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I rush across the room and pounce on my flip phone that was resting on my bed . I flip it open and look at the caller id 'Kyle' is displayed on the small and cracked screen .

I dropped Kyle off at his house about 2 hours ago , he was really , extremely, upset about something. I tried to get him to talk to me but he was crying so hard he couldn't, or maybe wouldn't, speak to me . I still don't know what happened to give him that reaction, I just remember Stan chasing after him at the school . I assume he has something to do with what's going on with Kyle .

I click the green button on the touch pad of my flip phone to answer Kyle's call , I raise the phone to my ear and begin to speak "hey dude" there's a moment of silence then Kyle replies "hey, I'm ..." he pauses "ready to talk if you'll listen" I was admittedly a little excited to hear what's going on , I love gossip , but despite my excitement I but on my serious face "I'm all ears my man" I say into the phone as I readjust myself in my seat preparing to be on the phone for awhile , just as I was going to tell him ti go ahead and spill the tea he spoke again , this time he was a bit quieter , but I could still here him as he said "I think it's better if I explain in person , if that's cool?"

I groan to myself , I just got comfortable , I think as I spin it the side of my bed and stand up "yeah, uh , where to do want to meet?" There's yet another moment of silence, so I start offering places to meet "my place , yours , starks , tweak bros" Kyle finally speaks up "how about starks?" "Sounds good man , I'll be there be there in 5" I mumble as I gather up my shoes and parka "yeah ,see you soon" then there was a *doot* *doot* *doot* to tell me Kyle hung up .

I walk over to my desk and shove my hand behind my desk and feel around for my charger , after a minute I find it and pull it up and plug my crappy ass flip phone in .

After pulling in my phone I pop my head in Karen's room "hey Kare bear!" She pops her head up from behind her bed "yeah?" I open the door fully and say "I'm going out for a bit, just uh stay safe okay?" "Yeah I'll be here" she gives me a little wave and I leave .

The walk to starks pond is long if you take the streets , but if you cut through the forest across the street it's an extremely short walk . Kinda rough though , a lot of brush and vines but it saves me the hassle of paying for a bus or walking the distance.

As I push through the brush and vines and swerve through the trees I get cut up just a bit but within 5-10 minutes I'm spit out on the opposite side of the pond . Across the glistening water I see a familiar green hat , and the same red curls poking out here at there .

I start the short walk around the pond to the bench where Kyle is waiting for me , the second I get there I slow my pace so he won't hear me and slowly creep up behind him . 1...2...3! "BAH" I scream behind Kyle , "AHHH!!!" He yelps and jumps from his seat on the bench he quickly whips around and looks me dead in the eyes ,he raises his hand and clenches the clothes over the spot where his heart is "holy fuck Kenny!" He screams playfully at me "you scared the living shit out of me!" He adds . I start hysterically laughing , and slapping my knee "fuck yeah I did!" Kyle doesn't respond , he just scowls at me as he watches me laugh .

I manage to calm myself down and wipe the tears of pure joy from my eyes, I finally get a good look at him , his eyes are red and puffy he's been crying is all I can think . I rip my joking manner from myself when I see this and prepare for a serious conversation "okay man my bad, you wanted to talk" I walk around the bench and sit down , patting the spot next to me "sit , sit my dear friend" Kyle continues to scowl but sits down next to me , I watch as the scowl fades and his face softens "I saw Stan and Wendy kissing" "shiiiiit" I grumble as I sink my body into the bench "maybe I was wrong about him liking you" Kyle looks me dead in the eyes and basically growls "no fucking shit Sherlock" I laugh nervously, this might me the first time I guessed wrong in this kind of thing.

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