Chapter 141-145

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Chapter 141 The Mu family is about to fall, if you don't believe it, go and see their mental state...
  Time is passing quickly with the heavy rain, and it is already the first day of the last days It's August of the second year.
  This heavy rain without warning has lasted for two months, but it is not uncommon for millions of years of rain to fall in the history of the earth.
  Therefore, under the appeasement issued by the government, everyone's mood is still stable, and it has not caused panic among the people.
  During this period, Mu Qing rejected Sun Xiaojing's new round of invitations. It's not like she's really desperate to go out in such heavy rain. Even if she is not afraid of any danger, the mental and physical fatigue is overwhelming.
  Not to mention, it's only been two months since the last time I went out.
  Entering August, Mu Qing will also start to prepare for the next two years. It is true that the next two years will be more dangerous and difficult than now.
  At that time, their family could not live as well as they do now.
  After all, the next two years will be the third and fourth years of the last days. If someone records the last days, it will definitely be written at the beginning.
  The third year: Drought, plague, and pestilence
  The fourth year: Drought, locust plagues, and the beginning of a cold wave
  These two years were the worst two years, and in the first two years, everyone still had food, and there was no shortage of water. In the following days, more disasters were caused by the cold.

  At least there is no disaster like drought that can kill people.
  So in the next few months, Mu Qing needs to prepare their water for the next two years. That's why she asked people to dig holes under the house and put several large water storage tanks in the first place.
  The third and fourth years of the last days are really terrible, and these two years are also the two years with the highest crime rate. Many people dare not even go out, let alone go out to work or find water in the wild.
  Mu Qing thought for a while, the reason why the government was able to continuously provide water supply, I don't know if it knew something in advance. Or because of the caves they found recently—you know, most of the caves that Mu Qing and the others went to are underground, and the groundwater is extremely rich.
  Thinking of this, Mu Qing has more confidence in his future life.
  Life at home is not difficult, making Mu Qing feel very relaxed. In this life, you don't have to work hard for a bowl of rice, and you don't have to get up in the middle of the night to queue up. Whether they can buy a lot of things at home is just resigned.
  Even the grain, oil and meat bought now are all stored in underground warehouses. They are used to eating the food at home, but they are not used to or like the food bought from outside.
  Even grandma Mu and grandpa planted a lot of rapeseed in some flower pots in the backyard. Although there was no oil press in the end, they had to use old-fashioned methods to extract oil, which was not efficient, but fortunately it was clean and healthy. ①Thinking①Rabbit①Online①①Reading①①After
  Mu Qing found out, she went to the warehouse to rummage around, and finally found a small oil press, which she remembered buying herself.
  It's just that when Grandma Mu and the others were squeezing the oil, Mu Qing was in the mountains and didn't know about it.
  But even if the efficiency was not high, Grandma Mu and the others did not waste anything at all. The scum and some leaves saved were given to the pigs and cattle raised in the backyard.
  Now the number of pigs, cows, chickens and ducks in the backyard has stabilized, not as much as at the beginning. The current amount is exactly the amount used by their entire family.
  There are three pigs, four sheep, and two calves for cattle. As for poultry such as chickens, ducks and geese, Grandma Mu and the others did not limit the quantity. Anyway, their family consumes a lot. Even if there is no limit, it is just enough for them to eat.
  If there is a limit, it is estimated that they should not have enough to eat.
  During this time, Mu Qing turned on the rainwater collection filter installed in advance at home, and the rainwater will be directly poured into the water tank after being filtered layer by layer.
  They hadn't used the water tank very much before, because Mu Qing and the others found that if they wanted to filter the whole house, the electricity bill would be too high and it would not be cost-effective. Might as well use tap water directly.
  Only in the first year, when I dare not drink the water outside, did I use the water tank at home. But in the second year, there is too much water to use up, so naturally it is not used.
  Therefore, there are usually only two elderly people and two children in the family, so this job falls on Mu Qing's head.
  And Mu Qing is also the person who is most familiar with this system, after all, she directly discussed with the engineering team how to install it. At that time, I really did not seek the most affordable, but only the best.
  Now, the effect is also obvious.
  After this system is opened, all toilet water is drained into the biogas digester, and the biogas digester is still generating electricity every day and supplying food for cooking.
  Then the bath water is a filter system, that is, domestic water, which is recycled. Then there is another system to filter pure water, which is only supplied to the kitchen and can be directly drunk in the mouth.
  The filter box of the water purification system only needs to be cleaned regularly. There are several filter boxes in the whole house, and each of them needs to be cleaned regularly, which is also a lot of work.
  It's not hard work, but it will be tedious in general. Once this set of water purification equipment is turned on, the working efficiency of the biogas generator will be directly pulled up to meet the electricity.
  Now the government limits the time per household every day, and you can’t buy electricity even if you have money. Of course, it is not impossible if you buy electricity from other people's homes.
  But considering the scale of electricity consumption of Mu's family, even if all the electricity of so many tenants in their house were turned in, it would not be enough.
  Fortunately, Mu Qing went outside before, and the electricity consumption at home was much reduced. Although the daily freeze dryer work is a big head. But when it comes to future food issues, everyone dare not save money. All they can do is to be careful in the usual electricity consumption.
  When the people around saw that Mu Qing had started to work busily, carrying a bucket and cleaning the roof every day, it really shocked people's jaws.
  As a result, rumors began to spread in the village, is the Mu family about to fall? ! Is their food finally finished?
  The person who said it didn't have any bad intentions, but not everyone who listened to it had no ill intentions towards the Mu family. So this thing spread out somehow.
  If Mu Qing knew about it, she might still be angry. After all, didn't she usually work? All she has done for this family are invisible contributions! But it’s by no means doing nothing at ordinary times!
  Ao Jia was the one who spread the most gossip about the Mu family. Although everyone knew that Ao Jia's family had fallen out with Mu Qing's family, it was still hard to be sure.
  After all, they are still relatives now, even if the bones are broken, the tendons are still connected! How can one say this?
  Therefore, everyone is willing to believe Ao Jia's words that the Mu family has run out of food and Mu Qing's job is gone.
  Of course, they didn't even know how true or false these words were. It's just that they don't like Mu Qing's family, and some of them are even jealous.
  Of course, not everyone held malice towards Mu Qing's family. There are also many people who hope that Mu Qing and his family can go on smoothly forever.
  For example, Mu Qing, the tenant of their new and old house. They don't need to turn in much grain every month, and they even collect old grain from the grain bank.
  Therefore, they hope that the Mu family can continue to be rich, and they don't have to worry about small gains and losses with ordinary people like themselves.
  Of course, a lean camel is bigger than a horse, even if the Mu family has no food, or Mu Qing has no job.
  The life of the Mu family is also much easier than that of people like themselves. After all, their family can't starve to death just by collecting rent, but the standard of living will be reduced in the end.
  On this day, Mu Qing fished out the dust from the filter pool, dumped it on the ground of the eaves, and beat it vigorously with a large wooden pestle. This is to prevent the plague in the third year.
  Although the foundation of her courtyard wall is very solid, she is still worried that mice will eat it. After all, in the last life, the foundation of their house was gnawed by mice a lot, and it took a lot of effort to repair it in the end. If Zhang's father hadn't been a mason, he might have turned this house into a dilapidated one.
  Liu Chunhua in the front yard watched Mu Qing work. She, who was standing outside the yard collecting water to wash clothes, walked over along the eaves and asked Mu Qing what he was doing.
  Mu Qing didn't say much, only said that it was strengthening the foundation around the house. After thinking for a while, he said, "You can talk to the tenants, I'll give you some pestles, and you can use them to reinforce the ground around the house when you're free." Liu Chunhua looked at it carefully
  . Seeing that Mu Qing was wearing clean and comfortable clothes, and there was still a fragrance, it looked like the clothes had been carefully cared for. Thinking about the rumors, she shook her head in her heart, some people will be disappointed in these classes, but she didn't see any changes in the family conditions of the Mu family.
  They usually use rainwater to wash clothes, because

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