Chapter 46-50

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Chapter 46 Slei went to Junzhao again, the name was written messily before, it was already...
  Fortunately, this time, the country issued an announcement that grain worms could be exchanged for food when the flies were just emerging, and many people started to go up the mountain to find rot Animal carcasses, and go to the river.
  Now this thing is really a lot.
  And later, after there was no more food, everyone realized that grain worms are also high-quality protein.
  Mu Qing was very sick of this thing, but a year later, after being so hungry that she fainted, she still fainted and finished a bowl. She wanted to throw up in her heart, but her stomach was so hungry that she really couldn't throw up.
  Since then, she is not afraid of all kinds of insects, come and come, be afraid of anything. In the past two years, there are grain worms to eat, but when there is a severe drought in the third year, they can only eat locusts.
  It has to be said that the Huaxia nation has really adapted well. Many foreign countries have perished, and countless people died of starvation. However, Huaxia survived by eating insects and bark.
  Yes, the bark, Mu Qing's favorite bark is the bark of the loquat tree, it tastes good, and it doesn't scratch the throat so much.

But it is not clear.
  As soon as she entered the space, she found that the big cat lynx was coming. At this time, she was already a big girl, and her feet did not become lame due to the injury.
  And the group of monkeys in the distance has also become a large scale, but because they are afraid of the big cat, they dare not come over. It can be said that the most ferocious thing in the current space may only be the big cat.
  Other animals, as long as they are bigger, are basically national protected animals before the end of the world, and she has no way to get them. Let her go to the wild by herself, not to mention whether she can touch them, but whether they have the speed. Income room too.
  Although Mu Qing felt anxious about the slow progress of the space, he also knew that he should not be too anxious, even if he was anxious, it would be useless.
  Now this is very good, there is food at home, and there is no panic in my heart.
  Si Lei looked at the phone screen, frowning for a while, and Cui Yue beside her also looked unhappy.
  "What does Jun Zhao mean?" Cui Yue was very upset, "It wasn't like this when he was chasing you before." "Don't say that,
  he already has a girlfriend." Although Sile felt that she didn't get what she wanted. I was a little annoyed by his reply, but when I thought about it, Jun Zhao's girlfriend was from Sichuan Province, maybe he was right next to him at this time.
  "He may be with his family tomorrow." Sley was a little hesitant. She heard Wang He say that it would take five or six hours for them to come here by car, which is not too far away, so she wanted him to come and help her. .
  "That can't be so indifferent..." Cui Yue still felt that Jun Zhao turned his back on him.
  The two of them are roommates in college, so the relationship has been very good before. Because they all know Wang He, they came to Sichuan Province.
  Cui Yue was still angry, "You used to be in a band, but he didn't want to help with such a little help." "
  Everywhere is in chaos now, I understand." Sile was still gentle and gentle.
  Cui Yue saw that her best friend didn't care, so she didn't say anything anymore.
  When the two of them came here, they both lived in Wang He's house, and they didn't ask for rent. The two of them had three rooms, and she and Silei had their own bedroom, which was much better than most people.
  "I heard that his girlfriend used to be from the capital." Cui Yue and the others were lying on the bed, and now there was no entertainment every day. It was so hot that they could only chat at night. That's it."
  "Wang He said that his girlfriend's hometown is also in Sichuan Province, but the conditions are not very good." Slay paused, remembering what Wang He said.
  "What's the use of that? Except for a little house, we don't have as much food as we do." Cui Yue is the kind of girl who is very flamboyant, she can say whatever she has, and at this time she is really proud of the fact that their family has a lot of food .
  Sley smiled reluctantly. Although their family is pretty good there, after all, it is still relatively remote, so it can't be compared with some big cities, so they buy a lot of food, but Compared with the real rich people, it is still a bit worse.
  "Don't talk to Wang He, I won't go tomorrow." Sile really had something to do, so she went to Jun Zhao.
  "That's fine. You can have a party at any time. After all, we live in Wang He's house, so it's better not to release pigeons." Cui Yue smiled, thinking that this decision was made by good friends.
  Sile just pursed her lips. Wang He and Jun Zhao are friends, and they both like her at the same time. She likes this feeling very much. Moreover, competition between two people will last longer. She never thought that Jun Zhao would reject her this time.
  The last time she was in the group, Aite Junzhao wanted to remind her of her sense of existence.
  But unexpectedly, this time it was Waterloo. But in the current world, it may have been like this for five or six years at least, and more than ten years at most. At present, the one she is familiar with, that is, Wang He, has the best conditions.
  However, it is not reconciled in the end.
  Not to mention how things are going on with Slei, but Mu Qing's side is quite happy.
  She was originally the kind of person who didn't hold grudges. She just didn't want to get angry all the time, and getting angry would hurt her body. Then there is something, when you are angry at that time, you just need to let yourself vent your anger.
  So, seeing the little cake Jun Zhao made for herself the next day, she felt a little more at ease. But in the end there is still something that can't be let go.
  She still didn't understand why Jun Zhao didn't want to say that he wanted to accompany his girlfriend. Also mind, why he didn't coax himself when he was angry.
  However, she also understands that it's better not to show the matter between the two of them. After all, she still wants to stay for a long time. Jun Zhao is living in her own home now, and his grandparents are also living in her own home. If he shows something, he will feel uncomfortable and everyone will be unhappy.
  "Qingqing, you believe me, I really like you..." Jun Zhao watched Mu Qing finish eating the cake, then carefully tried to pull her hand, "Slei, I really have no idea. Tell her that I just wanted to stop this matter for a while. I also feel it myself."
  Mu Qing looked at Jun Zhao, really angry. In fact, she was still angry that her boyfriend was someone else's licking dog before, and he was rejected.
  Isn't this equivalent to losing to Sley? She despises herself as a treasure. Although she knew it was wrong to think this way, she still felt that it was very frustrating!

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