TBT 108

50 2 0

anton, my lover 

07:22 PM

Hi, love! 


I mean... hi, baby 


What's with the wow? 



No, actually 

I still can't believe you're my girlfriend now. 

And why is that? Have you forgotten the things that happened over lunch with our friends? 


I'm going to live with it forever, Kuya Ken, Amir, and Ben won't let me forget about it. 

Good, as they should. 

But still, I'm... in a far-fetch shock. In a good way. 

I didn't think... 

Didn't think what? 

That one word can mean everything to me. 

Aw, you're such a cutie pie 

If I had known you existed years ago, I would have done the same thing you know

Make the first move? 

Technically, yes, but in a specific explanation... I think I'm going to do worse than what I've done with all the stunts I pulled for the past few weeks or months. 

And I would still be in disbelief until you actually convince me that it can be plausible for our situation. 

Do you mean our differences? 

Yes, baby. 

Like what they say, opposites do attract. 

Must be the reason why I'm so drawn to you. 


Anyway, how are you? You zoned out for most of the time while playing with my hands... 

What were you thinking that time? 

I don't know, honestly, I just stared to the table, the food, to you, or your hands because it grounds me 

It's really shocking for me, most especially because I don't think I've done enough for you to answer me with your yes, yet 

I thought it would take me at least a year or six months before we could be an official couple

And don't get me wrong, I don't mind 

I won't mind

But this? 

December 04

We really are fire signs


Basta ah, don't think too much of it 

We're a couple now and that is what matters to me now 

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