Chapter 176-180

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Chapter 176 Making a mask The most urgent thing now is to make a mouth......
  Mu Qing got up early in the morning, and it wasn't early in the morning. Anyway, as soon as she got downstairs, she saw her two younger brothers busy helping the grandparents and grandparents serve the dishes.
  The two children looked very happy, sometimes they would secretly eat a steamed stuffed bun on the table, seeing this Mu Qing smiled.
  It's been a long time since I saw these two children, and now that her two younger brothers have returned home, she is really relieved. In the following days, she thought that everyone should be under a lot of pressure.
  The time was too long, and she couldn't even think clearly what they were doing at this time in her previous life. It's nothing more than what the daughters of many people's families can do now.
  For example, sewing clothes and doing handicrafts, and what's more, going outside to do some work within one's ability.
  And in this life, everyone's life is much better. Their whole family will no longer go all out for a little food. Even in many cases, everyone doesn't think about the future for a little thing like in the previous life.
  Of course, all of this is the result of Mu Qing's long-term desire to guide his family.
  There will be about half a year of plague time, and Mu Qing started thinking about the mask machine in the backyard after going downstairs.
  "Sister, why are you getting up so late?" Zhang Weiwei looked at his sister sitting across from him with envy on his face, and wondered why he wasn't so lucky.   "Is it late?" Mu Qing asked back,
  "I think it's okay, isn't this just in time for you to eat?"
There's nothing wrong with that either.
  "Hey, sister, do you have money?" Zhang Weiwei asked after eating a meat bun.
  Grandma Mu slapped his grandson on the head when he heard his words, "There are people who take care of food and lodging every day, and you still need money?"
  Zhang Weiwei was stunned, "Grandma, am I your grandson? I was beaten stupid."
  "Is it dear, you should put down the bowl first." Grandma Mu was furious at what the little grandson said, this kid is really tongue-in-cheek.
  "Grandma, I just want to ask. I heard from the teacher at the school that it is best for everyone at home to prepare something during this time." Zhang Weiwei also felt aggrieved, why didn't he listen to himself.
  Mu Qing was a little serious when she heard this, she never underestimated anyone. Especially those teachers now, those teachers who were very powerful before the catastrophe came. And even now, these teachers' disciples, she believes that some of them are very capable.
  This also shows that these teachers are likely to know something.
  "There are some, but you don't need to worry about these, the house is ready." Mu Qing smiled and reached out to touch his younger brother's head, "There is nothing missing from you at home." "That's right.
  " Zhang Weiwei didn't say anything more. As for Zhang Chengcheng, he was not very talkative, so he just quietly drank his Wanli's porridge at this time.
  "It's good to know." Mu Qing smiled, but really seriously thought about what he lacked here.
  If you want to say what is missing, it must be relatively short of disinfectant. She bought a lot of this thing at the beginning, but it is unrealistic to say that it is really enough all the time.
  At least, although there are still some stocks in stock now, I don't know if it will be enough to really last for half a year.
  Thinking of this, she thought that she could get some quicklime, and it would be good to sprinkle quicklime on the base of the wall outside to repel rats and disinfect. The cost is low and the effect should be good.
  Most importantly, she has a clear channel to know where to buy. It was the batch she exchanged last time. The quicklime exchanged with others on their unit's intranet before is almost used up, so there is a channel for this. Don't worry now, just find time today to ask.

  After all, as far as she knows, there are many more of this thing. The only thing I don't know is what the price is now.
  Thinking of this, Mu Qing thought that he should ask earlier. Otherwise, the price will probably be more expensive as you go later. So, Mu Qing directly contacted his colleague from last time while eating.
  She didn't return there yet, so she went to think about other things.
  In addition to disinfectant and other things, the more important thing now is masks. For masks, when the volcanic ash was particularly large at the beginning, they stockpiled a lot and made a lot of them.
  Later, because the dust was not so big, and many people had no stock in their homes, not many people wore them. Although Mu Qing's house still has some in stock, there are not many of them, and Mu's mother and the others don't want to be special outside, so everyone doesn't wear them anymore.
  But this time the plague is different. Masks are a must, almost as important as disinfectant.
  Thinking of this, Mu Qing's forehead began to ache again. How should I put it, I just said that I can take a good rest, and then many things came up, which made it hard to resist.
  But she can't be picky, at least she has to wait until this year is over.
  After all, after this year passed, the following days would not be so difficult. Next year will be water shortages and locust plagues.
  In another two years, it will be freezing and some relatively large hail, sandstorms and the like. These cannot be avoided, and they are also brought about by natural changes. ∫ This ∫ Work ∫ Product ∫ From ∫ Thinking ∫ Rabbit ∫ On ∫ Line ∫ Reading ∫ Reading ∫ Net ∫ Friends ∫ Organize ∫ Organize ∫ Upload ∫ Pass ∫ And those will not be fatal, at least not as fatal as the previous three years
  Thinking of the plague, Mu Qing got dizzy, so after eating, he went to the backyard to find Grandma Mu.
  "Grandma, the mask machine in our house was still upstairs in the back, right?" Mu Qing went over to see Grandma Mu picking tomatoes, so she helped pick them up too.
  "Well, it's upstairs. The machines upstairs are very expensive. Your grandfather and I will clean them every once in a while."
  It took Grandma Mu a while to realize what kind of machine Mu Qing was talking about. Speaking of which, the machine has been bought for so many years, and it was only used at the beginning, and it was basically in a state of no one caring about it after that. If it weren't for her and the old man, they would probably be rusted by now.
  "Thank you so much, grandma!" Mu Qing hugged grandma Mu directly, and was very excited. She was also very ashamed when she heard what Grandma Mu said. She also forgot about this before.
  After all, the mask machine is something that is really unexpected at ordinary times, but fortunately, there are two diligent old people in the family who can help take care of things at home.
  Up to this point, Mu Qing was a little worried, in case the old man in the family lived a hundred years later, who would be able to take care of this big mess in the family.
  However, we will think about the matter of the Ming Dynasty tomorrow. The most urgent thing now is to make masks.

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