TBT 13

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My morning walk consists of passing down the streets of Melrose Avenue. With a bundle of car keys and house keys in my hand and the pocket of my bottom filled with a sleek wallet of Amex cards and my phone, I do my best to ignore other people who have made their mission to get my attention. For three days, I've been in and out of a certain coffee shop trying to catch up with the same guy who is the content of my daily stories to my friends. 

"Hi, good morning!" I greeted the crew in charge of taking my order. She all smiles while attending to me and my order, "One strawberry acai lemonade, venti." 

"Is that all, Ma'am?" 

"Yes," I stated and stretched out my hand with a full five-dollar crisp. She gets back to her work and I stood there for quite a while. After three to five minutes I received my drink with my name written with a marker on it. I thanked her and exited the shop. 

Napansin ko ang commotion na nangyayari near my parking spot. 

I saw Chance being huddled with other people. 

Hmm, I bet he's really famous. 

Their phones are brought out and all of them are doing their best to be next to him, clicking their camera's button without even asking for his regards. The guy in question is wearing a smile that does not reach his eyes. There's no sparkle or fun on it. Chance looks like he's being forced out of the situation. At least from my point of view, it is how it looks like, and I'm not a good person if I won't help him out, right? 

I should help him out, right? 

Before I could even answer myself my feet had its own mind of walking towards the crowd. At this point, I don't care if I get pushed by people our age, if someone's uncomfortable then I will help them to the best I can. Without thought, I use my free hand to reach out to his. 

"What..." I heard his quiet voice as I dragged him out of the circle and away from the crowd. 

There was lots of yelling that happened but I didn't mind. I'm sure that those bodyguards my parents hired for me are doing their job and making sure that they're as far away as possible from where I'm heading. 

I opened my Benz's door, "Get in." 

He looked down at me for a moment. 

"Why are you doing this?" 

"You're a friend of my friend, it's the least I could do." 

The Beautiful Thing (Lucky Girlies #1)Where stories live. Discover now