TBT 76

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anton, my friend

10:23 AM

Do you want to talk about it? 

What happened to Hello? How are you? My name is? What happened to that? 

Hahahahaha after the call you barely replied to me, that's why

Give me some time to think 

How many hours? 

Hindi pwedeng weeks? 


Just kidding. I'm just kidding. 

This is just... so unbelievable 

Suddenly you're sure of me and want to court me? 

I did some self-reflections when you were away

And by that you mean? 

I wrote songs

How is it possible that writing songs made you realize you have real feelings for me? 

Well, for one, when I tried writing a love song all I could think about was you. 

Second, you're currently my muse. 

As much as it's embarrassing to admit, you're the center of my music lately. 

Can we... talk about this in person? 


Ilan classes mo today? 

I'm out by seven but I have some free time this afternoon

I'll be occupied the whole afternoon with my meetings


You mean many? Yes, mga tatlo 

Different agendas, with the councils, with the faculty, and with other clubs. 

Until what time are you busy? 

I'm not sure

Let's meet after your class na lang

Sure, I'll pick you up. 


Huh? Why? 

I... want space first to think about it. Don't worry, I'll show up. I'll send you the location later. 

Okay, copy. 

Thank you. 

No. Thank you.


Sige na, I'm heading to my office pa, I need to prepare for the meetings. 

Sure, good luck! I know you can do it. 

I hope so, too. 




I'm serious about it. 

I know.

Nothing, I just want to remind you of it. I'm not kidding. 

I know. 

Okay, good luck. 
Read 10:44 AM

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chance @chancemp3

Here I am, just another boy singing songs that others have sung. Tryin' to find the words to employ, to adore the goddess of love. 

11:35 AM     13.7k Replies     17.4k Quotes     78.9k Likes

gf ni chance @chancesgf replied to @chancemp3


11:35 AM     3.2k Reposts     2.5k Likes

chancemp3 for me @chancemp3_ replied to @chancemp3


11:46 AM      12.1k Reposts     10.8k Likes 

angel's @benagustinc replied to @chancemp3

Heard from Ken and Amir you're ready for a bang. Can't wait dude. 

11:47 AM     53.2k Replies     64.3k Quotes     73.9k Likes

new user @user839405833 replied to @chancemp3

ako lang ba o tunog in love talaga yung lyrics (kung lyrics man iyan) 

11:53 AM     6.4k Replies    13.7k Quotes     32.6k Likes

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Music Daily @musicdailyph

The four-member band, Invisible String, is rumored to release new songs this year! It was first talked about when they were announced as one of the lineups on Rioflorido University: Night Jamming, followed by the Instagram post with: "boys are back" as a caption. Recently, the songwriter of the group known as Chance (@chancemp3) and the band's vocalist Ben (@benagustinc) are hinting at their next comeback. 


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12:01 PM     2.6k Replies     34.2k Reposts     21.6k Quotes     56.5k Likes

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