TBT 146

23 2 0

anton, my lover 


Thank you for tonight, love. I enjoyed it. 

No. Thank you. 

I love you so much. 

I love you so much! 💗

I love you more! 

Go on and sleep na. 

What about you? : ((( 

I'll finish another music to polish then I'll sleep na rin. 

Can't I be on call with you while you do that? 


You can, baby. 


Call me after five minutes.

Aight, Anna-tot! 
Seen 11:59 PM

12:32 AM

You fell asleep na. 


I love you. 

Sleep tight. 


Good morning!

I'm going to exercise then I'll get going na rin. 

I have a busy schedule today. 

Good morning, baby. 

The same goes for me. 

See you. 

See you! 

10:30 AM

What are you doing? 

Kakatapos lang ng class ko but I have a meeting with the SC e

Let's sabay kumain ng lunch? 

11:21 AM 


I'm sorry

I got a call from the label, the one I told you about... 

We were called for a meeting. I'm afraid I cannot eat lunch with you. 

Oh, okay... Ingat ka, ah? 

I'll pick you up after this. 

What about your afternoon class? 

I already excused myself, baby. Don't worry. 


02:43 PM 

No lessons for today, love. Your professor told the class that she's going to post an assignment, but I heard that you guys need to group. I got your group number and members, I'll send it along with the notes I made the whole time I spent there. There are things to remember din kasi, e. 

I hope you ate lunch. 

I love you. 

02:52 PM


You didn't have to. 

No, it's okay. Para you won't have to ask questions na, I know how much you feel uncomfortable asking questions. Don't worry. 

I got you. 

What would I do without you? 



No, you're right. I'll suffer, that's for sure. 

Anyway, they extended the meeting for an hour. 

They love our performance, but they want to book us for more gigs, e. 

What's your thought on it, love? 

Well, the guys love it so I love it. 

Hmm 'kay, good. I love you. 

I love you more. 

04:21 PM 

Done na me with my acads and SC stuff, where are you, my dear?


04:40 PM

On the way, baby. 

Okay, mag ingat sa daan, ha? 

Red light. Opo. 

See you, baby. 

See you. 

05:08 PM

I need your hug. 

Come here. 



Seen 05:09 PM

<     Post 

chato 🔒 @younganton

Today was a pretty hectic day. The executives love our album, the sales, and such... but honestly, I don't care. They said we'll have more gigs and it means more exposure. I don't know if I can surely handle it, although every time I look at Ben, Kuya Ken, and Achi... I feel like saying yes.

03:33 PM     X on iPhone 

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