Chapter 41-45

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Chapter 41 Why does Mu Ma have a job? Is it because of your big face? ...
  After two days, everyone's life has entered an orderly process.
  The six old people get up the earliest every day. They used to sleep less when they got older. Now that the end of the world is coming, they don't have the mind to spend time on sleep.
  The old man of the Mu family just wanted to save more food and give the family a better life. Then the new members of Jun's family, they want to do more work, at least they have to show their value.
  Therefore, in the past two days, under the guidance of Grandma Mu and the others, they have learned how to use the machines at home, such as freeze dryers, dryers, small multi-functional rice threshing machines, etc., and they can basically use them now. operate.

  Mu Qing and the others are still staying at home. Sometimes someone will chat with her in the group, asking her if she needs the game that she just got. As long as she has this kind of thing, she will send it over and go out by herself. Pick up, so the family doesn't know either.
  Recently, the happiest news is that Mu's mother has also found a job.
  She used to work in the cafeteria at school, because she was tired, so she didn't do it later. Recently, she was looking for a job, but it didn't work. In the end, Dad Zhang found a relationship, and then she went to manage the distribution of logistics materials. This The post is considered to be set up in the township, but it is in charge of
  the affairs of Zhang's father's construction team.
  This position was previously held concurrently by Zhang's father, because this position is considered to be in charge of the materials of the construction team, mainly food. At that time, he really had no one he could trust. If there was no food, then the construction team would have to disperse!
  And the most important thing is that he is doing the work of two people by himself, but he can only receive the salary of one person, so just ask if you are aggrieved!
  Then, Mu Ma was immersed in making charcoal before, and finally the country banned it, and she had nothing to do. After Mu Ma looked for a job for a few days, someone told Zhang Dad.
  So, Zhang's father found her, and Mu's mother had the time to talk to Zhang's father. Otherwise, she was busy looking for a job every day, so she didn't have time to talk to this idiot. She had been looking for it for several days, and he only knew now!
  After Zhang's father apologized to her for a long time at night, she agreed to come and help him. =Thinking=rabbit=on=line=reading=reading=
  As for the construction team, Dad Zhang is running pretty well now, there is no trouble, and everyone dare not make trouble.
  Of course, this is also thanks to the fruits and vegetables they sent to the new soldiers before. When others see your relationship with the army, they naturally dare not make
  Therefore, after the interior was settled, Zhang's father dared to get Mu's mother in to help him. Otherwise, there would be too many things to do, and the team would be full of strong men, so he wouldn't dare to let her come. Otherwise, if a few people go to the village to do business and make trouble, it will be enough for a pot of people to drink.
  After all, rice is only given to national posts now, and everyone cherishes this post, so, seeing that Zhang's father's position is getting more and more stable, no one will look for trouble anymore.
  And those people who moved here, after half a month of distribution of supplies, the government also released them. If they want to eat enough, they have to find something to do by themselves!
  You must know that China has a population of 1.4 billion. Although the country has announced that the death rate has reached 2%, there are still many people!
  China's special national conditions have led to a surplus of labor in various places, but there are not many jobs.
  Moreover, the state's material allocation to each unit is limited, and at the same time, you need to use this limited resource to complete the tasks assigned to you by the government. If you don't complete it one day, then I'm sorry, you will be laid off and have to pay back the government. money!
  The monthly distribution of food by their construction team is limited, but they need to evaluate each person's project volume in a quarter.
  Those who are in charge now either had energy before the end of the world, or the locals want to take advantage of this east wind to climb up.
  After all, only they have food in their hands now, and many people are willing to invest part of it. They use their own food to hire more people, so the efficiency is naturally high.
  You know, if they are the first in the competition for a year in a row, they can be promoted to the town after a long time, and so on.
  Mu Qing didn't refute Dad Zhang's ambition to do something big. Men always want to serve the country when the country is in crisis.
  It's just that she didn't say that it was the first place for a year in a row, which was obviously a cover to draw a big pie for the people below, so that they could contribute their own food and have the ability.
  Needless to say how difficult it is to get promoted, you must know that there are many villages in the town, some people have a lot of food at home, and some even opened grocery stores before.

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