19| Faceless Judgement

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Damn. Who knew a bullet could hurt this much? I mean, I'm no stranger to pain, having been shot a few times before, but seriously, was this bullet gigantic?

All I can remember is the searing pain of getting shot and then being pulled to the ground by Hayat, who skillfully took my gun and dealt with the attackers. Her shot was flawless. She's simply incredible. But let's get back to the point; after that, I passed out.

I finally wake up, and I find myself in the most depressing room imaginable. No, I didn't wake up surrounded by my loved ones, like those clichéd hospital scenes. Instead, I'm alone, glaring at the guy who had the nerve to flirt with my girl.

I open my eyes and spot that fake doctor talking to Hayat in the hallway. I don't like how close he's getting to her. I'm contemplating killing him.

Clearly, he has no concept of personal boundaries, and that's a mistake he won't get to repeat.

The moment I hear her laughter echoing through the corridor, my left eye twitches with anger. What the hell was he doing? I try to get up and yank the IV out of me, groaning in the process. But before I can, someone grabs my hand.

"What the hell are you doing?" Hayat screeches, literally shoving my hand away from the IV. Instead of responding, I grab her arm and pull her close, our noses nearly touching.

"Before you flirt with other men, make sure I'm actually dead, Malyshka. Because if I'm not, I'll make sure you finish him off before I deal with you." I whisper, our lips so close it's tempting to close the gap and claim her as mine.

"A little crazy, aren't you, Yakışıklı?" She says breathless, and her actions betray a hidden desire.

"Call me crazy, call me whatever you want, but when it comes to you, I can't help but go crazy. Your scent, your smile, your presence, your attention—I want it all for myself. I want you close, only for me. I want you to laugh only for me, so I can see that sparkle in your eyes when you do. You're mine, Malyshka, never forget that." I breathe.

We stand there, lost in each other's eyes, getting closer to a kiss when the room's door swings open, causing Hayat to jump back and break our moment.

I'm seriously contemplating murder for whoever's on the other side of that door.

Carson rushes to my side, holding my face in his hands, which earns him a disgusted scowl from me. "Thank God you're alive."

"Take your hands off my face before I remove them," I warn, making him step back and stand way too close to my girl. Maybe I should add him to my hit list.

"Still as violent as ever, I see," he mutters, earning a harder glare from me.

My dad enters the room, carrying a bag of burgers. He brought burgers for his son who got shot. I'm speechless.

"I figured the food here sucks, and you could use something better," he explains after seeing my puzzled expression. He then turns to Hayat, offering her a warm smile and handing her a burger.

Seeing her smile like that, with a glint in her eye, stirs something strange within me. I don't know what's happening to me. What is she doing to me?

"I'm going to wash my hands real quick," she says, breaking me out of my trance before exiting the room.

"It was Valerio, wasn't it?" Carson asks.

"Yeah, I saw his underboss after they shot me," I croak, the pain in my chest resurfacing.

"I'm going to take care of him," Carson vows, his jaw clenched and fists clenched.

"Carson, he's mine. If he's going to die, it'll be by my hand. He didn't come to hurt me; he came to hurt my girl. I was just in his way," I explain, leaving Carson shocked and my dad sighing.

"Those fucking bastards. I've got Vaughn and a few other men looking for him. Apparently, he's gone off the radar since the shooting."

"He knows he can't return to Valerio with an unfinished job, and he can't stay while we're after him," I conclude.

"Yeah, you're right," Carson agrees.

A knock on the door signals the end of our conversation.

"Burger timeeeee!" Hayat exclaims, sprinting to the burgers and taking a huge bite, making me feel a certain way. I was hard again but thankfully, there's a blanket over me, or things might get weird.

There's a knock on the door, and the soon-to-be-deceased doctor enters the room, wearing a crooked smile that's more of a nightmare.

"How are you feeling, Mr. Koslov?" He asks, irritating me with his presence.

"Fine," I reply monotonously. I have no patience for this guy.

"Well, I'm glad you're feeling better. We almost lost you, but thankfully, your sister brought you here on time," he says, glancing at MY GIRL. This guy must have a death wish.

"Listen here, Dr. I dont give a fuck who you are. She's my fucking wife" I state as calmly as possible, then give Carson a look to escort Hayat out.

Carson nods and leads Hayat and my father out of the room but not before handing me his gun.
As soon as the door closes, I grab the doctor by the collar and pull him close, shoving my gun against his throat.

"As if it wasn't bad enough that you were talking to my girl while I was unconscious, you have the audacity to do it right in front of me. Don't you know who I am?" I ask, a sadistic smile on my face.

He shakes his head, and my smile widens.

"Ares Fucking Koslov, the head of the Russian mob," I declare, making him freeze and turn pale.


Word Count: 1070



Let me start by explaining why I was gone for sooooooo long. Between school and life I have been barely had time to check my phone.

I went one week no social media which surprised me.

But it feeeeeeels soooooo goooooood to be back

Anyways let me know how the chapter is...

This chapter was more focused on the two, the next chapter will be more case focused.

Is the creepy doctor gonna die...

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