Bleached blonde

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I groan and pick up my phone as I rub my eyes into vision , I look at the screen and see Stan is calling. I pick up the phone
"Ugh Stan it's ... 7:00 in the fucking morning . What could you possibly want from me"
"Sorry dude . I need your help though, can I come over ?"
I sigh "let me get dressed..."
"Sweet, Shelly is dropping me off be there in 15"
"See ya"

I hauled myself out of my bed and made my way to the stair case so I could tell to my mom "MA!! STAN'S COMING OVER" "okay bubby, I'm going shopping anyway , you two watch Ike" I groaned yet again "ookayyy"

I walked over to the restroom and pulled my hair out of the bun I had it in , thank god I put it up , if I didn't I'd be screwed , a tangled mess I tell you.I brush my teeth and wash my face . Finally I got throw on an old black t-shirt and some green cargo shorts.

Not even 10 seconds after I finished getting dressed there was a knock on the door. I rushed down the stairs and opened the door to find Stan grinning ear to ear holding a plastic grocery bag with some sort of box poking through the bag.

"Hey man" Stan said grinning goofily "what did you need help with?" Stan held up the bag "long story short I need you to help bleach my hair" I look at him quizzically "are you joking?" "Nope , totally serious." "Okay but why?" "I woke up this morning and my mom mistaked me for my dad . I don't wanna look like that dip-shit so I'm bleaching my hair" "Stan you don't look like your dad , like at all" "fibber, I'm still bleaching it" "ugh fine, come in" I moved to the side allowing him to enter my home.

"We'll get started here in a bit. I'm actually fucking starving . anyways did you just freak out because your hair is black?" "Uhhhhhhhhh... im going to got with no..." "do you want me to make you something to eat or are you going to stand around looking dumb all day" "food sounds nice" "okay great , can you go get Ike for me , his room is across the hall from mine ." "Bet" Stan then slightly jogged up the stairs disappearing momentarily into my home before remerging with my little shit of a brother .

I say my usual good morning to Ike  and he goes and sits on the couch to watch some un-intelligible tv show . Mean while Stan went and sat on the bar in the kitchen where I was . As I feel Stan's stare rest on me I get started on some scrambled eggs and pancakes. I'm not much of a pancake guy but it's one of the few foods I can make on short notice.

A few more minutes of frying and flipping and the food is done , I get down the plates from the cabinet and plate the food for myself , Ike and Stan . I put the plates down on the bar where Stan is sitting and go around to sit next to him "Ike foods ready" and within seconds my kid brother is climbing onto the stool next to me . We eat in silence , not uncomfortable silence but they kind that smooths your ever worrying nerves , it's nice.

After we eat Ike goes back to the couch as Stan stares at the bag of hair products "you ready or do you want to wait a bit?" I say with a weak smile plastered on my face "you know this is a really big change, maybe we should wait a bit before I commit fully..." Stan looks tense , I can tell there's something he's not telling me , I don't feel like pushing it though "that's fine, how about we go for a walk then if you are ready when we come back we can start" "bet" Stan loosens up a bit and shoots me a giddy smile , he's like a kid when he's happy , so full of joy and all the wondrous things of the world.


I've spent the last week or so thinking... a lot about what Kyle said "I like blondes" I know I shouldn't change myself for him but there's other factors going into play with this , my mom really did mistake me for my father this morning , that didn't set well with me .

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