TBT 150

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Like all the beautiful things, love fades in time. 

Everything that happened will forever be treasured. 

All the hurt will be remembered. 

While you, the most important of it all, will be punished for your crime. 

You were one of the beautiful things that happened to me. 

You made me feel like I'm more than this fame and trophy. 

But what you did will never be measured.

The huge wound I have will always have me pressured. 

To forgive.

To forget. 

To let you go. 

And to let the old me go. 

I can't. 

I don't want you back. 

I will never have you back. 

Even if you bend and break, or your bones will crack. 

I don't want you back. 

March 24, 2022          11:11 PM

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