Chapter 106-110

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Chapter 106 vaguely revealed that
  Mu Qing finally left in the afternoon with two bicycles. Before leaving, Mu Qing did not Looking back, I just prayed silently in my heart, hoping that they could move as soon as possible.
  On the other side, Mr. Jiang called his sons to his side.
  Jiang Wenzhang came first, and when he came, he saw a note on the table, which was written in a newspaper:
  "Mr. Jiang, I hope you will pay attention to this letter! November 1, 2121, E The Tenap super volcano in the country will erupt, and it will bring a magnitude 9.5 earthquake, which will strongly affect the northwest of our country. Please believe me! If the people are not evacuated this time, it will definitely be an unprecedented disaster! Please pay attention !"
  Jiang Wenzhang's first reaction was to check this person, but before he looked up, Mr. Jiang said, "This thing was put in my underwear pocket, there are no fingerprints, and there is no suspicious person." Jiang Wenzhang heard this
  sentence I was also in a cold sweat from fright. Fortunately, it was a letter. If it was something else, I don’t know if the old man would be fine.
  "Dad, is this news credible?" As a qualified politician, he naturally knows the importance of this news. If he uses it well, it will not only benefit the country and the people, but also put his name in the history books.
  "I don't know, I'm going to send someone to verify." If ordinary people tell them that this kind of thing will happen, they don't necessarily pay attention to it. However, this person put this note directly in his pocket, leaving no traces, and he doesn't look like a person with no skills, which increases his credibility.
  It's just that it's only the beginning of September, and there's still a month and a half left, so there's still a lot to do in this time.
  "Then I'll go find someone..." Jiang Wenzhang works in the government, and his older brother is in the army, so it's not convenient for him to deal with these things, while his younger brother is still in training and doesn't have the energy.
  "Okay, you can make arrangements first, I have to talk to your elder brother..." Mr. Jiang pressed his brows, feeling a little pain in his head, "Don't tell the juniors, find some reliable people."
  "Well, I know." Jiang Wenzhang nodded, and then walked out quickly. Time is everything now, so we must hurry up.
  Mr. Jiang didn't call his eldest son and younger son over right away. There are still guests outside who need to be sent away, so it's better to wait until the evening.
  He looked at the sky outside, and saw a piece of gray, the only thing he could see was the pale yellow halo in the sky. He knows that it is the sun that has disappeared for a long time...
  He knows that it is not the most difficult now, but according to the content of the report, it will become more and more difficult in the future. And he is already old and can't do much, and the future is still for the next generation.
  He only hopes that in his lifetime, he can see that human beings have the ability to survive, and that when society stabilizes, he can die without regrets and close his eyes.
  These people have worked hard all their lives to realize their ideals - hope that the people of the whole country can have enough food and clothing. They have finally achieved it, but a disaster has returned human beings to their original form. How can he accept this? .
  Mr. Jiang looked at the obvious white hair on the black clothes on his shoulders, and felt a little melancholy. Not only him, but his old buddies also aged ten years in this year.
  They had heard the report before, but they had no experience at that time, and they didn't know what it was like, so they could only prepare as best they could.
  But when the disaster really came, they saw the cruelty of the earth. Seeing people displaced, they are anxious day and night.
  The situation in the future is even more severe, and I just hope that everything will go well. If the news this time is accurate, it will undoubtedly be great news, and it will be enough to save many people.
  He couldn't accept that because of his mistakes, hundreds of millions of people were in danger...
  On the other side, Mu Qing was sent to the station by Jiang Lele. Before she came, she had already called Dad Zhang to come and wait for her.
  So, when Mu Qing got out of the car, she got into her own car again.
  "How are you playing?" Zhang Baolai looked at his daughter and felt very proud. He and his daughter walked on the road and wanted to yell to tell others-look, this is my daughter, how beautiful it is!
  "It's pretty good, I'm quite full." Mu Qing patted his stomach, expressing that although he didn't eat back what was given out, he was still full anyway, so he can skip dinner at night.
  "You child, there is no food at home!" Zhang Baolai frowned, "It's not you who are suffering from eating too much, and you don't lack such a few things. Everything in the house is yours." "I know." Mu Qing
  said Life is really happy, the family members are standing still, even if I am gone, I believe they can live smoothly. It may not be so good, but it has a good beginning, not even worse than the previous life.
  "Go back and ask your grandma to make you some appetizing soup, rest in the afternoon..." Zhang Baolai looked at his daughter's darkened face since the eruption of the volcano, feeling a little distressed.
  He didn't have great skills, he couldn't let Mu Qing live the life like Jiang Lele, and he even felt sorry for her back then. However, as a father, he will seize every opportunity to make his daughter live well. Now he just wants to be able to get promoted. He has won the first place in performance for 9 consecutive months, and he can be promoted as long as he persists for a while.
  However, when Mu Qing was in his car, he was driving seriously, and at this moment, some thoughts just flashed through his mind.
  "Ham, it's really nothing, but you can drink some of grandma's soup." Mu Qing nodded. She really likes all kinds of tonic soups from grandma. "I have to stop at the department store in the city later. Let’s see, I was rewarded with some vouchers during my last business trip, so I went to redeem them, so I don’t have to make a second trip.” “Okay.
  ” Regarding Mu Qing’s words, Zhang Baolai never felt bad, even if he didn’t like Jun Zhao Boy, but for the sake of my daughter

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