Chapter 91-95

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Chapter 91 Worry about the future Everyone fell asleep with the chirping of insects and birds...
  After that night of chatting, Mu Qing told everyone as much as possible about the future. Too optimistic thoughts lead to more speculation and thinking about the future.
  During this period of time, everyone's mood was obviously not very high, and many people stopped laughing and joking after dinner. Everyone started talking in a low voice, and some people simply thought on their own, and only they knew what they were thinking.
  And everyone has their own thoughts, which is reflected in the increasingly unpalatable meals.
  Of course, after Mu Qing chatted with Xiao Liang, his subordinate in charge of cooking, the situation improved significantly.
  Of course, Mu Qing can't just say that the food after this improvement is delicious, but it's not bad at all, so she can say that it's not bad.
  But at this time, everyone's response to this kind of good meal is still good. It is said that food has a miraculous effect on depression, especially in this time of lack of food and clothing, the natural effect is even greater. At least, everyone is still in a good mood when eating.
  And in the past few days, along the way, we didn't meet any animals, and of course there were no extra meals. Although I was a little disappointed, there was less danger, and everyone didn't feel too much sense of loss. This time, the task that came out was to collect various data. For this task, of course, the less disturbance the better.
  In fact, if the animals were not really hungry, they would not take the initiative to attack humans.
  For thousands of years, the genes engraved in their bones have told them who is the real owner of this land.
  During this period of time, when we were on the road, everyone was thinking about the future, and everyone in the research institute also shared their passion for scientific research with life.
  As for the soldiers, they are not only doing tasks, but also thinking more about what the future will be like. They usually devote all their energy to the country and the people. In this rare leisure time, they also have time to think about the future of themselves and their families.
  Of course, during this period of time, some people came to ask Mu Qing about the future, wondering if she knew some news, after all, she really didn't look like she didn't know the inside news. Of course, Mu Qing didn't say anything specific, but just gave them a brief introduction based on his current understanding.
some suggestions.
  However, she believed that if these people came according to her suggestion, there would be no problem. They are not people who worry about being starved to death. When they are in trouble, the government will definitely choose to protect them first. There is nothing unfair. Whoever is more valuable deserves more resources.
  In the past few days, she and Sun Xiaojing have gotten to know each other a lot, and they also talked about the future situation and the future plans of their unit.
  Mu Qing also fully understood their plan for coming this time, that is to see if there is any place in this mountain suitable for growing various crops.
  In fact, those old professors were not needed to come over, but they were worried and wanted to come out to see what the world had become by themselves, so they formed a temporary team.
  After Mu Qing found out, he really respected these old professors. Maybe Guoshi Wushuang was talking about them. He was always thinking of the public and putting his own interests behind. This kind of spirit is really admirable.
  Of course, even if Mu Qing admired her, she would not be able to reach this level. She has too many worldly concerns, and it is impossible for her to devote herself to others.
  "Qingqing, your luck is really great." One day, the two of them sat in front of the mountain after eating, watching the sun shine through the layers of dust on the earth, thinking to themselves, if the sky didn't If it is covered by volcanic ash, it must be a sunset on a sunny day.
  When they came out, they had already read the accurate weather forecast. It would not rain for the next half month, so the weather was supposed to be good.
  "It's just luck." Mu Qing was eating beef jerky, but she didn't give it to Sun Xiaojing. She tried to give it to her before, but found that she would not take it, because Sun Xiaojing said that she had nothing to return.
  "It's not just luck, you know it." Sun Xiaojing is crazy about how old Mu Qing is. She can see the depression and maturity of this girl's heart. She probably knows as many things as herself, otherwise she wouldn't have such deep feelings. sad.
  What's more, people who can live such a good life now cannot be justified by luck. At least, she knew the news one or two months in advance, which is much better than others.
  And more people have known it longer than themselves, but they have not lived much better than themselves. In her class, Jiang Lele and Mu Qing should be the most comfortable people she has seen living.
  And Jiang Lele may not live as well as Mu Qing, but she knows that Jiang Lele often exchanges some food with Mu Qing. Jiang Lele may be able to get some supplies, but Jiang Lele usually exchanges some high-end food with Mu Qing.
  "It's just that I want to live." Some things can't be pretended, so in front of sensible people, Mu Qing doesn't bother to pretend. In this world, if you don't have any skills, who can live well.
  "Qingqing, what do you think will be like in the future?" Sun Xiaojing slapped a mosquito on her body to death casually, "Sometimes I feel like I might die after being bitten by a mosquito, can I really live in this kind of world? "
  You have to believe in the tenacity of the Chinese nation!" Mu Qing smiled, the current world is still good, if it really waits for the future situation, it will be bad. I don't know how many of my companions will survive this time.
  "Haha, yes, we are a nation that has lasted for five thousand years, what's so scary." Sun Xiaojing heard Mu Qing's words, and after many days of sluggish spirit, she became much better.
  "Xiaojing, don't think about what will happen in the future, the most important thing is to live well in the present." What Mu Qing said is true, for them, they will not be able to afford food, so as long as they live happily every day, it is better than anything else.
  "Thank you." Sun Xiaojing felt that although Mu Qing was not good at words, he was really a good person. This kind of kindness moistens things silently, slowly enlightening you and guiding you on the right path.
  Although it's a little embarrassing to say this, she is almost thirty years old and she was indeed enlightened by a little girl like Mu Qing, so there's nothing to be ashamed about.
  The two people here looked at each other and smiled, but the soldiers on the other side were not so happy.
  They usually have a lot of tasks, and they don't pay much attention to what happens around them. This time they came out with these scientists, and they had a rare relaxing time, but they knew a lot of news that they didn't pay attention to before.
  It has to be said that although they are not physically tired, this kind of mental fatigue is unavoidable.
  Everyone seems to be suddenly confused about their future. Especially Zhu Xinchen, the only one in the team who has a child now, but he can't tell the child how cruel the future society will be.
  Yes, it is cruel. If the information obtained from talking with Mu Qing these days is true, then the future can be described as cruel.
  "Captain, do you think we can go back to the old days in the future?" The person who spoke was nicknamed Fatty in the team, and he had also lost weight in the past six months.

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