09| Twisted Duty

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Have you ever been to prison? I have and it fucking sucks

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Have you ever been to prison? I have and it fucking sucks. The food there is shit and the women there are fucking crazy. I hated my time there. I met one girl there who I still know to this day, Essence. She was charged with theft, and I was charged with assaulting a police officer. Fate is a funny thing because she's now a detective and I'm a lawyer, ironic isn't it? But back to the point I hated prison.

But being here irritates me much more. I'm locked up in my own home.

I was released from the hospital a day ago, and Klaudia and Essence haven't let me move a muscle since. Which would be okay if I didn't have a trial starting in 5 days and didn't have to drink a kale smoothie that looks like two people barfed together in a cup.

"Guys, you both need to take a shower, and I'm going to order some food because both of you can't cook for shit." I groan as they both glare at me. I was always the one who cooked between the three of us. They're not the kind to set fire to the kitchen, but their meal may kill someone.

They each say a 'Fine' and enter their own guest rooms to shower. Finally, Just as I hear the click of the door I quickly order some burgers and then make my way to the discovery boxes. They haven't let me get off the couch and because of that I can't put together any piece of evidence. My apartment currently has roughly 125 Discovery boxes, give or take and I'd only gone through 30 of them. It was a classic trick to bury the other side in paper work.

I hear my phone ring and see Ares' name flash across the screen while I'm going through the files.

"How's your house arrest going?" I hear his laugh on the phone putting a smile on my face.

"Shut up, you put me with two of the worst cooks in the world. The bullet couldn't kill me but the food they're giving me can" I grumble with a smile.

"Come on, it can't be that bad," he jokes. Then my ears were drawn to his by the sound of a vehicle starting. He most likely had to go to work since he missed so many days. While I was at the hospital, he would spend the night with me sitting outside claiming 'he was here to protect me'.

I deadpanned, "You drink a kale and beetroot smoothie." A roar of laughing from the phone widens my smile even more.

"I'm sorry, but it's for your own good." He lets out between his fits of laughter. He was a serious man and I had never seen him smile but to hear him laugh like this made my heart flutter. "Hey, sorry I'm getting a call from Vaughn, I'll see you soon" he continues.

After saying bye to Ares, I hear the doorbell ring and rush up from the couch, injuring my chest in the process. Fuck that hurt like a bitch. I've been shot in the past, but never in the chest. I step cautiously to the door and open it to discover Angelo carrying flowers in one hand and burgers in the other. I shriek and run to the burgers, grabbing the bag and sprinting to the sofa, unwrapping the triple chicken tender burger, my mouth watering at the heavenly smell.

"What the fuck? I brought you flowers and burgers and I didn't even get a hug." Angelo mumbles, scoffing and rolling his eyes. He's acting like I betrayed him.

"I ordered the burgers, and you just picked them up from the lobby." I say this while chewing into the burger. Good god this was delicious. Is it legal to marry food?

"I walked them upstairs, you little shit," he adds, sitting near the fries box he stole. "Why did you order 5 burgers?" He looks up at me, then back down in the bag, perplexed.

"Two for me, the rest for you, Klaudia, and Ess." I offer, pulling the remote from the side of the sofa and playing the movie 'lights out'. Nothing beats a scary movie on a rainy night with burgers and milkshakes.

"Dude, why is he here?" Ess groans and throws her head back as she sees Angelo. Her damp hair looked like an eagle's nest.

Klaudia laughs as she walks over to me and grabs her burger. Essence does the same, but she sits on the floor instead of next to Angelo.


The loud doorbell woke me up and made me want to kill the person who was ringing it. When I look around, I notice Klaudia sleeping on the opposite end of the couch. What the fuck.

I put my legs down, not entirely standing up, and felt a hand under my foot. When I looked down, I saw Essence and Angelo lying on the floor.

I shake my head smiling at those two before walking to the door. As I open the door I see the two men themselves, Ares and Carson Koslov.

"It's too early for this shit" I sigh as I open the door wider to let them in.

"Don't pout, we brought breakfast and coffee." Carson mentions placing the bags on the counter. Looking around he sees the dead bodies in the living room, aka my family.

"Wake them up, if they don't wake up, kick them." As I enter inside my room, I say. I go to the bathroom and do my morning routine. I wasn't going to put makeup on, it would take too long, plus why do it yourself when you can make your friend do it?

After I shower, I go into my closet and select a Nike tracksuit. When I return to the kitchen, both brothers are on their phones, seated on the couch, and Angelo is still sleeping on the floor.

"He didn't wake up," I asked, accepting the coffee Ares handed me as soon as he noticed me. Hot chocolate with cinnamon and whipped cream. I closed my eyes as the sweet drink hit my tongue, it was delicious.

"No, is he dead?" Carson raises his head from his phone, smiling at me.

I approach Angelo and kick him a few times, but nothing happens. Did he die? I close his nose, but nothing happens, so I turn to the illegal method. I gesture at Carson to hand me the water bottle next to him, then I splatter it all over his face, startling him awake.

It takes him a few seconds to register what happened before he finally notices Carson and my hysterical laughing and Ares' amusement before he stands up getting ready to chase me. He looks at me, sees the two men in the room, and decides against it; instead, he makes the hand motion that he's watching me or something and walks into the restroom.

"Ok jokes aside, we need to talk about your case. Your case begins in less than a week, but jury selection is tomorrow. Potential jurors will be asked general or case-specific questions to establish their ability to serve on the jury. I'm planning to hire an expert who can read people to help me with that, do you have any questions?" I ask standing straight. Both brothers were intimidating as hell.

"Do you believe I did this?" Carson inquires, his gaze fixed on me.

"Whether or not I believe you're innocent is irrelevant. What matters is that we convince the jury that you are innocent; why don't we concentrate on that?"



Word Count: 1283

Hey lovesssss, sorry for the late update. 

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Is Carson Guilty?

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