Chapter 66-70

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Chapter 66 Mortality rate reaches 3% Don’t be petty all day long...
  Today is 8:00 am on April 1, 2121
  At this time, it has been three full months since the end of the world began here, and the country has released this time The death toll was followed by a three-minute silence across the country.
  In the past three months, human beings have gone through a difficult social reorganization. In three months, they may have accomplished three years of work. Seeing how busy Mu Ma and Zhang Pa are, you can know the current state of society.
  The national leaders turned gray all night, exhaustion written all over their faces.
  When 42 million people were read out, everyone couldn't believe it. You must know that only 30 million people died in the 14-year war of resistance in China.
  But this is the case, 42 million people died within three months, most of them were elderly people, and there were also various people who died suddenly at work due to high temperature, and various soldiers who rescued and fought against disasters.
  This morning, even Mu Qing got up early to watch the news. From now on, every 1st of every month will be the time when such a major event is announced. Even if there is no such event, the leader will give a speech to appease the public.
  Mu Qing looked at those 42 million people. In the last life, grandma and grandpa were also one of them. Now they are still alive, but the others still have their original fate.
  Human beings are all mourning, mourning the death of their companions, and mourning the helplessness of the future.
  Most of the people who died were old people from poor families, and some were really frail and sick, people who needed rest even in peaceful times, they were all submerged in the long river of history.

  Of course, after broadcasting news from one's own country, the news is routinely broadcasting news from other countries.
  In the current world, Europe is considered the most suitable place to live. After all, there are no volcanic eruptions there, and the foundation of agriculture and industry is good. Now people's life is just a little more inconvenient, but it doesn't have much impact.
  But Mu Qing knew that this would no longer be the case. The arrival of the Ice Age will make them doubt life.
  As for the black brothers in Africa, other days are easier, but because of the vast desert, the economy and agriculture are not developed, and natural disasters will be rampant in the future, and life will be very difficult.
  Of course, at this time, China is still reporting on the affairs of country M. Since guns cannot be controlled in country M, the states and federations are not closely related. Now that it has moved to South America, even if it is in someone else's territory, it is still dishonest.
  At this time, two of the world's four major grain merchants are in country M. They set up their South American branch as their headquarters, and at the same time gathered a large number of high-tech companies. Seeing them like this, these grain merchants don't want to obey the government anymore.
  Now, whoever has food in their hands is watching. If they have weapons and food in their hands, why listen to you. In short, country M is now in chaos.
  But the family has a strong foundation. In the past, the annual grain output was twice that of China, but the population was only a quarter of China's. Isn't it panicking because of too much food now? !
  The government is not easy to mess with, and these people will know later. Anyway, in her previous life, she hadn't heard any big noise from these big grain merchants. In the end, it is not necessary to report to the group to keep warm. The days to come will not be so simple.
  Among the current five major countries, apart from China, country M has been hit the hardest.
  And Country M can be said to be even more unlucky than Huaxia. After all, there are no volcanoes erupting in China, but country M can have volcanoes in its territory.
  Moreover, she knew that North America would be almost devastated in the future, and everyone would have to go to South America in the end. Even the people who are now huddled in a part of the country will all go to South America.
  By that time, North America will really cease to exist. After all, there are no people left. Even if they want to farm, it will take many years. Their focus is still to take root in South America.
  Huaxia has huddled here for so many years, and they have a small population and a vast land, so naturally they don't feel any sense of crisis.
  It can be said that the Chinese nation is the most tenacious nation, otherwise she would not be the only ancient civilization without cultural gaps.
  This tenacious spirit is fully reflected in this catastrophe. Everyone is giving full play to their abilities, only thinking about how to survive, hard work and bravery are always beautiful virtues.
  "There don't seem to be so many people who died around us..." Grandma Mu wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, feeling a little choked up when she saw the figure of 42 million.
  "This is better in our Sichuan Province, and the houses are well-built. In addition, we live in the countryside, and our life is relatively better." Mu's mother recently worked in the village. They have an internal work account and can see some things .
  "In the city, there is not enough water and sanitation is not in place. What should we do now that there are so many viruses? There are also two provinces on the plateau, which are not so crowded, but no one wants to go. Many people who go there can't stand the altitude sickness. There are also two provinces in the south, the earthquake is close to them, the houses are not strong, and it is more stuffy than ours, isn't it just to death? Let alone the northwest in the north, the heat there was unbearable even before. "
  Papa Zhang travels around all day long and knows a lot. The husband and wife explain each sentence to Grandma Mu.
  "It's too difficult, it's really too difficult..." Grandma Mu shook her head and sighed at this time, but at the same time, there were countless people who felt the same way as her.
  Today, it's April, Wang He's mother, Hao Fang, watched the report on TV, thinking that the rent on the third floor downstairs has not been paid, and she immediately got angry.
  This world is like this, why are they still so shameless? Really are
If you don't tell me, they won't give it? This is too robbery.
  Not to mention, my son also distributed some of the upstairs balcony to the people downstairs, and my family can only take turns drying food every day. The family didn't say anything, and you should know that the terraces borrowed by other people are all for food collection.
  Thinking of this, her face turned cold. It was really too difficult now, and she couldn't wait for them to remember the face. If the family downstairs couldn't remember it, wouldn't it mean that their own family would be dragged down to death.
  Wang He wanted to stop him at this time, but it was too late. He didn't even know that his mother was going downstairs to ask for trouble.
  It was only eight o'clock in the morning. Today, the government gave the employees a half-day holiday just to allow them to observe a moment of silence and think about future development. In the future, this opportunity will be offered once a month.
  "Slei, if you want to save some face, then today, you have to get out, or pay the rent, and make up for what you owed."
  Hao Fang directly threw the food list she had calculated on Slei's face, " Of course, if you are willing to marry Wang He, it is also possible. Now the country has said that you can get married when you reach the age of 20."
  Sile really hated to be frightened by Hao Fang's posture, and only saw Wang He's mother He rushed over and started yelling at himself. Then her parents were also frightened by Hao Fang, otherwise if someone usually treated their daughter like this, they would have quit.
  However, after calming down, they couldn't do anything. They still knew that the person opposite was their own creditor.
  She looked upstairs, wondering why Wang He didn't come down. Of course Wang He didn't dare to come down at this time, his mother couldn't bear it anymore, and he also wanted to hear what Sile had to say.
  "Auntie, you misunderstood. I don't have that kind of relationship with Wang He." Sile frowned. She spoke so loudly, what did others think when she heard it.
  "No? That's easy to handle, pay back the money, or get out!" Hao Fang really wanted to slap this little girl in the face, she was young, and the means were good, her son, it was too late for him to hurt , let her trample like this.
  "..." Sley was speechless, and then looked at her parents.
  Hao Fang was annoyed seeing her like this. She is usually lively and cute, full of pistachios. When she first came, he liked her very much. But after a long time, she realized that this was not the case. Isn't this playing with her son?
  I heard that I was beaten up some time ago, probably because of my boyfriend who hooked up with someone else. Not to mention, Hao Fang was really right.
  "Don't act like this, as if someone is bullying you." Hao Fang didn't talk nonsense to her, and then looked at Sile's parents, "Brother Si, you are the head of the family, I think you still have to give the family Be a good example. Don't act petty and shameless all day long."
  "Sister Fang, what you said is a bit harsh." Sile's father, Si Yannian, frowned, his face was not very good, and he was too. It's really embarrassing for a decent person to be said like this, but whoever made the people I know now are scattered all over the place, they are really unfamiliar here.
  "I speak badly? Don't you do badly? Not much, three months, you rented three rooms, and used my cellar, plus this month's balcony." Hao Fang pointed to the bill, "Your family gave me three hundred catties of sealed rice. Even if you moved away, you still have to pay back the money. Otherwise, I will sue you at the government." Si Yannian's face was ugly. If he sued, his family would
  definitely It cannot escape, and it will be recorded in the file. But it is absolutely impossible for her daughter to marry Wang He, otherwise there may be something good in the future.
  "Okay, I'll give you three hundred catties." Si Yannian nodded, the price is still reasonable, "But from this month, our family will only rent one house. Then we won't dry the food, and only pay the rent from now on."
  Hao Fang wished that they would only rent one room, and then she would find someone to come over and see how her stupid son could help them.
  "It's ok, you can move away all the food and the house today, and I'll bring someone over in the afternoon." Then she pointed to the TV downstairs, "Also, you guys will take care of the TV downstairs in the future." They are not allowed to be used. I will block the power strip in the afternoon, so there is no reason for you to sell your own electricity and use my appliances."

Rebirth after the end of the world: I love farmingWhere stories live. Discover now