TBT 01

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"Sino naman sa inyo ang nag schedule nitong bago ko na ka-blind date, huh?" I whispered on the phone while I maintained a big smile on my face. My blind date for today is staring at me from our table that he reserved just for this meeting. 

"That's on your list, girl. You made the list as well as opened the form," One of my friends replied with humor laced in her voice. The other girl on the line then speaks her turn, "Right. We advised you to not do it, right? Pero ano, you still posted the Google Form and went on many dates after our graduation." 

Another one clicked their tongue, "Parang hindi pa kayo sanay diyan kay Anastasia, kahit nung high school pa tayo may sira na sa utak iyan." 

"Ah talaga, Azi, after I deal with this I will show you kung sinong may sira sa utak," I hissed on the phone. Nagtawanan and tatlo habang ang isa pa naming kaibigan ay nagsalita na rin matapos ng ilang minuto niyang pananahimik, "Anong gagawin mo diyan ngayon, beb?" 

"I'm not really sure, Diez. What if takbuhan ko na lang ito?" 

Elle's laugh dominated our call, "Gago, ano iyan, eat and run?" 

I rolled my eyes, "Like you said, it's my fault because I do what I want. I did it before, I'll do it again." 

"Eat and run ba kung bago pa niya masubo young pasta bigla-biglang sinasabihan siya na ang ganda niya? Hindi man lang makapag-pigil?" Threia added. 

I heard Azi sighed, "Kung gano'n, 'di takbuhan mo na." 

Diez disagreed with our sentiments, "At least tell him na you're going home na. Just invent an emergency pagbalik mo ng table niyo," and her words made more sense than what I was imagining doing. 

"Okay, love you four. See you later," I bid goodbye. 

"Place mo?" Threia asked but Azi replied for me, "Nothing's new. We can always do what we want when we're at her place," na sinundan ni Elle. "Bibili akong soju! Threia, daanan mo ako rito sa building ko, ah. Tinatamad na akong mag drive, ih. Hehe." 

"Bye," I hang up my phone from our conference call. 

I waved at my date for today before I started walking. I can feel my skirt waving through the movement of my legs and the cardigan wrapped around the upper level of my body frame made me feel comfortable meeting someone I knew from Junior High School. The guy who had been watching me from afar hadn't touched his meal when I stood up five minutes ago. 

"So?" He asked after I stopped in front of him, I smiled shyly. 

"That call was from my friend, Diez, well. . . she's in an urgent emergency right now and I'm needed there at the moment," I lied through my teeth. While doing so, I tried to observe his reaction. His shoulder which was high and mighty is now in a slouched position. His face lost its cool expression for a moment before he showed me a small smile, "Well, that sucks." 

"Yeah, it does. . ." but I don't really feel like being sad about it. 

"Next time?" He asked, there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes. 

I looked straight into his eyes, "Maybe." 

I hooked my sling bag on my shoulders and walked out of the coffee shop as quickly as I could while maintaining elegance and faking the almost hurried look that I was sure he was trying to figure out. I parked in the front, therefore, I spotted my car next to his.  At the same time, I heard the chime of the coffee shop's door open. I turned to it while I was opening my car's door. 

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