Chapter 31-35

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Chapter 31 Unhappy reunion dinner Everyone at dinner... On the
  first day of the Lunar New Year, here in Sichuan Province, there is a reunion dinner, basically Just eating glutinous rice balls, usually at home, even if you haven't finished the New Year's Eve dinner last night, you will eat it yourself.
  However, it cannot be used to entertain guests.
  Originally, the eldest aunt didn't want to get together this year. After all, food is so expensive now, and she really didn't want to take out things to entertain guests.
  Of course, after seeing what Mu Qing and the others brought from their home, this little care was gone. Mu Qing and the others took a box of fruits and vegetables, and a few catties of pork belly. These things are enough to make a table of good dishes.
  The eldest aunt's eyes lit up when she saw what Mu's mother brought. Of course, she knew that it must not have been brought by Zhang Baolai's work, so it must be kept at home.
  She heard from Boss Zhang that her niece Mu Qing came back to the mountains to open a homestay. At that time, Boss Zhang was a little worried that her niece would lose money. It seemed that this thing belonged to Mu Qing. But because she has never been to Mu Xinxiu's house, the eldest aunt is still not sure.
  However, this established the status of Mu Qing's family in her eyes.
  "Xiuxiu, do you still have these dishes in your house?" Mu's mother and auntie are cooking in the kitchen, and auntie is cooking a pot. Now they don't use natural gas, but use the most primitive stove.
  "These are all brought out by Mu Mu, and I don't know about them." Mu's mother answered strictly according to what her daughter said, and she couldn't tell others about the things in her home.
  "Then look, can you sell us some, and we can exchange it with grain." The aunt said.
  "Sister-in-law, I can't be the master of this, it's Mu Mu's thing." Mu's mother really can't be the master. Everything in the house belongs to Mu Qing. It's embarrassing enough for a big family to rely on other people's children to support them. , she couldn't figure it out.
  "Oh..." The aunt doesn't want to buy it now, but just wants to make sure that they really have it at home. They are all relatives. If they want to change it in the future, they should agree, and they won't take advantage of them.
  The eldest aunt is from Wuzhen Town next to Liuzhen, and her name is Shu Zhi. Back then, marrying an uncle was considered a low marriage, but it was only because of a previous marriage, the husband died, and there was only one son left, so she married the uncle.
  In the end, Mu Qing and his family didn't bring the things to the table, and there was no reason to serve the guests directly with the things brought by the guests.
  However, because this year's uncle's family killed a new year's pig, there are a lot of meat dishes. It's just that Mu Qing still ate very little, it's really hard to describe the taste.
  But Mu Qing's family ate like this, because now the seasoning is gradually lacking, and the meat dishes without seasoning are really indescribable.
  The family of the second uncle and the eldest aunt are quite satisfied with the food. Although everyone is still not short of food, and they eat more reservedly, it has been a long time since they have eaten meat so happily, so the meals on the whole table are quite good. Not one bit left.
  Although the meals at Uncle’s house are abundantSheng, but this taste is a bit hard to describe. Although they have been washed, the clothes are still dirty. Now the water is full of volcanic ash, and they are still dirty after washing. There is no way.
  Then there is the smell of sulfur on the table, which is obviously washed with water from the river.
  The people at the dinner table were a bit cramped compared to the cleanliness of Mu Qing's family. The uncle's family had also cleaned up carefully for the sake of hospitality. But it was still not as clean as Mu Qing and his family, who smelled like flowers all over their bodies.
  "Baolai's family, is there no shortage of water in your house?" The eldest aunt looked at the very clean hands of her husband's younger brother's family, and then couldn't help but speak.
  "Mu Qing installed a purifier before, and it was quite useful." Dad Zhang answered.
  Everything belongs to Mu Qing, what else can the auntie say. What she eats is hers, what she uses is hers, and the family of the co-author and younger brother all rely on
  this niece? Isn't the younger brother in the construction team?
  But after hearing what Dad Zhang said, everyone didn't have any ideas. As for why, it would involve Mu Qing's background.
  Mu Qing was originally Zhang Baolai's biological daughter, but she was too poor more than 20 years ago, so she found someone to send her to a distant family with no children in the capital.
  So for Mu Qing, they are not close enough. Since they are not close enough, it is difficult to say a lot of things.
  "Then Mu Qing is really capable!" The aunt smiled, and then praised Mu Qing from head to toe.
  Mu Qing just listened, showing courtesy for nothing, rape or steal. You know, my aunt used to always say that she had forgotten her roots, and then she also said that she didn't recognize her parents.
  "Then little brother, do you still have mineral water at home?" The eldest aunt finally asked.
  Mu Qing and Zhang's father naturally refused. They all drank water from the purifier at home. As for mineral water, Mu Qing put two boxes in each room, but it was Mu Qing's, and they thought it was all there was. , of course it cannot be given out.
  As for other water and beverages, they are all locked in the warehouse, and Mu Qing has to look at them every day. It can be said that Mu Qing knows his supplies like the back of his hand.
  But Zhang Dad and the others didn't know that they still had mineral water at home.
  It can be said that Zhang's father was busy with the construction site for the previous month. Mu's mother, on the other hand, was busy with burning charcoal and family affairs. Neither of them hoarded supplies, mainly because they did not lack anything. The 10,000 catties of food at home also gave them confidence.
  In the end, the eldest aunt still asked what she wanted to ask the most today, whether she could arrange her eldest son to join the construction team in Wuzhen.
  "Sister-in-law, Shu Qing is not in good health. The work of the construction team is too hard. You should wait and see. There must be a new job in the future." Zhang's father refused without thinking. A four-year-old goes to a construction site, and no one wants a guy in his early twenties.
  Shu Zhi was not satisfied with the reaction of the younger brother's family, but thinking about the box of fruits, vegetables and meat, at least it didn't show on her face.
  After the two families had dinner, Mu Qing's family drove home. As for how the aunt got home, they didn't ask.
  The main reason is that because of the repair of the house, Zhang's father failed to ask them to borrow money, so their family is really not close to the aunt.
  Moreover, her mother and aunt had a very unpleasant fight back then, because of what, Mu Qing didn't know, nor was she interested.
  It’s all about the end of the world, and the focus of life must be on enjoyment, no, it’s on production.
  They went home after noon, and Grandma Mu had packed up the house, and everyone had a big glass of passion fruit honey water to drink.
  The two younger brothers were exhausted stretched out on the sofa. It was really because it was too hot outside, and they really lost their appetite at all.
  Now that he drank a little ice water, he was resurrected with full blood.
  But knowing that grandma was going to the aunt's house, they fell into sorrow again. It was really too hot outside, and they really didn't want to go out. But they don't have the high status of their sister in the family, so it's impossible not to go.
  Yes, Mu Qing is not going to go there, otherwise, the mother and daughter will think of some way to take advantage of it.
  Only Mu Qing stayed in the family, and she took the opportunity to transfer some of the things accumulated in her space to the cold storage, and then put some in the refrigerator.
  Fill up the inventory again, and then let it go.
  On the other hand, Mama Mu and her party of six brought a box of grain to Lin Rongrong's house, but they were not very well received. Although in previous years, everyone defaulted to coming to their house in the afternoon, but this year is different, food is so precious, who wants to take it out to entertain guests.
  Ao Mu also came back two days ago, the situation in the government is not good now, he is not in a good mood, and he is also a little confused about the future.

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