Chapter 116-120

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Chapter 116 City Emergency Avoidance It is really dangerous to go on the road now.
  The heavy rain has been falling all over the country, and it has not stopped falling because of the prayers of people everywhere. Slowly, everyone began to realize something was wrong.
  Anyone who sees the heavy rain that has been falling for a week will think it is wrong. The country has begun to evacuate the population in the city urgently. If you don't have the conditions to go to a small town on the mountain such as Mu Qing's side, then you have to go to the refuge in the city.
  As far as she knows, there are two shelters in the county seat of Lige County in their county. The first one is where her younger brothers go to school, and the other is on a park built by the mountains. These two places are shelters when floods come. Place.
  Of course, many small counties in Sichuan Province are built against the mountains, so only the people near the river need to take refuge. There are many people who live on the mountainside, but they are not afraid.
  It was Thursday, and Mu Qing was sitting on the sofa watching the news. The dogs around him looked at Mu Qing eagerly and wanted to eat two small tomatoes.
  Mu Qing picked up a tomato, and said to the two dogs, "Dogs can't eat this, it will kill the dog!" The two dogs couldn't understand it, they could only understand it and couldn't eat it.
  Grandma Mu who was next to her was having fun watching, "You lie to them every day, everything they eat will kill dogs. Everything is poisonous..."
  Mu Qing smiled, "Isn't this just teasing them! It's very funny..."
  Grandma Mu didn't

What else to say, I'm busy with my own affairs. As soon as Mu Qing turned around, he found the latest news on the TV.
  "Today, there are continuous rains in many places, and there may be floods. Please prepare for flood control..." "
  Our country has been raining for seven consecutive days..."
  "There are signs of floods in many places. I hope the general public can pay more attention..." "
  According to frontline reporters According to reports, the water level of major rivers in various places is rising faster, and there is a danger of flooding downstream..."
  Qing watched the news and thought, the flood is still coming after all. It's just that it's just an early warning right now, and it's estimated that people in the city will be rescued and evacuated in two days. At that time, many units will be forced to suspend work, and it is not known whether Mu Qing needs to suspend work.
  If work is suspended, only Wang Tengteng is in the base, so he will be very busy. Mu Qing still wants to stop working. At that time, he will have the treatment of a government employee, but he will not have to go to work. Although there is no salary, it also makes her very happy.
  "This God really doesn't let people live..." Today, Zhang's father and his construction site have also stopped working. I was able to keep working when it rained a little before, but when it rained heavily, it was really impossible, and I could only do some indoor work.
  "Don't worry, it's still early..." Mu Qing looked at the dark sky outside. It has been this kind of weather recently, which made people feel bad. "I read the information before, I guess this It's been raining for a long time..." "
  Hey, I can't grow food again this year, and I don't know what to do..." Everyone in the family was frowning.
  Mu Qing is not that worried, no matter how difficult it is in Huaxia, as long as you are willing to work hard, you will not starve to death. The food stored by the government is enough to feed everyone for more than five years.
  It's just that, in the end, you can't be full all at once, and exile slowly so that more people can persevere is the long-term development.
  By the end of the decade, the underground world was already complete, and a large number of people moved to live underground. It's just that these people are generally working class, and the underground life is very good for the bottom people.
  However, many upper-class people still prefer to live on the ground. As long as the insulation facilities and various living facilities are good, their life is much more comfortable than underground.
  In her previous life, Mu Qing wanted to live underground, but in this life she has changed her mind. Her house is in the last days, and she thinks it is the most comfortable.
  It was impossible for her to give up the house. She believes that in this life, even if their family lives on the ground, they will be able to live well.
  After Mu Qing thought about it, he still needs to store more coal. Speaking of it, the coal she put on the mine in the space last time seemed to be growing slowly, and the speed was getting faster and faster, which greatly comforted her heart.
  At least in the last days, their family is not afraid that there will be no coal mines. Besides, she bought more than 100 tons of coal back and forth, and she didn't enjoy it in her previous life, so she didn't know how much she should buy in this life.

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