13| The Smoked Oath

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She agreed

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She agreed. I couldn't believe she had said yes.

I couldn't even fucking breathe. She said yes, she intends to marry. She will become my wife.

A gentle tap on the shoulder snaps me back to reality. As I look down at her, I see the hidden beauty and strength she possesses. She is outspoken yet kind. She's smart but hides it. She is flawless, but she does not believe it. Everyone definition of perfect is different and mine is a 5'8 lawyer with chocolate brown her an obsidian eyes.

Hayat fucking Malik.

"You okay?" She asks, her face puzzled. Her eyes held a tiny bit of innocence and vulnerability.

Hayat was different. She was powerful but that didn't make her cruel. She never looked down to anyone and made sure no one looked down to her. She held darkness in her eyes but made sure to spread light. She had a hard life but made sure to make other live easier. She was more concerned with others' well-being than with her own.

"Yeah, um, what can I get you to drink?" I ask, knowing full well that I can't make anything but coffee.

She was now seated in my living room, looking ridiculously beautiful for no apparent reason.

"Just water, please," she answers with a smile.

As I give her the drink, I purposefully graze our hands, causing her to narrow her eyes at me and cause me to smirk.

"So, how exactly will this work?" She inquires as she takes a sip of her water.

"We will get married after the trial but in order for the alliance deal to go through, we need to be engaged so we will have to throw a ball or something sometime this week," I say leaning on the couch.

"All right, let's set some ground rules." She says this before gulping the last of her water, placing it on the table next to her, and resting against the couch.

"Of course," I say.

"Why don't you go first." She motions for me to go first.

"First and foremost, we will both remain loyal no matter what; if there is any disloyalty, there will be consequences for both parties. Second, you will always have a security detail with you." She appears to be about to dispute with me when I say, "It's for your protection, there will be only one bodyguard. Third, there will be no other guy in your life but me, and this will also apply to me. I value my reputation and I will not have tainted by anyones actions, I suppose you feel the same," She gives me a firm nod urging me to finish "I will not interfere with your work as long as it doesn't threaten your life."

"I'll decide whether it's a threat to my life or not; as for your other rules, I have no objections." She says she is becoming comfortable by crossing her legs.

"How about yours?" I ask.

"You can't interfere with my life, you have no say in my personal life as long as it's reasonable, you have no say in who I take on as a client, and that's it." She says finality.

"I will not interfere in your personal life, Malyshka, unless it threatens you or me." Standing, I say.

"I won't let it come to that." She says this while rising up and walking till she is directly in front of me, extending out her hand.

I squeeze her little hand into mine enormous calloused one, savouring her warmth. I made the mistake of peeking into her eyes to see her staring at me. Without thing I pull her close to me making her nose touch mine.

Looking into her eyes, I see she is flushed. Interesting. So, whatever it is between us, it isn't one-sided.

Just as I was about to pull her closer to me I hear a loud bang on the door causing her to let out a yelp and move away from me fast as if I burned her. I'm going to murder the bitch who knocked. I make my way to the door opening the door just to see my father's biggest mistake, Carson standing there leaning against the wall.

He pushes himself against the wall, pushes me aside, and strides in like he owns the area. As he walks into the living area, he notices Hayat reclining back on the couch.

"Oh good your here, what do we do about the press, I'm sure your annoyed too." He smiles sitting too close to her again. Fucker.

I send him a fast text telling him to move the fuck away, and he simply smirks at me before walking away. Good.

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean." She answers with wrinkled brows, apparently confused.

"The media followed you all the way to Chicago, by the way, what's your deal with Miles Reid, he's a shady man." Carson's grin broadens when he notices my tensed jaw and twitch in my right eye.

What is her problem with that fucker Reid? Are they together?

They can't be, because she'd never say yes.

Why do I care?

"Uhm first of all Carson with all due respect Miles is not shady, he is one of my favourite people on this planet, and second I've known him for many years and he is a close friends. As for the press I wasn't aware that the situation was so bad but I will have it handled immediately." Her expression remained neutral, not revealing anything.

It bothered me that they were friends. Reid was a man not to be underestimated when I met him many years ago. I needed to find out what he was up to with my fiancee.

"Alright, and what about the trial?" Carson finally raises a real question.

"I've got someone looking into that night; there's a chance someone spiked your drink because she was murdered and you didn't even wake up. I must tell you that it would be difficult to prove since, even if you were drugged, we cannot conduct any tests to confirm it now because the medications would have left your system. Instead, I'll attempt to obtain testimony from the individual who may have drugged you. I'm also looking at probable suspects, so please be patient. I do have to warn you, that you will be heavily monitored once the trial begins, so please understand that you must be cautious about your future moves at all times." She explained.

The trial had to go smoothly because while the truth was unspoken, it was understood by everyone in the room that the jury's judgement was also the fate of my mafia.



Word Count: 1109

Hellooooo Beautifullllll Peopleeesssss

Uh I actually wasn't gonna post because I wanted to go get a hot chocolate instead.

But its okay, Ill go in an hour or so.

Anyways let me know how you like the chapter!!!

What is the deal with Ares and Miles?

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