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Remady Elise Jones

I found it surprisingly easy to talk to Beyonce. We had spent hours just sitting here getting to know one another, I was worried about hating my roommate and was glad that didn't seem to be the case.

"So, it's always just been you and your mother?" she asked while leaning back on her pillow. I couldn't help but notice how extravagant her room was. My side of the room looked nice and felt like home. But the Beyonce I was talking too didn't seem to match her decorations if that makes sense.

"Did you hear me?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry, yea it's just been her, my grandma, and I. I've only ever seen pictures of my father." I found my eyes wandering to all her things again and she caught on.

"Are my decorations distracting?" she asked sitting up.

"A little bit, yea." I said making her sigh "I'll take some of it down, I didn't want half of this stuff." She said and began repacking things she didn't want out.

"You didn't have a choice in the matter?" I asked as I watched her move around the room.

"No, my mother can be pretty overbearing, and my father just lets her do whatever as long as she doesn't tarnish his image."

We then went on to discuss plans for the night, we had the whole weekend ahead of us before classes started. I could tell she liked to get out, but I was more of a homebody, we met in the middle and agreed to get takeout tonight and then tomorrow we'd go to a party.

I don't think she minded considering we were up until about 2am just talking, laughing, and getting to know one another. I didn't want to start collecting trash on the first day so once she fell asleep, I got up to throw things away. I walked into the common room and saw Niko sitting amongst a group of people, I guess excitement was keeping everyone up.

"Remady, come join us!" Niko said with a smile and waved me over. I threw the things away and sat amongst the group.

"This is Marley, Peyton, and Ethan." He said introducing the 2 boys and 2 girls he was talking with. "Guys this is one of my residents Remady, she's rooming with Beyonce."

"Damn, that's got to suck" Ethan stated, and they all seemed to nod in agreement.

"We've just been talking all day" I said with slight confusion.

"Give it a few days I'm sure her true colors will show soon. The Knowles are known for many things around Houston and being decent people is not one of them." Marley said.

"Yea, her mama was testing my patience earlier. I heard after that scandal her dad had to pay just to get her in here." He said making the group shake their head.

"What scandal?" I asked, I thought we were getting to know one another well but she seemed to be a girl of many secrets.

"Nobody really knows, they covered it up pretty good." Niko said in response.

I found his story distasteful considering people such as myself had to work hard to get here, but I wouldn't judge just off rumors.

I talked and laughed with the group for a little while longer, exchanging numbers with everyone before heading back to the room and going to sleep. I wondered what the next day would bring. 

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