face , it was covered is scars and he had bright blue eyes. It hair blonde and very long janky looking .

"You haven't seen ken's face yet?" Marj said looking as confused as i was shocked "no this is the first time" Kenny just sat there grinning awkwardly. "Wow just wow , where did you get all those scars?" "Gained them over the years, mostly from the stupid trips Cartman took me and Stan on"

Stan walked up and placed the drinks down on the table , the rest of the little hang out within a hangout was spent listening to Stan and Kenny telling me about there elementary and middle school life's. Marj chimed in occasionally or add her extra bits to the story's . I learned that before the 8th grade Marj was know as "butters" and "butters" has always been around with Stan , Kenny and Cartman.

After too long Stan and I left and he walked me home. Once I got home I immediately went to yell at Ike about messing up my bed .

Word count : 1451


Bro I can't write , sorry if this chapter feels rushed , I'll come back and edit it before I publish this , probably add more detail to lunch with Marj and Kenny . Not really though.

Love y'all 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼

-Homeless boy 😵🙌🏼

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