Chapter 76-80

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Chapter 76 Ao Jia likes Wang Tao's mother, I also want to go to the glass house...
  "Ao Jia?" Jun Zhao was frightened, but he listened to Mu Qing As I said, Ao Jia has always had a high vision, but let's look at his friends.
  Now he has a dark face, his hair smells like sulfur, and his clothes are no different from those of the workers on the construction site. He really doesn't know what Ao Jia can see in him.
  "Yes, I was scared!" Wang Tao said and patted his chest, "I heard that Mu Qing doesn't like Ao Jia, you said I can't mix Qiu Bao and Ao Jia together." "Hmm
  ... ..." Jun Zhao is very cautious when it comes to his girlfriend. At this time, it seems that Mu Qing is stingy, but if he doesn't, what if Mu Qing really doesn't like it.
  "By the way, you and Mu Qing are together every day, what kind of attitude does she have towards Ao Jia and his family?" Wang Tao was a little puzzled, and if he wanted to say something particularly hateful, he didn't see them tripping Ao Mu up. But if it's a good relationship, it's not necessarily true, it made him a little confused.
  "Hmm... I don't know, it's probably just that Qingqing doesn't like Ao Jia and the others very much. If there is any deep hatred, there is no such thing as a deep hatred." Jun Zhao can only talk here, and he doesn't have any more.
  "That's it, let's forget it, so as not to cause unpleasant troubles." Wang Tao is also a person, watching such a beautiful woman chasing him, it is impossible to say that he has no idea.
  However, he still has to weigh the interests, the feelings of adults are not so simple. If the relationship between Ao Jia and Mu Qing is good, then everyone will be happy, but if it's not good, then forget it, I can't afford the risk.
  It was not easy for him to call and send WeChat to ask Jun Zhao before, because he was afraid that Mu Qing would find out. It's hard to see each other now, so I naturally want to ask this.
  Of course, after asking this question, they also talked about other things. Jun Zhao also told Wang Tao that school would start soon, and he remembered that Wang Tao hadn't graduated either.
  "I'm not a good university, so I won't go." Wang Tao is very realistic. His current family situation makes it impossible for him to go to school. There is also a younger brother in the family. His school is not good. How can he waste this money? .
  "Okay..." It's not that Jun Zhao doesn't understand anything, he also understands that Wang Tao's major is hard to find a job before the volcano erupts, let alone now, "What about your brother? Your brother is still going to school Is it?"
  "I don't know, let's discuss it with my parents when I go back." Wang Tao also has selfish intentions. If the younger brother at home goes to school, he must be the one who is tired now, but if he refuses to go, he can't live with his conscience. Anyway, let the parents decide.
  "Also, Mu Qing asked me to tell you when I have time. Your intermediary job won't last long. If you have the opportunity, you can work in the government. It may be difficult to get in later." Speaking of this, Jun Zhao also said
  : He remembered what Mu Qing told him to tell Wang Tao before. The two of them hadn't met before, so they didn't have a chance to talk about it.
  "What? Does Mu Qing know something?" Wang Tao knew it. Mu Qing's news probably had a wider background than her parents', so what she said was highly credible.
  "I don't know, anyway, that's what Mu Qing said, you can figure it out." Jun Zhao really didn't know anything, Mu Qing usually has the final say on family affairs, and she never explained anything of.
  "Okay, okay, don't ask, but I still want to thank her, just convey my thanks for me." Of course, Wang Tao didn't propose to go to their home to express his gratitude. At this moment, if he made such a request, it would not be a thank you , that is to take advantage of it.
  "Well, I see, I will pass it on." Jun Zhao nodded, and soon he was about to fetch water, so the two of them didn't talk much, and separated after a few small talk.
  After they separated, they saw Ao Jia who had fetched water and followed him.
  "What did you tell Jun Zhao?" Ao Jia chased after him, and then asked Wang Tao directly.

  "It has nothing to do with you, Miss Ao!" Since Wang Tao had decided not to talk to Ao Jia, his tone and face were naturally bad.
  "Why are you talking to me in such a tone." Ao Jia was a little surprised, it was not like this two days ago, "Did Mu Qing ask Jun Zhao to tell you something!" "You are thinking too much, Mu
  Mu Qing doesn't even know you like this, so how could he say anything." Wang Tao didn't want to cause trouble for Mu Qing, so as not to be troubled by Ao Jia in time.
  "Then you obviously weren't like this two days ago!" Ao Jia was a little wronged. She was so nice, why did Wang Tao treat him like this? I will never give more than one look in my life.
  "What's wrong with me?" Wang Tao was also very angry. Wasn't he shaken by the temptation of beauty two days ago? Otherwise, he would be too lazy to talk to her and waste his time earning money.
  "You! You!" Ao Jia was a little wronged. She hadn't experienced the devastation of the last days, and she still had the mentality of a little girl in her heart. Chasing after her was already hard for her to accept, let alone meeting Wang Tao. Ruffian type of person.
  "Miss Ao, I advise you not to waste your time on me, it will be faster to find someone else." Wang Tao also told the truth, "You have a bad relationship with Mu Qing's family. I am Jun Zhao's good brother. No matter how you look at it, it's impossible for the two of us!"
  To be honest, Wang Tao didn't know what this young lady was thinking, didn't she feel that her behavior was unreasonable at all?
  "Mu Qing, what's the matter with me!" Ao Jia was stimulated by the name Mu Qing, and she was compared since she was a child, and then she left, what are you doing now! Situ document sharing and online reading
  "..." Wang Tao was impatient with the thinking of this young lady. If before the eruption of the volcano, he was still in the mood to coax the young lady, but he didn't look at the time now, and he was still in the mood to play temper, he really is someone who has never been beaten by life.
  But speaking of it, he also has self-knowledge. In the previous world, it is estimated that a girl like her would not look at him more. Thinking of this, he suddenly felt bored.
  "Okay, I have something else to do, you should go home quickly, and don't come to me again." After Wang Tao finished speaking, he didn't care about Ao Jia's reaction, but just left.
  Ao Jia carried the water for the three of them. Although he had done a lot of work recently and his physical fitness has improved a lot, he couldn't catch up with a young man. He could only watch Wang Tao go away, and he stayed where he was. Stomping is enough.
  Back home, Ao Jia was still out of breath, and went back to the house without cooking at night.
  After Lin Rongrong came home, she was a little angry when she saw that she hadn't cooked. But seeing her daughter's unhappy appearance, she suddenly felt a little distressed. So, she could only scold Mu Qing and his family in her heart while cooking.
  Whenever they had a bad time, they would scold Mu Qing and his family in their hearts. Lin Rongrong really thinks that Mu Qing and his family are heinous people. They are really white-eyed wolves for taking two old people into a new house to enjoy happiness, but leaving their family behind.
  Now, Lin Rongrong scolds less in her heart every day, it's not that she doesn't hate it anymore, it's just that she is too tired and doesn't have the energy to scold her.
  "What's wrong with Jiajia?" Lin Rongrong finished the meal and brought it to Ao Jia's room.
  "It's nothing." Ao Jia wanted to say that she didn't want to eat, but her stomach was burning with hunger, so she didn't say anything, she just brought it over and ate it quickly.
  There was nothing delicious at first, just a bowl of white rice.
  "It's because of that kid Wang Tao." Of course, she knows her daughter best, and it's not that she doesn't know her daughter's behavior these days, and there are even reasons for her indulgence.
  In her opinion, Wang Tao, a young man, is quite promising at this time. Moreover, it has to be admitted that Wang Tao has a good relationship with Mu Qing's family, which made her give him a lot of points in her heart.
  Both mother and daughter believed that as long as they liked it, Wang Tao would definitely not have any objections. After all, I (my daughter) is so good, how could anyone not be happy. Not to mention, they wouldn't have looked at that young man Wang Tao a year ago.
  "..." Ao Jia didn't speak, she couldn't say that she was rejected by Wang Tao, why would a person like him reject herself!
  "Wang Tao was wronged by you?" Lin Rongrong felt sorry for her daughter, "Since you have been wronged, then you should ignore him in the future. We didn't pay much attention to people like him before. Just a glance."
  "Mom, it's because of Mu Qing." Ao Jia was angry because someone rejected her, but what made her feel even more humiliated was that this person rejected her just because she had a bad relationship with Mu Qing's family.
  "Mu Qing? Wang Tao likes Mu Qing?" Lin Rongrong obviously misunderstood, "Mu Qing is really not a good person, and he hooked up with a pair of brothers." "No!"
  Ao Jia didn't need to lie in front of her mother, just To be honest, "Wang Tao said that the relationship between Mu Qing's family and ours is not good, and he can't be with me."
  Of course, she still understood what Wang Tao meant. Isn't it because her family is not as capable as Mu Qing's family? Of course, adults don't speak so bluntly and harshly, and she understands everything.
  Ao Jia can understand, so Lin Rongrong can understand, "This Wang Tao, it seems that he is not a good person. We will ignore this person in the future."
  What can Lin Rongrong do? Mostly, she just scolded Mu Qing in her heart for being a vixen, and it would be impossible to go to their house to make trouble. You know, she hasn't been to Mu Qing's house since it was repaired.
  "Mom, I also want to live in a glass house!" Ao Jia finally said it out, she just wanted to live a good life, just like Mu Qing.
  When the time comes, she won't believe that she can still be humiliated like this!
  She believed that as long as she lived the same life as Mu Qing, she would be able to compare with Mu Qing, and even snatch her boyfriend over!
  "You ask mom to think about it..." Lin Rongrong just gave a vague answer, she has to think about it...

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