Chapter 156-160

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Chapter 156 Go, whoever catches the mouse made them not take precautions. ...
  The leader who came down looked at the mouse in Wang Gang's hand with a thoughtful expression.
  "Where did you catch this mouse?" Thinking of something, the secretary asked.
  "I caught this in the landlord's yard."
  Wang Gang thought for a while and replied, "This mouse is very strange. Even if there are people around, it will come out. It seems that it is not afraid of people at all."
  It will starve to death , is not afraid of people! The leader from above looked at the mouse's skinny appearance, and thought to himself.
  At the same time, he also raised his vigilance, and always felt that this is not an easy thing. If it really works well, his political career may rise to a higher level.
  "You want to sell this?"
  "Yes, didn't you collect a lot of bugs in the first year? I wondered if the mice would be collected too, so I came to ask..." Wang Gang said, but at this time there was no When mentioning what Mu Qing said, he was also afraid of causing trouble for Mu Qing.
  "Good boy..." The leader touched his head, then said something to the secretary beside him, then turned his head and said to him: "You can all take the mouse here in the future, this thing is very harmful, but Can't eat..."
  Wang Gang heard that his goal had been achieved, and he thought that hard work pays off! For their family, even the things that the little mouse can get in exchange can be happy.
  After all, this can also be regarded as a windfall, and who would refuse such a cheap thing? !
  But after Wang Gang left, the leader said to the secretary: "We must report this situation, we cannot ignore it!" "
  Secretary, when shall we go back?" Secretary Wang understood that their mission this time had just begun .
  Originally, they came down this time because they wanted to inspect the construction progress in the vicinity, and at the same time, they also needed to inspect the living environment and standards of the people.
  After all, it has been two years since the end of the world, and it is hard to see a little hope now. Naturally, I want to resume production as soon as possible, so that everyone can live a good life again.

  He even knows that although the sea level has risen by nearly 100 meters, the earthquake has stopped, and some places along the coast can now be inhabited. The government is already preparing to arrange for the population to live in the past.
  Seeing this mouse today, the secretary's first instinct was that it was not good!
  The fate of human beings is ill-fated, and the abnormality of this mouse may not be simple. Especially the plague that the boy said was even more shocking.
  Both the secretary and his secretary Wang felt uncomfortable. They only felt that the color of the sky was much darker, which made people feel breathless.
  "Xiao Wang, what do you think is the future of mankind?" The secretary's eyes became moist as he spoke.
  "Secretary, with a person like you who is dedicated to the people, at least the common people will not starve to death..." Secretary Wang was also gloomy, he understood the current situation too well.
  Two years is enough to use up the mobile food on the market. If there is no more grain output this year, then the grain reserves will have to be used.
  The food reserves are only enough to feed the people of the whole country for five or six years. If there is no food, a country as big as theirs, with the largest population in the world, may be in chaos.
  It's just that the more this is the case, the more they can't be discouraged. They still have a long battle to fight! For them, the happiness of the common people is what their hearts desire. ! Thinking! Rabbit! On! Online! Read! Read!
  Reported the situation, which is considered a very urgent matter.
  Sure enough, Mu Qing and his family heard about the rat collection from the news on the third day.
  Mu Qing thought in his heart, as expected, the government had a foresight. I have to say, this is really a beautiful misunderstanding.
  In the previous life, the government's response was really not as fast as it is now. Everyone's first reaction when seeing a mouse is to eat it.
  But now, knowing that eating mice may cause illness, everyone naturally dare not eat them. After all, it’s okay to be hungry for a while, but if you get sick from eating mice, you will probably die.
  Mu Qing felt that in her previous life, everyone probably didn't know the news, and in this life, she will definitely actively promote it.
  In the end, she didn't expect that before she opened her mouth, the people outside were already busy. Already looking for traces of mice everywhere.
  And the general meaning of what is being broadcast in the news now is that everyone should not eat mice when they see them. Just kill them and sell them to supply and marketing stations. At that time, the government will send special personnel to destroy these rats to ensure that everyone will not be harmed.
  Everyone is very happy about the information in the news. This undoubtedly opens up a new way to make money for everyone.
  Many people have nothing to do at home now, worrying all day long that their families will not be able to solve the problem tomorrow, especially now that most people's families have started to receive relief food.
  The government has been very kind to everyone. The system will automatically give priority to jobs for family members who have no jobs. Of course, these are temporary workers. If you are a regular worker, you need to find someone to be a guarantee.
  But now, these people who are idle at home are happy. They can also create value for the family. There is nothing in this world that makes people happier than having a regular income.
  So people who knew about it were running around to tell people with better relations, and told those who were okay to find the mouse quickly, so that everyone was busy.
  Originally, the changes in the environment gave people hope for future life, but now the implementation of the new policy has made everyone full of motivation to work hard. There is nothing more reassuring than eating with your own hands.
  After watching the news, everyone started to get busy. At this time, there are elderly people in the family. No one has the experience of catching mice like some old people now.
  They know where the mouse is when they see the mouse droppings, and they can also recognize where the mouse bites the hole and which hole is the mouse hole. These are all easy things for them.
  Mu Qing just wanted to go out to tell everyone that the government has officially started to collect rats. He didn't expect that only a few children in the front yard would be looking after the house. When I asked where the adults had gone, they all said that they went to catch mice.
  This made Mu Qing a little dumbfounded, why didn't she remember that everyone started catching mice at this time in her last life? Obviously, in the last life, it was only in May and June that there was a large-scale announcement of catching mice and rats.
  She remembered this very clearly, and she didn't know the previous policy. Because their family is the kind of people who are very ill-informed.
  Even if you are a local, you still need to run around for food every day. Who let Lin Rongrong's family cheat their family's food? No one can blame this matter, who made them not take precautions.

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