TBT 18

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<     Mariezthreia Vasquez

08:46 PM

Hi, are you free?

08:48 PM

hiiiii ccq yes yes

Are you emotionally and mentally capable
of hearing out a story?? Because I have so
much to spill. 

ano ka ba naman, parang others

shempre ready ako makinig kaya i spill mo na iyan

So... I've been coincidentally seeing Chance to
every place I go, at first I thought it was funny
but I'm confused. 


wdym why ccq?? 

Kasi diba, we don't know anything about
each other, pero super same kami ng mga
places na pinupuntahan. 

I admit, nung una, I go to this certain coffee
shop kasi I saw him first there... but other than
that super hindi sadya yung mga pagkikita namin

do you think sign sha?? 

I don't know, but it's just... he's so good to talk to.

Napaka insightful niya, tapos he's so good with his words
no wonder he writes songs and produces them for a hobby. 

You know what I mean? 

elaborate mo pa pls

Okay, so kanina I was visiting one of the Malibu beaches
and he approached me. Sabi niya "You again?" like dude
it's not my fault you saw me here. 

But nung nag usap na kami after I told him my thoughts
about the view... we both agreed to my sentiments. Although
he uses the view for more inspiration. He told me he's in the
middle of creating another song.

The guy also loves traveling solo.

Like me.

Pero we are raised differently. 

We talked about a lot of things we didn't notice
how the sun alrd gone down and it was almost in the middle
of the night. If not for the alarm I set for my gym time
I wouldn't even bother standing up and continuing what our
topic was at that moment.

obvi you're attracted sa kaniya

pero what do you think of him as a person? 

He's kind and nice. He helps other people
na distressed, and he even apologized to
me for something that happened last time
(no, it's not about the scout thingy, and yes
I'll make kwento next time)

Also, he has a lot of snacks. The guy eats a lot!!! 

oooh your type

you love athletic guys with their tall height
and good appetite. na cross out niya na kaagad
yung tatlo sa list mo : ))) 



pero are you going to do anything about it?? 

I think while we're here... no. I won't. 

I don't want this to turn into some kind of vacation
fling + he's out here for relaxation and finding his
muse for his music. Whatever it is, I shouldn't bother
it, right? 

However, once he step foot sa PH and I'm home, I'll
make move : ))) I'll probably use our uni's confession page. 

ay gagi bet ko iyan, il-look forward ko iyan sa pag uwi mo

for now, enjoy mo lang malay mo naman maka salubong
mo pa siya ulit edi take the chance and grab it 

I'll take THE Chance, not just the chance 😝

whatever you say ccq 🫡

so, wala na u ik-kwento?? 

Wala pa, hehe. Thanks for listening.

I really just want to talk it out for tonight. 

omki balik na me bbt >///< message ka lang ah 

Love you!

lomv u too < 3
Seen 09:27 PM

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