Chapter 121-125

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Chapter 121 Someone in the village was washed away, which is embarrassing.
  At present, after a few days, it seems that the flood fighting work is going smoothly and there is no danger.
  After all, although the road is a bit slippery on the mountain now, it feels like the rainy season now, and it is not considered torrential rain, so it is not easy to have any accidents.
  However, Mu Qing has been looking outside every day recently. The gloomy weather was slowly changing. At the beginning, the clouds were still yellowish and black, and the combination of volcanic ash and dark clouds could be seen.
  But now at this time, the sky can't even see a little bit of sunlight, only the rolling clouds and ink can be seen. There are lightning and thunder mixed in from time to time in the middle, which is frightening.
  Mu Qing knew that these thick clouds and ink were the precursors of the coming rainstorm. Looking at it from a distance, it reveals an ominous atmosphere, which makes people feel chills.
  She likes to lean against the window every day, watching the rain outside hit her glass cover, and then laments the happy life in this life.
  At this time, she had to say that the waterproofing of the outer glass cover was really good. It's been so long, but it doesn't leak at all, and she bought several barrels of glue from the decoration company before, so it should be able to survive this rainy season.
  And after this year, the severe drought for two consecutive years can hardly use this, but it can prevent evaporation. After that, although there is not as much water shortage as the previous two years, there will not be too much intensive precipitation.
  It is foreseeable that the glass cover will not be opened for many years to come. As long as the hood is closed, all troubles seem to be shut out.
  No volcanic ash, no hazy rain, no hail and sandstorms, nothing, all isolated outside their house. In the house, there is only peace and tranquility.
  Mu Qing knew that it was the eve of the disaster, and the rain was about to come, but her mood became peaceful. The country has never broadcast the death rate. In the last life, because of the earthquake in New Province, it was broadcast. At that time, the death rate in Huaxia was close to 20%.
  And now, several months have passed, and there is no statistics on this, but it is estimated that it will not be long. The death rate will be broadcast every year thereafter.
  And the death rate in each year is relatively stable compared with the previous year. I hope that in this life, more people will survive.
  However, her hope is hope, and the direction of history is certain. She can't even avoid her own illness, and many things are predetermined, and she may not be able to do it with all her strength.
  Sure enough, within a few days, there was a vacancy in the flood fighting team, and no one has filled the vacancy yet. However, Mu Qing knew that even if he didn't make up for it now, this position would still be able to make people fight later.
  Again, the country will not support idlers, but it will not starve to death either. Even if the flood comes, there are still some jobs that can make money to support themselves.
  Mu Qing heard that one of the people who died this time seemed to be sick. Then there are two that were reinforced on the side of the reservoir and then washed into the reservoir and disappeared.
  But this kind of missing persons can basically be concluded to be dead.
  As for those who are sick, there is nothing they can do. The weather is not cold now, but it is impossible to soak in the rain for a day without any physical fitness, and accidents will happen sooner or later.

  This is also the reason why Li Gang did not allow women to do this at that time. There is a certain gap in the natural physical strength and physical fitness of men and women, and it is impossible not to admit it. So I don't want women to do this job, in fact, it's more about protecting them.
  There was no compensation for the three people who died this time, and the government only gave ten catties of millet as compensation. After Mu Qing found out, she sighed, now it's a little bit better, but in the future, I'm afraid the compensation will be gone, only one catty would be good.
  On this day, Mu Qing was eating at home when he heard a sudden commotion outside. Grandma Mu got up and went out to look, and came back after a while.
  It's just that when he came back, his complexion was not very good, because a person had just been brought back from outside.
  "There's a dead person outside..." Grandma Mu lost her appetite to eat, "It's near us, the body was just found and brought back..." "
  Who is it?" Mu Qing sighed in his heart, death is a very common thing in the last days , It's better to live to make people amazed.
  "I don't know him, but it's not far away. He said he brought it back for the family to see. Then he will be sent to the crematorium..." Grandma Mu almost couldn't swallow the food. What is the fate of this unfortunate world? There is no end.
  It looks like a strong laborer, this is another family ruined! ‖Thinking‖Rabbit‖Net‖
  "Don't think too much about it. It's unavoidable, just take care of your family members..." Mu Qing doesn't want her family members to be too sad, otherwise this kind of thing will happen every day in the future, and it won't be sad die. But maybe it will be numb later.
  Only Mu Qing in the family finished the meal, and everyone else went to the living room to watch the news.
  The news is full of disaster reports from various places, landslides and mudslides have begun everywhere, and then news of various bridges being destroyed by floods emerges endlessly.
  "According to front-line reports..."
  "It is reported that the south of China has entered the flood season, please prepare for flood control..." "
  Red water and yellow warning, according to experts' speculation, this year's flood will exceed that of 1998..."
  "Cotton City issued a red warning for rainstorm..."
  felt uncomfortable when they heard the red warning for rainstorm in Cotton City. Hasn't the downpour outside turned red yet? When people went out, they were beaten by the rain and couldn't see the road clearly. The muddy road made it impossible to stand still.
  Recently, the flood-fighting team has expanded its enrollment again, just to pave gravel in places leading to residential areas, so as to prevent people from slipping into danger.
  It has been raining recently, Zhang Dad can't drive anymore, because the road on their side is quite wide, but it is a dirt road, so it is not easy to use after it rains.
  In the past few days, he was thinking that when the rain stopped, he could park the car in their house. After all, it was next to the national road, and the road was right outside the yard, so there would be no mud.
  The news also broadcast some recent recruitment information, the focus is on the recruitment of the flood fighting team, the daily food management is the bottom line, other things can be increased as appropriate, but there will not be many - this is what Mu Qing heard subconsciously, She doesn't know what other people think.
  The TV also further clarified the tasks of the flood fighting team. Generally speaking, there are mainly the following points. One is to dig various ditches for drainage, and the other is to build roads. It is unrealistic to build bridges now, but road construction is still You can give it a try.
  Finally, work in the major reservoirs, because this job is the most dangerous, so there is extra pay. Many people on their side are afraid to go to the reservoir now. Fortunately, the reservoirs on their side are relatively small, just like the larger ponds, so it is not so urgent.
  But there are some large reservoirs that really cannot be left alone.
  All localities are now actively organizing flood fighting and rescue work, but it is not going well. The main reason is that all the families have not yet reached the point where they are at the end of their ropes, and they are unwilling to use their lives to do these things.
  But Mu Qing knew that in the past two days, many people would be willing. In fact, most households do not have food in stock now, and those who have food in stock account for a minority.
  Therefore, once the government tightens the grain barrier, everyone has to obey.
  Today, when everyone went to exchange grain, they found that the policy was changed. One centimeter can be exchanged for one catty of grain, but it is not rice anymore, but a gray thing called five-grain flour. As for what it is, everyone knows that the government has collected grain worms before. Even if you can't think of it now, you can understand it after you go home.
  There is still such a thing as grain powder now, but in the later stage, it will be dried grain insects.
  In every family, there are always some hypocritical people who are unwilling to eat this kind of food. For example, Mu Qing was in her last life, and she didn't want to eat this even after being hungry for three days.
  In the end, Jun Zhao first went to the flood fighting team to repair the reservoir, and then brought her back normal rice, so she was willing to eat. Later, Dad Zhang also joined the team.
  This is also the reason why she helped the Jun family whenever she could. In her previous life, she really owed Jun Zhao a lot. He is the kind of person who doesn't talk too much, but everything is hidden in his actions. Although he didn't do much in this life, he is also working hard to prepare for their future. She knows all of this.
  And later, after she found out that Jun Zhao and Zhang's father had gone to work in the reservoir, at that time there were only dried grains and worms, and she could only cry and stuff them into her mouth.
  Jun Zhao and Zhang's father never forced themselves to do anything, they always took the responsibility on themselves. And she really didn't think about many problems.
  In the first five years of the apocalypse, it can be said that she lived a very happy life, and compared to others, she already knew no suffering. They have been doing the most dangerous work to support the family. No one wants to do anything like her in poor health.
  When Mu Qing thought of this, his heart became heavy, so he lost interest when he saw the recruitment information on TV, and only said to Zhang Dad, "You are not allowed to go to this kind of job, this is in exchange for your life... ..."
  "Then how can it be possible!" Dad Zhang laughed, "Our family is not enough, we have a lot of food. Recently, your grandma is still using a plastic sealer to seal all the millet in the basement, and it can also extend the shelf life."
  Mu When Qing heard Zhang's father's words, she felt even more uncomfortable. That's right, in their last life they were already at the end of their ropes. All the food in the family was used for their illnesses, and they still couldn't eat grain flour. Naturally, they had no choice but to choose this way.
  And later, eating rat meat and locusts by myself was quite delicious, which was really embarrassing.

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