Chapter 96-100

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Chapter 96 The Magnificent Underground Scenery Mu Qing also secretly let out a sigh of relief...
  Everyone walked slowly in the cave, even a layman like Mu Qing could see that the cave system here is very huge, and in Finding the right path in this huge maze is not an easy task.
  Therefore, Sun Xiaojing organized everyone to split up to find a suitable path within a certain range.
  Not far away, a little girl from a scientific research team called out to other people: "There is a hole here!"
  Mu Qing heard someone yelling, so she didn't go any further, and just walked away with water.
Passed over, and then pointed the strong flashlight in the direction of the sound, but the cave was very foggy, so the light had already attenuated when it was not far away.
  After passing through the gravel piles with clear water, we finally joined everyone. There is a hole in the cave here, after they discussed it, they finally decided to go through the hole.
  After everyone passed through the cave, they found that there was another huge cave, which was much higher than the one that Sun Xiaojing fell from before. Mu Qing felt that Sun Xiaojing's luck was really good, if she fell here, she would definitely be killed or injured.
  They moved forward slowly in this passage, and then Mu Qing found two large stones in this passage. After getting closer, he found that it was yellow with some pink in it.
  "This stone is so strange..." It was the first time Mu Qing saw a stone of this color, and she never thought that there could be such a rose-colored scene underground.
  "This is the Smile Stone." A chubby scientific researcher next to him answered Mu Qing. Mu Qing had an impression of him. After all, he is quite conspicuous in this apocalyptic world where thin people are everywhere.
  However, even if someone explained it, Mu Qing still couldn't see any connection between this cracked stone with the texture of a strawberry-flavored biscuit and a smile, so he could only smile awkwardly.
  And next to this piece of Smile Stone is a small stone, the size of two children standing side by side - its surface presents a regular strip texture, and there are sharp ups and downs along with the texture.
  When Mu Qing saw this stone, he felt that his knowledge level was challenged.
  "This is what you call tree jade, we also call it petrified wood." The chubby researcher next to him saw Mu Qing's doubts, so he opened his mouth to explain to Mu Qing.
  Mu Qing was even more embarrassed, she didn't actually want to ask. Zhu Xinchen looked at Mu Qing sympathetically from the side. Every time he performed this kind of task, he would feel the same as Mu Qing's IQ being crushed, so he understood her very well.
  But when it comes to tree jade, Mu Qing still remembers visiting the Natural History Museum once, and there was an exhibition hall with a large sealed glass cover, inside which was a piece of tree jade, but it was different from this color and texture It was huge, so she didn't recognize it for a moment.
  Yes, that's the case, it's not her problem, but it's the same petrified wood that appears in completely different forms, her feeling is very subtle.
  Everyone was walking in the dark, it was hard for Mu Qing to imagine what kind of terrifying experience it would be if he was alone here. She was in the mountains during the day before, and then returned to the space at night.
  Mu Qing looked up again, and found that there was another yellow stone in front of him.
  But this time, the pile of yellow stones formed a larger pond, which was covered with a layer of mist, and there was enthusiasm on it, obviously a hot spring.
  At the other end of the pond visible to the naked eye, the yellow stone suddenly changed color—a spherical stone, the left side was yellow, and the right side passed an almost vertical dividing line and turned brownish yellow.
  Beneath this large yellow rock are another set of pools, the deeper bottom of which is light blue. The creamy yellow of the shore gradually transitions to light blue.
  Finally, the top of this yellow stone is a "hot spring" pool, cascading and staggered, the water from the higher pool flows against the yellow rock wall to the lower pool, and the water forms a thin film on the rock wall.
  Everyone didn't stay here. Apart from Mu Qing, even Zhu Xinchen had seen a lot of these things, so no one except her felt that there was anything unusual.
  Continuing forward, the group of them was at a turn, and a part of the cave wall was recessed, and there was a standing stalactite in it. Looking at it through the light of the flashlight, it looked like a Buddha standing there quietly, while From a closer look, this stalactite looks like a large monument covered with moss.
  But at this time, Sun Xiaojing and the others were ready to stop, and they had already gone very deep at this time. At this time, it was finally time to reach the innermost part of the cave.
  As she walked, Mu Qing looked at the colorful objects on the ground of the blind path in front of her. She thought they were some beautiful colored stones, but it was obvious that she was thinking too much.
  After a closer look, it turned out to be Coke bottles and plastic bags. These garbage came in from the outside when the water was rising. It also proved that human pollution has reached the deepest part of nature.
  Mu Qing sighed a little, although human beings often regard themselves as the rulers of nature, but this year, the earth has taught human beings who is the master of this land. It's like Homo sapiens hundreds of thousands of years ago taught various animals on land who is the master of this land.
  And next to this, Mu Qing clearly saw that this is the water source of the "hot spring" pool that he saw just now. This is a pond with a faint blue bottom.
  Everyone stopped here to rest, and Sun Xiaojing took everyone to start measuring again, and Mu Qing went over to have a look this time. Sun Xiaojing didn't let Mu Qing see it, nor did she cover it.
  Mu Qing saw a 3D cave image on her screen. After seeing it, she couldn't help sighing that the current technology is really great.

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