TBT 119

41 3 0

anton, my lover

06:21 AM

I'm ready na, love. 

Good, because I'm here outside and waiting. 

You'll hatid me mamaya naman no? 

Because I didn't wear the dress I was supposed to wear tonight! 

Yes, baby, I'll drop you off later and pick you up when you're ready. 

Okay, para lang sure. 

Hahahahaha cute, baby. 

Come down here na, I want to kiss you. 
Read 06:26 AM

10:23 AM

Kaya pala you want na kasama ako ngayong breakfast!

Hahahaha yeah, we decided to drop it ng 8:12 AM

That's my time of birth, love... 

We know 

They all think it's fitting because most of the songs there that I wrote are half about you if not the whole thing... 

Don't you think it's unfair to others? 

No po 

I already raised that question with your friends

They all told me you deserve it 

Plus, there are songs that are specifically made for them... I helped out the brothers when it came to producing music. 

Elle has Sinta and I Wanna Be Yours

Kuya Krenz created Circles and She'll Never Know with me

Kuya Amir asked me to write Ligaya and Apocalypse in the thought of his long-time crush. 

I asked Walter if we could squeeze in a song or two for Threia... 

And you guys did? 

He loved the idea! 

Both Patutunguhan and Come Inside Of My Heart are for your friend. 


Cutie, baby, but yes... woah! 

Track 1 from Disc 1 is about the whole thought process of making the album. 

The rest is about you... or mostly about you. 

God, I love you so much. Come back here, I want to kiss your lips off your face. 

I'll look forward to that later, ah? 

For now, I really need to do something. 

What something? 

Nothing, baby. 

Are you keeping a secret? 




Are you trying to catch me and my lies? 

Love, I'm not doing anything yet... and you confessed you're lying. 

Damn it. 

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